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Weather does Affect Retail Sales And What You Can Do About It


Have you ever found yourself shivering in the cold weather, wishing you'd bought that cosy jumper you have at home? Or perhaps you are hot and want a cool drink? These weather-induced moments of need aren't just everyday inconveniences—they're untapped goldmines for savvy retailers. Just look at the recent cold spell that swept across Australia, now sending sales of winter gear soaring.

A research paper here done on the weather stated

"Analyzing daily sales at a national apparel and sporting goods brand’s stores reveals that weather effects on store sales are surprisingly persistent, even after accounting for shoppers simply changing when and where they make their purchases. Moreover, sales at stores that have more experience with adverse weather events have a lower response, suggesting that adaptation may reduce the negative impact of increasingly severe weather on sales."

As someone who has analysed sales data for many retail clients, I've seen firsthand how changes in temperature and rain can affect product sales. It is not rocket science. Different weather conditions change what people buy. This is a chart I made based on data from one of our users. 


This stacked bar chart showed the sales performance of different product categories (Drinks, Clothing, Accessories, and Indoor Items) across three weather conditions (Hot, Cold, and Rainy Days). The y-axis represents sales volume, while the x-axis shows the different weather conditions.

Key insights from this chart:

Drinks have the highest sales on hot days, as expected.
Clothing sales peak on cold days, likely due to increased demand for warm clothing.
Accessories like umbrellas showed the highest sales on rainy days.
Indoor items see increased sales on both cold and rainy days, possibly because people spend more time indoors during these conditions.

This chart effectively illustrates how different product categories perform across various weather conditions, allowing users to quickly identify trends and patterns in weather-based sales.

Hot Days, Cool Profits

When the mercury soars:

  • Cold drinks sell
  • Sunscreen sells

Chilly Weather, Warm Sales

As soon as it gets nippy:

  • Hot drinks sell
  • Jumpers and beanies become must-haves
  • Heaters become essential purchases

Rainy Day Retail

When the rain comes down:

  • Umbrellas sell
  • Raincoats become good sellers
  • Indoor activity items like books and board games see increased interest

This weather-driven consumer behaviour is critical to understanding and predicting your sales patterns.

Turning Weather Data into Retail Gold

So, how can you use this info to boost your sales? It's all about being prepared and using your point of sale (POS) software to your advantage for weather-based inventory management and retail sales forecasting.

Dig into Your Data

This is where our POS software for weather trends shines, as your POS system is a goldmine of information for retail data analysis. Here's how to tap into it:

Go to Register Reports

Top selling items menu

Now select "Top N Stock Sales for a Given Period.

Top selling items

Put in a date of a hot day and see what you get. Do a few. Now put in a cold day and so on.

Do this also for cold and rainy days—you'll start seeing patterns emerge. 

These are products that sell in your shop in those days. 

Stock Smart, Sell More

Once you've got your data, use it for weather-responsive merchandising:

Make categories for stock that sell well according to the day's weather, e.g., start with hot, cold, and wet.  Get the appropriate signs.

If a day in the morning is forecasted to be such a day, these signs and products will be placed in a prominent position in the shop. 

Communicating Weather Strategies to Staff

Your team plays a crucial role in implementing your weather-based strategy. Here's how to get them on board:

  1. Hold regular briefings on upcoming weather and corresponding product focuses
  2. Train staff to understand the connection between weather and sales trends
  3. Encourage staff to provide feedback on customer behaviour during different weather conditions
  4. Create simple checklists for weather-based display changes

FAQs: Weather and Retail

Q: How quickly do weather changes affect sales?
A: Impact can be almost immediate, especially for impulse buys like umbrellas or cold drinks.

Q: How far in advance should you plan for weather-related changes?
A: Today's seven-day forecasts are generally fairly accurate. 

So I would suggest that you check the 7-day forecast each week in your area and note any abnormal hot, cold, or rainy days coming up.

The Bottom Line

While Mother Nature may be unpredictable, your retail strategy should not be. Make sure you have the right approach and tech tools, to take advantage of the weather to make sales. Your POS system isn't just a glorified cash register—it can be a predictor of your customer behaviour. With some planning and the right tech, you can ensure your sales forecast is always sunny, no matter what's happening outside.

Have you noticed the weather affecting your sales? I'd love to hear your experiences! Comment below or reach out if you need help setting up your POS system to weather any storm.

Stay savvy, and may your sales be ever in your favour!


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Boost Your Shop Presence with Review Plaques


Here is a secret: why do some local shops attract customers? The answer is that online reviews can make or break a small business in today's digital-first world. Here's the catch: Satisfied customers often exit your store silently, while dissatisfied ones eagerly voice their complaints online. To thrive in today's digital marketplace, motivating content customers to share their positive experiences is crucial. As a store owner, you may ponder effective strategies to encourage happy patrons to spread the word about your business in the digital realm.

Enter the review plaque - a simple yet effective tool that may help.

Google review plaque


Facebook and Google review plaque


What Are Review Plaques?

Review plaques are small, smart devices that sit on your counter. They allow customers to quickly leave reviews for your business with a simple phone tap. 

How Do They Work - Local SEO?

The process is straightforward:

  1. As a customer completes their purchase.
  2. You ask about their shopping experience in your shop.
  3. If they're satisfied, you invite them to leave Customer feedback
  4. Ask them to tap their mobile on the review plaque if they agree.
  5. Their phone opens your Google or Facebook review page
  6. Your customer can now immediately write a review on the spot

It's that simple!

The Impact of Review Plaques

Recent studies here have shown impressive results:


The Impact of Google Review Plaques

One retailer reported jumping from an average of one review per month to a whopping 18 reviews! I am sure it improved their Google My Business ratings.

Pros and Cons

Let's break down the advantages and potential drawbacks:


Local, authentic reviews - Google and Facebook do not like it if you use fake reviews. Online, they can be ruthless. I had a client who got thrown right down Google ranking for doing just that.

Limited to in-store use - If they leave the shop, the customer cannot use them.


Some customers may be too busy; after all, they are shopping.


Takes counter space

Timely feedback

Possible customer pushback


They're relatively inexpensive, ranging from $20 to $80. For the best results, I recommend investing in a quality plaque around the $40 mark - after all, it'll be front and centre on your counter!

The Bigger Picture: Local SEO and Customer Trust

In a world where consumers often search for "newsagent near me" or "pet shop near me", positive reviews can significantly impact your visibility and credibility. Review plaques offer a simple way to encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences, potentially drawing in new shoppers who trust the opinions of their neighbours.

Ready to Give It a Go?

If you decide to try a review plaque in your shop, we'd love your results! Local SEO strategies like this can make a real difference to small retailers, and we're always eager to learn from our customers' experiences.

Have you used review plaques in your shop? Please, you must share your experiences!



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Your Customer journey events (CRM)


Using customer triggers in their journey

Why do some businesses consistently outperform their competitors? The answer is often more straightforward than you think. 

Most sales are recurring or predictable; you can take advantage of this with triggers (free email). Here are some real-world examples of my POS software CRM Users' cases for their loyalty programs. 

1. Birthday email marketing

Do we all do something for our birthdays? Sending a special offer on a customer's birthday is one of the best ways to boost sales. People want to treat themselves, and I am sure you want them to treat themselves from your shop.

2. Reminder email campaigns

Sold a magazine? Great! Set a trigger for when the next issue hits the shelves to notify your customer when it arrives, and you are more likely to see them back in your shop.

