Point of Sale Software

Deal with Hallmark cards; please read this


Exciting Hallmark Cards Trial: Enhance Your Retail Experience

As a retail and POS systems expert, I'm thrilled to share information about an innovative trial involving Hallmark Cards and POS Solutions that could benefit your small retail business. This collaboration aims to enhance customer engagement and boost sales by uniquely integrating Hallmark technology into our POS system.

The Hallmark Cards Trial: An Exciting Opportunity

How It Works

When a customer purchases a Hallmark card at your store, our POS System captures the barcode during the sale process. We then trigger the Hallmark system to present an engaging competition on its screen, which offers your customers a chance to win a prize by selecting a card.

You can see what it looks like here.

The Hallmark Card Stand

The Hallmark Contest

Hallmark Card winner


Hallmark Card winner

Setup for the Hallmark contest


Benefits for Your Business

Enhanced Customer Experience

This interactive element excites the purchase process, potentially increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased Foot Traffic

As word spreads about the competition, more customers may visit your store to participate.

Greeting Card Competition

The competition could encourage additional purchases of Hallmark cards and other products in your store.


No cost. Registration is free.

Trial Locations and Requirements

Your stthat it is must already sell Hallmark cards to be eligible.

We are currently seeking participants in Melbourne and metropolitan New South Wales. NSW offers more flexibility than Victoria. Once we have settled in, we will expand the area.

Why Consider Participating?

Retail Innovation

By participating in this trial, you're positioning your business at the forefront of retail innovation.

Gather Valuable Data

The trial will provide free insights into customer behaviour and preferences, which could help you in future business decisions.

Strengthen Partnerships

We hope collaborating with established brands like Hallmark will open doors for future opportunities and partnerships.

Final Decision by Hallmark Cards

While expressing interest is the first step, Hallmark Cards will ultimately decide whether your store is accepted for the trial. Even if you meet the initial criteria, Hallmark will have the final say in selecting the trial participants.

Next Steps

If you want to participate in this exciting trial, please act quickly. Here's what you can do:

Assess Your Eligibility

Confirm that your store is in Melbourne or metro NSW and that you sell Hallmark cards.

Contact POS Solutions

Reach out to express your interest and ask to be put on the trial

Please understand that the selection process is by Hallmark, which reviews all potential participants.

The trial offers a unique chance to enhance your POS System capabilities and customer engagement at no cost.

It's an opportunity to test innovative retail technology that could give your store a competitive edge by offering a unique experience.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How much does it cost to join the trial?
A: Nothing

Q: What equipment is needed to participate?
A: You'll need our POS system. Our team will work with you to ensure your current system can integrate with the Hallmark technology.

Q: Will this slow down my checkout process?
A: The system is designed to be quick and efficient. I doubt it will add any time to a typical transaction.

Q: How will this affect my existing Hallmark card sales?
A: The trial aims to boost engagement and potentially increase sales.

Q: Can I opt out of the trial if, for any reason, it is not working?
A: Yes, you can opt-out at any time. We value your feedback and will work with you to address any concerns.

Q: How will my customer data be handled?
A: It will not be, and in any case, all customer data is handled in compliance with Australian privacy laws.

Q: Will I receive training on how to use the new system?
A: Yes. We provide comprehensive training for you and your staff before the trial begins.

Q: What happens after the trial ends?
A: Based on the trial's success, we hope it continues and that they expand the program.

Update: When this was first published, as it was new, we did not know if there were any costs to join the program; we have received confirmation that there is no cost. The article was updated.




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Maximising your Profits with Dynamic Pricing


Dynamic retail pricing
The right pricing strategy can make or break a shop's success. Have you ever considered dynamic pricing?

What is Dynamic Pricing?

Do you know how petrol prices change when you drive past the service station? That's dynamic pricing in action. It's all about tweaking your prices based on current events. That's dynamic pricing in action. It's all about tweaking your prices based on current events. Our POS system makes it dead easy to change prices on the fly.