3. Pet Owner

Did they buy dog food? They'll need more; it is just a matter of time! Set your CRM trigger based on the average time to use the product.

4. The Annual Service Reminder

Have you just quoted for a lawnmower service? Set a trigger for next year even if you do not get the job, as they will need a new service. Maybe you will get it the next time?

5. Customer segmentation by ethnicity

Say your customer is French, and Bastille Day is coming up; suggest a few books on France.

Your Customer Journey Events in CRM are not just buzzwords but the cornerstone of modern, effective marketing. These strategic touchpoints throughout a customer's interaction with your brand can distinguish between a one-time buyer and a lifelong buyer.

Here, we will discuss the concept, explore its practical applications, and show why implementing this approach could be the best decision for your business.

What Are Customer Journey Triggers (events)?

Customer journey triggers are specific events or milestones in a customer's life or purchasing history that create perfect opportunities for engagement. 

Customer data insights 

  1. Free Targeted Marketing: Email marketing based on these triggers costs you nothing but can yield significant returns.
  2. Rich Customer Data: As you build your loyalty program, you'll gather valuable insights.
  3. Boosted Sales: Relevant promotions mean more purchases.
  4. Customer satisfaction: Timely reminders show you care.
  5. Stronger Relationships: Lifecycle marketing keeps customers coming back.

The Harsh Truth

If you're not using customer journey triggers, you're losing customers to retailers who are. It's that simple.

How to Get Started

  1. Implement a Loyalty Program: This is your foundation for gathering data.
  2. Identify Key Triggers: Look at your products and think about natural follow-ups.
  3. Set Up Automated Emails: Use your POS software's CRM to schedule these trigger-based communications.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on what works and refine your approach.

Actual Results from my clients

Here are some results I got when I analysed some of my clients' information

Trigger Type       Average takeup
Birthday Offers    25%
Restock Reminders    15%
Annual Service Alerts    30%

A Personal Touch Goes a Long Way

Remember, these triggers aren't just about sales. They're about showing your customers you understand their needs. 

Lifecycle marketing

Customer journey triggers are easy to set up, free to use, and powerful. By tapping into your customers' natural lifecycles, you increase your chance of making a sale.

Dive into your POS software's CRM today and set up those triggers. Give it a go.


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Gender Trends in retail shopping


Too many retailers are not considering this.

Where there was a family in the United States in 2023 by gender; this was the grocery shoppers. Check this chart below.

Co-shopping split of groceries in multi-person households in in the United States in 2023, by gender

I found it interesting that if someone is shopping for themselves, men and women are now doing their shopping.

In another study, I found the result was 51% for women and 49% for men. 

Gender consumer behaviour

While the frequency of shopping today is comparable between genders, studies do show notable distinctions in gender behaviour:

  • Spending Power: Women spend more per trip than their male counterparts. This difference is why women hold a more prominent role in shopping.

  • Shopping Preferences: Men are generally more inclined to shop online and at convenience stores. They like the convenience of these channels. Women seem more likely to shop in physical shops as they prefer the in-person shopping experience.

  • Shopping Mindset: Men are likelier to have a predetermined plan and, most importantly, stick to it. If a male comes to your shop, you better have what he wants. Women are more open to impulse purchases.

  • Price Sensitivity: Men are typically less price-sensitive than women shoppers. Therefore, you could market higher-priced items to males than females.

Implications for Retailers

  1. Optimize Store Layout: Evaluate your store layout. Retailers must ensure that the items men are looking for, such as staple goods and household supplies, are prominently displayed and easily accessible while creating dedicated browsing zones for women.

  2. Strategic Merchandising: For males, consider going upmarket. If dealing with women, you need to make sure the area has plenty of cross-merchandising and impulse product placement to encourage impulse purchases and cater to women's shopping tendencies.

  3. Gender-based marketing: If you are marketing to men, emphasise convenience, while for women, highlight promotions, new products, and their in-store experience.

Adapting to the New Normal

You need to consider your shop to better accommodate these trends. 


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Voucher vs Point-Based Loyalty Program


customer using a voucher at a store.

There are two kinds of customer loyalty programs in the loyalty program marketing in our market space.

- An upfront reward or discount voucher program

- A point-based loyalty program.

Our POS Software can implement both with flying colours. The shop selects the appropriate method based on its particular requirements and objectives.

Since I have worked on many occasions with reward programs, I can say that they are good tools for business owners. 

How Upfront Reward/Discount Vouchers and Point-Based Loyalty Programs work

Upfront Reward/Discount Voucher Program

An upfront reward or discount voucher program provides customers immediate discounts or rewards upon purchase.

How It Works:

  1. Distribution of Vouchers: Retailers distribute vouchers at each sale in the receipt; sometimes, they issue them free as advertising offers.
  2. Customer Usage: Customers receive these vouchers and can use them instantly to get a discount on their next purchase. 
  3. Instant Redemption: The reward is applied at the point of sale, giving customers immediate benefits.
  4. Tracking and Analysis: Retailers track the redemption rates and sales generated from the vouchers to evaluate the program's success.

Example: A newsagent offers a 60-cent discount voucher on a purchase. Customers can now use this discount on their next purchase. This encourages them to return to the store.

Strengths of the Voucher Program

The upfront reward/discount voucher program is straightforward and effective. Here's why:

  • Low, upfront technology/integration costs: This program requires little effort. A retailer with our POS system can have it up and running in less than 30 minutes.
  • Simplicity: It’s easy to implement and to understand by customers and staff.
  • The immediacy of rewards: Customers receive instant gratification, which drives quick sales and makes it ideal for creating spontaneous transactions
  • Keep customers: They encourage customers to come back.

Weaknesses of the Voucher Program

However, there are some downsides to consider:

  • Limited customer data/insights: There is no tracking of customer purchases.  
  • Perceived value: A voucher is generally a minor amount, so it is often dubious as a motivation.
  • Margin erosion: Offering discounts can significantly impact your profit margins, especially with lower revenue.

Opportunities for Vouchers

Despite their limitations, vouchers present several opportunities:

  • Appeal to price-sensitive customers: Drive immediate sales.

Threats to Vouchers

However, be aware of potential threats:

  • Race to the bottom: Excessive discounting can lead to a race to the bottom, harming your shop’s perceived value.

Point-Based Loyalty Program

A point-based loyalty program rewards customers by issuing loyalty points on each purchase. After a certain number of points, they can redeem them. Generally, a cent equals a point. 

How It Works:

  1. Enrollment: Customers sign up for the loyalty program, usually providing some information to create an account.
  2. Earning Points: For every purchase, customers earn points based on the amount spent.
  3. Accumulating Points: As the customers accumulate points over time, these are tracked in their loyalty account.
  4. Redeeming Points: Once customers reach a specific threshold value set by the shop, they are hopefully incentivised to redeem their points for rewards, typically a discount, free products, or special services.
  5. Ongoing Engagement: The program encourages repeat business by offering ongoing rewards and benefits for continued purchases.

Once a customer has earned enough points, a pet shop might offer them a $10 discount on their next purchase.

Strengths of the Point Program

point-based loyalty program offers long-term benefits:

  • Long-term loyalty: Delayed rewards foster long-term customer loyalty without an upfront investment, as unused points cost nothing.
  • Tiers: It allows your customers into a different tier 
  • Meaningful rewards: As they grow over time, they can be something of substance. 
  • Credibility: This proven model is trusted and has credibility
  • Customer data collection: Enables personalisation and better understanding of customer preferences.
  • It allows customer communication: A shop can send monthly customer loyalty statements that advertise the shop. This is an excellent way of increasing your customer experience with your shop.

Weaknesses of the Point Program

Yet, there are also some drawbacks:

  • Management overhead: It requires an advanced POS System like ours to run effectively
  • Long-term:  It takes time for the program to be meaningful to the customer.

Opportunities for Points

Points programs also offer significant opportunities:

  • Loyalty development: Building a loyal customer base early can provide a strong foundation for growth.
  • Unique rewards: Differentiating your program with unique, memorable rewards can enhance customer engagement.
  • Future CRM integration: As your business grows, you will benefit from our free retail CRM and loyalty tools.Threats to Points

Threats for Points

  • Competition: Keeping up with larger competitors' loyalty programs can be costly.
  • Reward expectations: Struggling to provide aspirational rewards might disappoint customers.
  • Operational distraction: Managing such a loyalty program can take time.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Measuring its return on investment (ROI) is vital to establishing a successful customer loyalty program. Never forget that we are dealing here with price cannibalization.

Here are key performance indicators (KPIs) that I have seen used to track them:

Both of them

Cost of the program: You are giving away a lot of discounts, so you need to calculate the amount

Time of the program: Conducting such a program will take time, so you must add it up.

KPIs for Voucher Programs

  • Redemption Rate: The percentage of distributed vouchers that are redeemed. A higher rate indicates strong customer engagement.
  • Incremental Sales: You must establish sales generated directly from the voucher program. This helps measure the program's impact on revenue, but it is very difficult to do.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The cost of acquiring a new customer through the voucher program.
  • Average Transaction Value: The average amount spent by customers using vouchers. This metric helps assess the program's impact on spending behaviour.
  • Repeat Purchase Rate: The percentage of customers who make subsequent purchases after redeeming a voucher.

KPIs for Point-Based Programs

  • Enrollment Rate: The percentage of customers who join the loyalty program. This indicates the program's attractiveness and reach.
  • Active Participation Rate: The percentage of enrolled members who earn and redeem points. High participation suggests strong engagement.
  • Customer Retention Rate: The percentage of customers who continue to shop with you over time. This metric measures long-term loyalty.
  • Lifetime Value (LTV): The total revenue a customer generates during their relationship with your business. This helps evaluate the overall effectiveness of the loyalty program.
  • Points Redemption Rate: The percentage of earned points that customers redeem. This shows how valuable and attainable the rewards are perceived to be. What you should closely monitor is the point when these are redeemed.

Calculating ROI

To calculate the ROI of your loyalty program, use the following formula:

=(Net Profit from Program) - (Program Costs) /  (Program Costs)  x 100%

  • Net Profit from the Program is the additional profit from the loyalty program.
  • Program Costs include all expenses related to running the program, such as discounts, rewards, and administrative costs.


Choosing between an upfront reward/discount voucher program and a traditional point-based loyalty program depends on your specific needs as a small retailer. Both strategies have their pluses and minuses and be effective. Like everything, you have to use some intelligence to make an informed decision. 

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Marketing your end of financial year sale


Marketing your end of financial year sale

The End of the Financial Year (EOFY) is a great time for sales and to get rid of dead stock.

financial year sale 2024

More details here.


The clock is ticking right now, so this EOFY presents a window of opportunity that retailers should not miss.


Why Now?

Consider these factors:

  • Tax Refunds: People expect tax refunds, providing extra disposable income.

  • Accountant Recommendations: Accountants will often advise their clients to make purchases before the end of the financial year to maximise deductions.

  • Crucially, for the End Financial Year (EOFY)/ Mid-Year Sales, which have now commenced, is that the ‘Instant Asset Write-off Extension’ for purchases of up to $20,000 is set to end on Sunday, June 30.

Planning Your EOFY Sale

Here's how you can make the most of your EOFY sale:

Assess Your Inventory: Take stock of your inventory, particularly items sitting idle now. These items will serve as attractive loss leaders to draw customers in. Most of us are sitting on a heap of old (dead) stock. It tends to be pretty noticeable this time of year because we are looking at counting it. This stock, if unsold, sits uselessly on the shelf, so tying up cash unless you do something.

Our POS software has an extensive system to help you identify this old stock.

Click here for a training video on the identification of such stock.

As a tip, it's best to work with each department separately.

Instead of discounts, also consider bundles. Use the unsellable item as a discount to sell more sellable items.

Consult Your Suppliers: Reach out to your suppliers for insights and ideas. This is what we are doing now, I am telling them now. You may be able to sell it now or count it later. What would you prefer to do? Also, many of them are now budgeting for the end of the year, and they often need a lot of money now. 

Research Competitors: See what other retailers like you do for EOFY sales. This can inspire you. Try to differentiate your offerings.

Crafting Your Strategy

  • Discounts: Look for dead stock and consider using it as a loss leader to entice customers. A simple stand in front of the shop with cheap items works well.

  • Business Section: Create a business section in your shop that people can review. Post a sign over it stating that everything you buy there may be tax deductible. 

  • Promote your sale: Some in-store signage will be used to promote your EOFY sale. It would be best if you created a sense of excitement to encourage immediate action.


This EOFY season presents a unique opportunity for retailers to boost sales and clear out excess inventory. You can make the most of this lucrative period by planning your sale. Don't let the EOFY pass you by!




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Sell more with captivating hamper pack names


Sell more with captivating hamper pack names

If you want a simple, easy, and free way to sell more, an effective strategy to boost your revenues is making a good hamper pack name. One often overlooked aspect that can make a significant difference is the naming of your hamper packs. In real estate, it is said a house with a name is worth more. This is because a well-crafted name will entice people and so increase sales by making your offerings more memorable. So, ultimately, drive your business growth.

Key Principles for Effective Hamper Pack Naming

  1. Balance Creativity and Clarity: While you want a unique name that stands out, it should still clearly convey the contents of the hamper pack. Strike a balance between creativity and clarity to capture the essence of your offering.

  2. Avoid Ambiguity: Ensure that the name leaves no room for ambiguity about the type of items included in the hamper. Clarity is crucial in avoiding confusion and lost sales opportunities.

  3. Easy to Remember: A memorable name is essential for word-of-mouth marketing and repeat business. Opt for simple, catchy names that stick in customers' minds and are easily recalled.

  4. Distinctiveness: Aim for a name that sets your hamper packs apart.

  5. Positive Imagery: Choose words that evoke positive feelings about gifting, celebration, creativity, productivity, and organisation. 

  6. Avoid Legal Issues: We do not need this. Avoid names that are too similar to existing major brands or trademarks. I had a client who got in trouble with central management for doing that in his shop.

Examples of Simple and Effective Hamper Pack Names 

Say for stationery

- Home Office Pack

- Kindergarten Pack

- Starter Pack

- Small Pack

- Medium Pack

- Large Economy Pack

When naming a lotto syndicate, try to make it an exciting game. Finding the right name can set the tone for your group.

- Gold Rush Syndicate

- Dream Big Syndicate

- Millionaire Maker

- Jackpot Gold Alliance


These names are informative and memorable and evoke positive imagery related to their respective target audiences and intended uses, making them ideal choices for hamper packs.

Remember to take high-quality photos of your hamper packs! These images can showcase your hamper names on social media platforms and marketing materials, further enhancing brand recognition and driving sales.

How to get Brainstorm Hamper Pack Names

I suggest using online name generators like BrandCrowd's hamper name generator to kickstart brainstorming captivating hamper pack names. This tool not only provides a wide range of name suggestions but also offers you an accompanying logo design for your hamper.

Here's how you can leverage BrandCrowd to brainstorm hamper pack names:

  1. Visit the BrandCrowd and enter relevant keywords related to your hamper pack offerings, such as "gift," "kids stationery", "bulk dog food," etc.
  2. Browse through the generated name suggestions, paying attention to those you think will resonate with your customers.
  3. Shortlist names that balance creativity and clarity evoke positive emotions and are memorable and easy to recall.
  4. Consider mixing and matching different name and logo combinations to find the perfect fit for your hamper.
  5. After finding a few, I recommend seeking feedback from potential customers to gauge their reactions and refine your selection further.

Now, you have an appealing name and logo for your hamper.

Remember, the correct name and visual identity can significantly impact customer perception and drive sales, so it's worth investing time and effort into finding the perfect combination for your hamper packs.


Entering into the computer the info

It would be best to control your hampers to get sales and stock control by putting them into your POS Software.

In stock pricing, you will find this under hamper packs. See the green arrow.

Hamper description

The same idea applies to syndicates.

Final Thoughts

An excellent hamper pack name should resonate with your target audience, be easy to remember, and align with your brand's overall image and values. By following these principles and exploring various options, you can find the perfect name that captivates customers, boosts sales, and sets your business apart.

Remember, simplicity and clarity are essential to effective hamper pack naming. Strike the right balance between creativity and understanding, and you'll be well on your way to crafting memorable and impactful names that elevate your brand and drive customer engagement.


Excellent article! These hamper pack names seem great.

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Unlock the Power of Product Knowledge


bugs bunny helps a happy customer

In today's retail, product knowledge can make or break a customer's experience. Imagine taking walks into a store, uncertain of what you want, and locating a salesperson who understands the goods inside out and takes the time to signify options and provide personalized pointers. This degree of provider can transform a casual vacationer into a faithful consumer. You are no longer a product shop but a destination spot.

The Importance of Knowledgeable Staff

Let's take a page from what I have seen at Bunnings. I have walked into Bunnings with a vague idea of what I need. Once inside, I always find a helpful former tradesperson, now a salesman, who can guide me to the right product. I find this invaluable. Why do I go to Bunnings? It is not just their large stock holding but their knowledgeable staff.

If your retail staff is well-trained and deeply familiar with your products and services, this knowledge empowers them to assist customers effectively, just like the tradesperson at Bunnings.

Having alternate products in your POS System can help. A simple stock search in your system can show similar stock products in your shop with stock quantities.

Critical Benefits of Knowledgeable Staff:

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers feel valued and understood, fostering trust and building lasting relationships.
  • Improved Sales: Staff can suggest additional products, alternatives, or complementary items, increasing average order value.
  • Customer Loyalty: Excellent service and valuable insights encourage repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.

Active Listening

Another critical skill is active listening. Encourage your staff to actively listen to customers and ask questions to clarify their needs. This will help the customer and make them feel heard and appreciated.

Active Listening:

  1. Maintain Eye Contact: Show that you are focused on the customer and engaged in the conversation.
  2. Ask Clarifying Questions: Ensure you understand their needs fully by asking follow-up questions for clarification.
  3. Paraphrase: Repeat what the customer said in your own words to confirm your understanding.

Personalized Recommendations: A Touch of Magic

Train your staff to provide personalized recommendations. By understanding customers' preferences, needs, and shopping history, your team can suggest products tailored to each individual. This personal touch can significantly enhance the shopping experience and make customers feel truly valued.

Give Personalized Recommendations:

  • Know Your Products: Know all available options, including features, benefits, and use cases.
  • Understand Your Customers: Use previous interactions, purchase history, and any provided information. Information gained from one customer can be helpful with the next.
  • Be Empathetic: Show genuine interest in helping the customer find the best solution for their unique needs.

Customer Feedback

Encourage your customers to provide feedback. You will not learn if you do not ask. When I complained that his cold tablets had been useless since then, my pharmacist always asked me to come back and tell him how the product he recommended worked. It certainly gives me a reason to come back.

Using Customer Feedback Effectively:

  • Listen and Act: Carefully review feedback and implement changes or improvements based on customer suggestions.
  • Share Success Stories: Highlight positive reviews and customer testimonials in-store and online to showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction.
  • Engage with Customers: Thank customers for their feedback, inform them of any changes made based on their input, and continue to solicit their opinions.

Real-Life Experience: Learning from the Best

Reflecting on my grandfather's shop, I remember picking up many sales by suggesting related magazines and books even if we didn't have the specific item a customer wanted. I knew my books. This approach not only helped in making sales but also in building a solid rapport with customers. As customers, we sometimes don't see what products exist or what alternatives are available. That's why we need knowledgeable retail salespeople who can guide us and provide valuable insights.


Investing in product knowledge and training your staff can significantly elevate your retail business. Ensuring your team is well-informed, actively listens, provides demonstrations, and offers personalised recommendations creates a shopping experience that keeps customers returning. Embrace the power of product knowledge, and watch your retail business thrive!

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How to do a Price Increase in Your Retail Business


Calculating price rise


This is risky, and be cautious. Price rises are signals to people to drop you.

People leap after they see a fee rise. However, the fact is that during the business, there can also come a time when you want to elevate your fees. A price increase is often required to maintain profitability and your operations, whether due to inflation, multiplied provider costs, or a strategic shift for your commercial enterprise version. Here are a few ideas that will help you do it.

Understand the Reasons for a Price Increase

Before diving into the method, it's essential to understand the different factors that may necessitate a price adjustment. Here are a few common motives why groups choose a charge increase:

Rising Costs: If your providers have raised their costs or are facing extended operational charges, such as rent or utilities, price growth can be necessary to maintain your earnings margins.

Inflation: As the price of goods and services rises due to inflation, you could want to alter your costs to keep up with the changing economic climate.

Product Enhancements: Perhaps you're transferring your commercial enterprise closer to a more premium market section. A consumer decided to drop many cheap motorcycles and focus on more expensive bikes. With this technique, he lost all his clients.

Conduct Market Research

Before imposing a price rise alternate, it is vital to apprehend your competitive landscape and client perceptions. Consider the subsequent study steps:

Analyse Competitor Pricing:

Examine the prices of similar services or products your competitors provide. This will help you gauge the marketplace fee and ensure your new costs remain competitive.

Survey Your Customers: 

Gather feedback from your customers. This will offer insights into their willingness to pay more for your offerings and assist you in expecting capacity reactions to a growth rate.

Review Historical Data: 

Analyze your sales statistics and purchaser behaviour from preceding fee adjustments. This can help you identify patterns and predict the ability impact of the approaching rate exchange. In your POS System call up the product and see the effect of price increase on these prodycts.

Prepare a Plan B:

Consider what to do if your clients reject the new rate upward push too strongly. 

Develop a Pricing Strategy

Once you have accumulated the critical information, expanding a properly-idea-out pricing approach is time. Consider the subsequent methods:

Gradual Increase:

Instead of enforcing an extensive charge hike, you could choose a more minor, incremental increase over time. This technique may be much less jarring in your customers and extra handy for them to adapt. It works nicely if only a few items pass up at a time.

Bundle Offerings:

Remember to bundle complementary products or services at a reduced fee rather than increasing the rate of personal objects. This approach can lower your clients' perceived price while growing overall sales.


 There are two views here. 

Option 1: Provide notice

This allows your clients to regulate their budgets and expectations. It also demonstrates transparency and builds acceptance as true among your consumer base. Explaining the reason behind the charge boom is allowed, but it gives your clients time to consider alternatives. In my experience, most customers do not pay much interest until it happens.

One massive plus is that it can set off a few customers to buy before the rate increases, quickly impacting your revenue. This is why so many humans do it.

Option 2: Provide no warning

This permits you to implement the trade swiftly without a prolonged notification period, but it risks unexpected or alienating customers who feel blindsided during the exchange. If not treated cautiously, it could damage purchaser trust and loyalty. It also leaves less time for customers to alter their budgets or expectations.

Whatever approach you take, it's important to explain the motives behind the charge boom simply and transparently. Highlight the cost and blessings your products or services offer your clients, and remember to offer loyalty rewards or reductions to your current customer base as a gesture of appreciation for their patronage.

Monitor and Adapt

After enforcing the price change, closely monitoring the impact on your income and consumer pride is critical. Be prepared to make modifications if necessary:

Analyze Sales Data:

Track and compare your sales figures to pre-growth ranges. You can also reevaluate your pricing method if you note a sizable decline.

Gather Customer Feedback:

Encourage your clients to provide remarks at the price trade through surveys, social media, or in-man or woman conversations. This treasured input will let you perceive regions for development and make essential adjustments.

Remain Flexible:

If your initial pricing approach is not yielding the preferred results, be open to adjusting it. Based on the information you have gathered and client remarks, adapt and refine your technique.

Implementing an increase can be delicate, but you can navigate this transition efficiently with cautious planning, effective communication, and a patron-centric technique. Remember, a nicely completed charge growth can enhance your profitability and strengthen the perceived price of your services in your clients' minds.

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Celebrate Your Shop's Birthday:


Celebrate Your Shop's Birthday

This is a simple, fresh idea to implement that works as we are always on the hunt for ways to excite our customers and drive sales. Well, have you considered celebrating your shop's birthday? This unique occasion presents a fantastic opportunity to transform your store into a festive extravaganza! Large brands do, so why not you?

  • Stand Out from the Crowd: Unlike conventional holiday sales like Mother's Day, a shop birthday sale sets you apart. This unique approach gives you a novelty factor that grabs customer attention.
  • Low Competition: No other shop will celebrate your shop's birthday sale, giving you a distinct advantage and avoiding competition from run-of-the-mill holiday sales. Mother's Day, for example, is an excellent marketing day, but everyone has Mother's Day sales. Only you have your shop birthday sale. 
  • Easy to set up: You do not need any data, just a few signs and balloons.

First tip: Do not celebrate a day. Make it a month's celebration. - If it works for one day, why stop for one day?

Do this, and you'll create a buzz, foster customer loyalty, and boost your sales seriously.

The Novelty Factor

One of the biggest draws of a shop's birthday sale is its novelty. Unlike typical holiday promotions, a birthday bash offers the traditional sales event an exciting spin. It immediately captures attention and sets you apart from competitors. Customers recognise birthdays as legitimate reasons to celebrate, so they're far more receptive to the fantastic offers you'll be dishing out.

Flexibility Galore with a Full Month of Fun

Your sales options are limited to a single day or week. But stretch that to a month-long fiesta, and you have flexibility in spades! You can switch up the weekly promotions, keeping things fresh and enticing customers to return for more. One week, offer a special deal on slash prices on one product. Next, offer a gift with a purchase over a certain amount. The possibilities are endless when you've got an entire month to play with!

Remember, it starts with a big promotion and then ends with a grand finale bang to get the last big shot at it.

Make it a Party! Creative Ideas for Epic Celebrations

What's a birthday without balloons, banners and big festive fun? To make your sale sizzle:

There are many creative ways to ensure your shop's big celebration is one customers won't forget!

How Your POS Provides a Serious Assist

Want some ideas for what you can use as giveaways that cost you very little? Look at your slow and dead stock.

Both cost you money, take up cash flow, and take up space that should have stock that sells better.

To identify such products, go to register reports > stock titled "Old Stock on hand by Date last received."

Old stock report

I tend to do it in two parts. First, I check the overall problem in the shop to see the scale of the problem. Then, I go by the department in detail, as its people find it better to examine this way.

This gives you a stock listing based on when you received it. This stock rarely does you much good. As I stated, it costs you to keep it.

Now, once you have identified it, what will you do about it, why not use them as specials for your shop's birthday sale.

Time to Start Planning Your Store's Biggest Celebration!

With the power to boost sales, strengthen loyalty, and set your shop apart, a month-long birthday extravaganza is a no-brainer for entrepreneurial small retailers. By leveraging your POS, channelling creativity into festive promos, and giving customers what they want, you'll have all the ingredients for an epic bash! So start brainstorming killer deals, rally the troops, and prepare to make your store's big day one for the books.

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Prepare for Mother's Day Sales with Your POS System


Mother's Day 2024
Mother's Day is an excellent opportunity for retailers. It is now the third-largest retail season of the year!

Australians are expected to spend $995 million on Mother's Day this year, up 7.5% from the previous year, which also set a record. We can anticipate fewer customers overall due to the current cost-of-living pressure, but those who do plan to buy will be spending more, as the projected gift purchase is set to jump from $92 to $102 per person.

People will buy candles, books, clothes, personalized items, etc.

Here's How to Use Your POS System for Mother's Day Success:

Prioritize Convenience & Inspiration

25% of Mother's Day shoppers cite convenience as their top priority when selecting gifts. Many are short on time and looking for ready-to-go options and ideas. Cater to these needs with:

  • Dedicated Mother's Day Display: Create an eye-catching, centralized display showcasing your giftable Mother's Day merchandise. Clear signage guides hurried shoppers straight to this "grab-and-go" section.

  • Pre-Bundled Gift Sets: Offer assembled gift sets (e.g. a plush robe with slippers and a candle) to reduce decision fatigue for stressed shoppers. This also increases the average order value.

  • Diverse Gift Options: While many buy for their mothers, around 19% gift maternal figures like partners, friends, in-laws, grandmothers, sisters, or daughters. Ensure a wide assortment to serve all customers.

Data-Driven Product Assortment

Let your POS data guide your product selections and purchase quantities by analyzing what historically sold well for Mother's Day:

  1. Access Historical Sales Reports: Look for "Top N Stock Sales for a Given Period" or a similar report in your POS backend.

Go to Register reports.

Now pick "Top N Stock Sales for a Given Period."

In the form, put the date a late year for now to Sunday, 14 May 2023. These are the items that worked for you then. Hopefully, you have them now.

Check Pre-Pandemic Sales: Generate this report for the week leading up to Mother's Day 2019 to understand pre-COVID buying patterns.

Find the Sales Sweet Spot: This year's sales will likely blend 2019 and 2023 patterns. 

Stock accordingly while leaving buffer room for demand fluctuations. Make data-driven purchases to ensure you have the right gift assortment and volumes.

Maximize Your Promotions & Operations

Even with its short sales cycle, Mother's Day can significantly impact your bottom line if well-executed. Prepare with these strategies:

  • Promote Early & Often: A simple sign on the window can do wonders in practice.

  • Highlight This Year's Gift Trends: People tell me that recipe books are expected to be good sellers.

  • Offer Gift Services: Consider simple add-ons like gift wrapping, which saves customers time and increases your transaction value.

  • Staff Appropriately: Schedule enough sales staff. Use your traffic reports, as this will tell you how busy you were last year. 

Please go to Traffic analysis, which you will find in register reports > Sales.


Now, here, select "Traffic Analysis by Trading Hour."

Put in here the week before that includes Mother's Day

Now out pops a chart, which shows by customers how busy the shop was per day. This will tell you how busy the till operators were with colour coding.


By combining strategic planning, operational readiness, and leveraging your POS data, you can deliver outstanding service while capturing maximum Mother's Day profits.

The Payoff of Prioritizing Mother's Day

Mother's Day is not only a chance to delight your customers and honour maternal figures. It's also an enormous money-making opportunity for retailers willing to put in the work.

With some upfront analysis of your POS data, an assortment of giftable products tailored to trends, convenient shopping experiences, and well-promoted offerings, you can transform this spring occasion into a massive revenue windfall.

So start preparing your business for Mother's Day! 

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Boost Sales with Digital Signage


A shop window with a TV at night showcasing its goods

In the ever-evolving retail landscape, businesses need every edge to stand out, connect with customers, and boost their bottom line. Digital signage is a key to unlocking a new level of in-store engagement, adaptability, and brand impact that static signs can't compete.

Dazzle Customers and Drive Engagement

People today are trained to look at screens. If we see a screen, we look. This is partly why digital signage makes your business shine. Also, the vibrant colours, captivating animations, and immersive videos help. This draws customers in and leaves a lasting impression.

Setting Up Your Digital Signage: What You'll Need

While digital signage offers benefits, let's break down the key steps:

  • Look at what others are doing:  The best way to get ideas is to go to other shops, look at the signs, and see what digital signs you like there. If you like it, I am sure others will too.
  • Measure out the area in your shop: Try to get an idea of the size that suits your space.
  • Screens: This is the centrepiece of your setup! If you have an old TV at home or a spare computer screen, consider using that. Otherwise, you can get a relatively cheap screen or digital photo framer. A digital photo framer starts at about $85.
  • Computer or USB: Some screens need a computer to run, while others, such as a digital photo framer, can use a USB stick. 
  • Slideshow Maker: This is the heart of your signage system. Look for some user-friendly software that lets you create media content. I am not recommending one now, as the only one I know is Proshow, and it's off the market. If you use a professional photographer, you do not need this.
  • Mounting and Installation: Consider professional installation for a polished look and safe, secure screen placement.
  • Picture of your shop and goods: A good smartphone today can do this. You can take many photos and permanently delete the bad ones. You are not going to complain if you have too many images. For a five-minute presentation, you need about 40 images.  For information how to do this click here.
  • Some time: On the first few, it does take some time to learn, but after that, it is really quick.

Advantages of doing it yourself

You can change to fit your retail trends, sales, weather, etc. Everything can influence what messages your customers need. You can update your displays based on your latest products, promotions, and seasonal content or even react to the news. This gives you both adaptability and keeps your store's message dynamic and relevant.

Your Brand, your control

You control the message. The screen sells your products.

It works Day and Night selling your products and services

You can put a screen in the window and it can market your goods and services 24x7.

Gaining a Competitive Edge

In a crowded marketplace, digital signage advertises your shop. Its dynamic nature and ability to wow customers give you a serious advantage over traditional, static displays. People looking at your window will take a few seconds to look at a static sign and much longer looking at a dgital one.


The Time is Now

Keep your company from falling behind! Digital signage is the way of the future, not a fad. You may modernise your business, provide customers with a shopping experience, and make more sales by utilising this technology.

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Retailers can sell more by active Cross-Selling


If you run a shop, one of the best ways to make more sales is by mastering cross-selling, which suggests extra related items to your customer's purchase. Doing this can help you make each sale worth more.


Shopper in a shopping centre

I can assure you that this woman above did not come to this centre knowing what she would buy in all these bags.


Why Suggesting Extra Items Works Well

Suggesting extra, related items to customers as they buy or browse can help because it:

Makes Shopping Better: When you suggest items that fit your customer's needs or likes, you show you understand them. 
Raises Sale Value: Customers buying more items means each sale brings in more money, which is great for your shop.
Keeps Customers Coming Back: Offering a shopping experience that feels special and tailored just for the customer makes them want to return to your store, building loyalty.

Digging Into the Good Stuff About Suggesting Extras

Suggesting extras can do wonders, but let’s look at some real examples of how it helps small shops:

More Money Made: Research shows that shops selling extra items can see a big jump in sales. 
More Profit: Suggesting items with higher profit margins as extras can mean more money in the bank. Most profit is made not on the items that the customer came on, but the add-on sales.

How to Be Great at Suggesting Extras

Use Your POS System

Go to Cash Register Reports > Sales Register > Stock Companion Sales by Period. See the green arrow below.

Choose a stock item, add its past year's data, and receive a full report on earnings, sales, and more.

This report will give you details on how much money the item made, how many were sold, and additional information. With this information, you can determine whether an item that sells slowly and doesn't bring in much money by itself draws in customers who then buy other items that make more money.

Pick Best Pairs: Find what items are often bought together and suggest these combos to customers.
Keep Getting Better: Always check how well your selling tactics work and tweak them based on what the numbers tell you.

Train Your Team

Your staff plays a big part in successful extra selling. Make sure they are:

Well-trained: Teach your team to ask for a related item, e.g. they brought a kid's game. Do they need a card?

Know Your Products Well: Help your team learn all about what you sell so they can suggest items that go well together.

Build People Skills: Teach your staff to really listen and talk in a way that feels real and helpful, making shopping fun for customers.

Know What Buyers Like: Understand what your shoppers prefer and use it to make your suggestions feel personal.

Easy Ways to Do It:

Scripts: Work out some lines that work with your customers to get them to consider other products and services you offer.
Lists: This works well. Make a list of your shop's top sellers and display it prominently; people will look at the products after seeing this list.

Make Your Shop Inviting

The way your shop looks and feels can help sell more, too. Try these ideas:

Put Things Together: Place items that go well together in the same spot so buyers can spot and grab them.
Make Displays Pop: Use eye-catching setups to draw attention to items that go together, nudging folks to buy more.
Signs and Tags: Clear signs can highlight special deals and suggest items that add value to their buy.

By using these ways to sell more, you will increase sales for your small shop, improve customer shopping, and turn them into loyal fans.

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How Taylor Swift Concerts Rocked Retail Sales


The eras tour

How Taylor Swift Concerts Rocked Retail Sales: Over 600,00 fans going to see her sent up retail sales alright! It turns out these "Swifties" (that's what her fans call themselves) bought big.

What does this mean for you?

It is said, " The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today." – Elbert Hubbard.

As this case shows, in the bustling world of retail, retail fervour unfolds if you are prepared and able to capitalise on it in some way.

There was plenty to capitalise on as Ben Dorber, Australia Bureau of Statistics head of retail statistics, highlights out here in their Feb 2024 report that while he was looking at the figures, "Seven sold-out Taylor Swift concerts in Sydney and Melbourne boosted retail spending this month, with over 600,000 Swifties flocking to these events. This increased spending on clothing, merchandise, accessories and dining out", a national increase of 0.2%.

So, as a retailer, here's the deal:

  • Plan Ahead: Check calendars for big concerts, sporting matches, and festivals that will get wide media attention. 
  • Get Creative: Tap into the excitement of those events. Offer event-themed merchandise or promotions that capture the excitement.

A Real-World Win 

I read how one clothing boutique near a concert venue offered "Swiftie Style" t-shirts and discounts for anyone showing a concert ticket. The result, their sales did well.

The Big Takeaway

Even if your business isn't a direct match with the event, don't miss the opportunity! The right planning and creativity can help boost your sales when a big event is staged. Remember, even a slight increase in sales or getting your shop's name in front of new customers can have a lasting positive impact on your business!

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Knowing Your Customers: Trying to Unlocking Sales


What shoppers are interested in?


Do you ever wish you could read your customers' minds? Knowing what they like and what they're interested in would help you sell them exactly what they want! Well, one of my clients asked me this. What could I say so? I said, "Well, that we all do."

Do not think that because you like it, your customers do. I had a client who had a clothing store. His daughter told them that she knew what young girls wanted. So, based on her recommendation, they brought some stuff, and their customers did not like those items.

Still, I can tell you that some tools are available to help you discover more. There's no magic trick; there are several ways modern retailers can find out what makes their customers excited. Big businesses spend a lot of money on research, but smaller retailers have a secret weapon—they can talk directly to their customers!

Let's Get Chatty

The best way to find out what interests your customers is to ask! It's often as easy as talking to them. You can start with "Got any fun plans for the weekend?" or "What do you like to do in your spare time?" You'd be surprised at what people share!

Run informal focus groups.

When a few people come in to buy a product in a group, and you are helping them, ask them what they are looking for, what they want from the product, etc. Once they have brought it up, maybe ask them a few open-ended questions like: “What do you like and dislike about the products?” "What other similar products have you seen?" "What factors influence your purchase decisions?" Details here.

The Digital Detective

The internet now is a treasure trove of information about your customers. Here's where to look:

Social Media

Why not check some of your customer's Facebook pages? See what they share, like, and comment on. Look at the groups they're in and the events they RSVP to. Do a little 'detective' work on their profiles. Of course, be respectful of privacy, but public posts often give you great clues about their interests.

Google Trends

This fantastic (and free!) tool tells you what people are searching for. You can even narrow it down to your local area. Search for products you sell and see what else pops up. Are they searching for recipes? Maybe you've got a bunch of foodies coming into your store. Check here for some details on how to do it.

POS Systems sales reports

See if any patterns emerge. Do you sell heaps of gardening stuff in spring? Maybe your customers are green thumbs! What sells well before the Grand Final? What happens about Easter? Details here.


The simple fact is that most ideas do not work. You need a thick skin. You will fail many times more than you succeed. Not every idea will be a winner. That's okay! Do not reinforce a defeat. Stop and go elsewhere. Look at the ideas that work and then look for ideas around the concept that works. I had a client who did well-selling phone cases. They then looked for other products they could sell to the customers who were buying these cases and decided to increase their range to include some mobile accessories; what went well were the charging cables.

The trick is to try different things and pay attention to what gets customers buzzing.

Success! How Do You Know It's Working?

If it's not measured, how do you know what is happening? There are a few ways to tell your customer sleuthing is paying off:

Happy Customers = More Sales

If people buy it, you promote the right stuff!

Loyal Friends

Customers feel special when you stock what they love. They'll keep coming back.

Buzz and Excitement

A great sign is if your products produce this buzz and excitement.

Wrapping It Up

Understanding your customers doesn't have to be complicated. Use a mix of these ideas, and don't forget to have fun along the way. The more you know what makes your customers tick, the better you can give them what they want.


Its funny I never thought of looking at people's facebook page, its a good idea

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Boost Sales and Customer Loyalty with Layby: An Australian Retailer's Guide


Layby available

While buy now, pay later options have surged in popularity, layby is still a traditional form of credit retailers offer. Although it has been on a decline, particularly with BNPL, it is still in use and is a lifesaver for many people. So though layby may seem outdated to many in our instantly gratifying world, it remains a lifeline for budget-conscious consumers and can be a savvy tool for retailers looking to boost sales and build loyalty.

Why offer layby to your customers?

Some people want it, and no one wants to reject a customer.

  • More customers: Layby helps you reach people who want to budget their spending, don't like credit cards, or can't get traditional loans.
  • Bigger sales: Customers are far more likely to splurge on pricier items when they can break up the cost into manageable payments. Layby removes the sticker shock factor that deters many from bigger purchases.
  • More loyalty: Unlike one-and-done transactions, layby creates an ongoing relationship with shoppers as they return to make their instalment payments,
  • More traffic: As people using layby have to keep coming back to your shop to finish their payments, if so, they may buy more!

Setting up layby in your store

Here's the important stuff you must figure out:

  • Play by the rules: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has some of the layby requirements on its website. 
  • Check out how others do it; here are some samples to look at:

I would suggest that you cut and paste one of the majors' pages on their layby terms and conditions you like and then modify it for your shop on the grounds that they probably have had it checked out by lawyers and experts. Make sure you pick a major that talks about your state. I have known people to get in trouble with the state authorities.

  • Now make your policy:  This is important to make a policy for things like:

    • How big the deposit has to be
    • How often customers make payments (weekly, fortnightly, etc.)
    • What happens if someone cancels (do they lose some money?)
    • What happens if the layby is cancelled?
  • Layby system: How are you going to keep track of everything?

    • Small shops: Pen and paper might work just fine.
    • Bigger shops: You'll want some special layby software like our POS system with layby built-in.
  • Train your crew: Ensure your staff knows how layby works, the shop's rules, and how to use your system.

Tell people about your layby program.

There is no point in having it if your customers do not know you offer layby both in-store. It would be best if you told them. Get the word out there:

  • Advertise special deals: Consider offering a layby with no fees during holidays!

Wrapping it up

Layby can help you reach more customers, help make more extensive sales and keep your regulars happy. Today it does let you stand out from the crowd.

Do you need help setting up laybys? Our POS software can make managing laybys much easier.

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Dump Bins: Great for Clearing Stock and Boosting Sales


Dead stock in a bin

Every shop owner knows the feeling—you've got dead stock that needs to be moved. Maybe it's out-of-season, or perhaps it just hasn't been as popular as you hoped. Enter the mighty dump bin—make it your weapon to turn that dead inventory into quick cash!

What Are Dump Bins, and Why Do They Work?

They're not about rubbish but rather about smart retailing! Dump bins are those big baskets, countertop tubs, or end-of-aisle displays filled with sale and clearance items. Here's the magic:

The Treasure Hunt Factor:

Customers can't resist a good rummage, and dump bins tap into that bargain-hunting instinct. When I pass a shop with a dump bin and I have time, I admit I will look. Do you?

Deals = Excitement:

Something about those jumbled bargains feels exciting, encouraging impulse buys. Clearance Made Easy: Dump bins quickly get slow-sellers out the door, freeing space for fresh, full-priced items.

Pinpointing Your Problem Stock:

The facts do not lie.

Before filling those dump bins, you need to understand the scope of your slow-moving inventory. Your POS software is your ally here:

The Big Picture: Run a "Stock on Hand by Date Last Received" report. This will give you a snapshot of your holdings of old stock.

Department Deep-Dive: Break down the report by department. Often, certain areas have more slow-sellers than others and one set of criteria in a department does not necessarily apply to another department.

What's 'Dead' to You?: Your POS System has its own metrics, but you may not agree. That is why it's worth going over the list by how long the stock has sat in your shop. Consider how long the items have been on the shelf and also how much space and money they're taking up.

Top Tips for Dump Bin Domination

Prime Real Estate???:

It does not have to be in the Prime Real Estate of your shop. Many majors put it in a corner and put up a big sign and red light to show it exists. The point is that your dump bins need to be seen wherever you put them! The shop entrance, just outside, is also popular for the dump bin. It certainly draws in customers. Since the stock is not worth much, the shop theft 

Shout About Those Sales!

Big, bold "SALE" signage is a must. Few can resist a bargain sign!

Organised Chaos is Key:

A little disarray is fine (it shows interest), but don't let it get too messy. Aim for pops of colour and interesting textures.

Keep Things Fresh:

Change the items regularly! If stuff does not work in the dump bin, consider moving it out or trying a lower price; there is no point in reinforcing a retreat. Customers love seeing something new each time.

Cross-Merchandise Like a Pro:

Think of complementary products. Use your companion reports to find out what items sell with the stuff you put in the dump bin.

Real-World Win

We had a gift shop stuck with slow-selling novelty mugs out of season. They created a bright dump bin by the checkout with 50% off. The mugs flew out, and the owner told me she felt it was money she found on the street. It also helped to make room for profitable new inventory!

Embrace the Dump Bin, Embrace the Sales!

Dump bins are more than just stock clearance; they create a dynamic shopping experience. Your customers will love the surprise deals, and you'll love the boost to your bottom line. So, get those bins ready, and let the sales begin!

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Easter is nine days earlier this year, so get cracking!


Hey there, store owners! Easter is coming up fast this year. Are you ready for the chocolate rush? With a little planning, Easter 2024 can be a big win. Let's get those gears turning! With less time to prepare, your smart point-of-sale (POS) system can be your best Easter helper. Let's see how!

Challenge: Early Eggs and Smaller Baskets?

Easter Sunday lands on March 31st this year. That's earlier than usual, which could mean:

  • Tighter deadlines: Less time to order all those Easter goodies.
  • Smaller budgets: Customers might be watching their wallets this year.
  • Kids: What is clear now is that people are not reducing their spending on kids now.

Solution: A Smoother, Smarter POS

A great POS system is like hiring extra hands during the holiday rush. Here's how it saves the season:

  • Fast, Easy Inventory:
  • Know exactly what's in stock and what you need to order now.
  • See what you sold out last year!

Ready to Level Up?

A modern POS system isn't just about the tech; it's about making this Easter smoother and more profitable, no matter what challenges come your way. Want to explore options that fit your store? 

People Want to Celebrate

Yes, money might be tighter for some folks this year. But remember, holidays like Easter are special. By being prepared, your store can make the season awesome for everyone – and make some extra sales too!

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Video of printing a custom message on a receipt


Getting customers to return to your shop is crucial for any retailer. One cool trick is printing custom messages on receipts! A personalised receipt can grab someone's attention whether it's thanks, special offer, or important info. People do read receipts, often a few times and those people are your customeers.

Why Add Custom Receipt Messages?

There are loads of good reasons to use this feature in your point-of-sale software:

Boost Customer Loyalty

Include a discount code for their next visit Promote your loyalty program Share details about an upcoming sale

Increase Sales

Suggest complementary products they might like Advertise new arrivals or seasonal items Offer bundle deals related to their purchase

Strengthen Your Brand

Reinforce your branding with a branded sign-off Share your website, socials, and contact info Include your returns policy and store hours

How to Add a Custom Message

Setting up a custom receipt message in your POS system is super easy! Here's a step-by-step guide using our training video:

How to set up for an item

Often, when you sell items in the shop, you want to place a particular note on the receipt message to be added at the bottom of the receipt. This is commonly done to suggest new products that a person that purchased this item, specific instructions or offer a special deal related to this product.

Click here for a favourite training video of ours that explains how to use your POS software to put these extra details on your receipts.

It is as easy as that to have a custom message that will now print on any eligible receipts.

Pro Tips

To get the most out of this feature:

  • The timing of when your custom message prints can be just as important as the message itself.

  • Update regularly for seasonal promos

  • Experiment with tone (friendly, funny, urgency)
  • Use capitalization and emojis to stand out. Emojis do work

  • Suggest frequently bought together items ("You bought X, have you tried Y?")

  • Offer instructions on how to use

  • suggested discounts on related products/services

  • Cross-sell subscription programs ("Save on refills!")

Get Creative!

Custom receipt messages are a free marketing channel to surprise and delight customers. So have some fun with it! Craft short, snappy messages that add real value and keep them coming back.

With creativity and the right use of receipt marketing, you can turn this little printed slice of paper into a powerful sales driver for your small business!

What clever messages have worked for your business? Share your best receipt marketing tips in the comments!

A Unique Value Proposition is a Must for your Retail Success


A Unique Value Proposition is a Must for Retail Success

I've been in business since I was five, working in my grandfather's store. Since then over the years, I noticed one key factor set thriving businesses apart: a compelling unique value proposition (UVP) or an EDGE.

For example, I had a client selling fishing tackle and bait. Anglers knew his store was the place for their gear - that niche gave him an edge that other shops in the same shopping centre missed.

So, what makes a value proposition? Here's how I break it down but first let me say that it clearly communicates the specific value in your customer's image that your business has; it’s your special sauce.

For Small Retailers, A Strong UVP is a Secret Weapon

Without a stand-out value proposition, independent shops blend into the background—just another store.

An effective UVP grabs attention, builds loyalty, and gives customers a reason to choose you. It takes you from forgettable to unforgettable.

For example, a local pet supply store touted its extensive dog food range. Since people who buy dog food are used to going to a pet shop to get it, they have less hesitation about going into this local pet shop.

This actually is one of the reasons, I think the advise of a newsagency calling themselves a gift shop is wrong. A newsagency still in many shoppers has an appeal. It does project trust.

Put Yourself in Your Customers’ Shoes

When crafting a UVP, think like your ideal customers. Consider the types of stores ingrained in their routine.

Most people are accustomed to regular visits to newsagencies for papers and convenience items. The familiarity makes them more likely to pop into a new newsagency than other shops.

Understand your audience’s habits, and you can better position your niche.

How to Craft Your Retail UVP: 5 Key Steps

Creating a value proposition that works takes effort. In my experience, you'll need to:

1. Analyze competitors: Study their offerings closely.

2. Assess your strengths: Take stock of your genuine advantages; selection, service, location, expertise, etc. That highlights your “wow” factor.

3. Understand your customers: Dig into their values, needs and pain points. 

4. Distill your message: Boil your learnings into a crisp, unique statement.

5. Test and refine: Try out messaging with objective parties. Adjust based on feedback.

Crafting an effective UVP requires work but pays off tenfold. For retail survival, define your edge and shout it loudly. It can skyrocket you from average to exceptional in customers’ eyes.

I did like this video on this subject.



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