It is all about being flexible

Real-World Applications

Here are some examples of what my clients do:

A Cafe

Let me illustrate a common scenario for a café owner. It's 2 p.m., and you've got sandwiches that will soon be binned. What do they do?

Here's what one of my clients does:

  • Before 2 pm: Sandwiches sold at regular price
  • After 2 pm: Offers a special deal on sandwich + coffee at a discounted rate

The result? Instead of binning unsold sandwiches with no margin, they turned potential zero into profit. It's a win-win: customers get a bargain, and the cafe boosts its afternoon sales.

A Hairdresser

  • Morning Special: Discounted haircuts for seniors

This simple change increased foot traffic during slow hours and built loyalty among a key customer demographic.

Implementing Dynamic Pricing

You might think, "Sounds great, but isn't it a hassle to keep changing prices?" That's where modern POS systems come in. With the right software, price changes are a breeze.

The Power of POS

Here's how easy it can be:

  1. Open your POS system
  2. Navigate to the price change menu
  3. Select the items you want to adjust
  4. Enter the new price or discount
  5. Set the time frame for the special
  6. Hit apply

And voila! Your 'Happy Hour' special is ready to go.

The Benefits of Dynamic Pricing

From my experience, implementing dynamic pricing can lead to:

  • Reduced waste: Sell perishable items before they expire
  • Increased foot traffic: Attract customers during slow periods
  • Higher overall profits: Maximise revenue by adjusting to demand
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Offer value to price-sensitive customers

Tips for Success

Here are some lessons I've learned along the way:

  1. Start small: Test dynamic pricing on a few items first
  2. Communicate clearly: Make sure your staff and customers understand the specials
  3. Analyse results: Use your POS data to see what works and what doesn't
  4. Be flexible: Don't be afraid to adjust your strategy based on results

A Word of Caution

While dynamic pricing can be helpful, it's essential to use it properly.

FAQ: Dynamic Pricing in Australia

Q: What is dynamic pricing?

A: Dynamic pricing occurs when businesses adjust their prices based on current market demands, customer behaviour, and other factors. It involves changing prices in real time to maximize profits and stay competitive.

Q: What is an example of dynamic pricing?

A: One of the best-known examples is petrol pricing. Petrol stations adjust their prices based on time of day, traffic levels, and customer demand. During peak times or high-demand periods, prices can surge.

A: Yes, dynamic pricing is legal in Australia. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) states that while forms of dynamic pricing exist in some markets, businesses must be clear about consumers' prices.

Q: Why is dynamic pricing considered good?

A: Dynamic pricing can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. It can increase revenue by maximizing the value of each sale.
  2. It helps businesses grow market share by attracting more customers.
  3. It gives businesses more control over their pricing strategy.
  4. It can help prevent ticket scalping in event ticketing.

Q: Where is dynamic pricing commonly used in Australia?

A: In Australia, dynamic pricing is used in many businesses, including:

  • Airlines
  • Taxis services
  • Hotels


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How important is a supplier to you?


Suppliers occupy a unique position in our business ecosystem. They're crucial – after all, they provide the products we sell. However, their priorities may not always mirror our own. Navigating this paradox is a skill that can set your business apart.

Pros: The Supplier

Suppliers often hold a wealth of knowledge about:

  • They know a lot about the products.
  • Suppliers' agents travel, and they know what is happening in the market and the trends.
  • Suppliers are better briefed as to what is happening with their market
  • They know what your competitor's strategies are and what they are doing.


Supplier information advantages


They may be able to offer you a better deal.

This information can be precious, but it's up to us to tap into it effectively.

Cons: The Supplier

  • A supplier rep will tend to prioritize their company's interests over yours, potentially leading to biased advice or recommendations.
  • They do not have a comprehensive view of your business needs
  • Over-reliance on a supplier might limit your ability to negotiate effectively with other suppliers.
  • Managing relationships with supplier reps can be time-consuming

It's important to note that these are potential drawbacks and the actual impact would depend on how the relationship with the supplier representative is managed within the broader context of your supplier relationship management strategy.

Supplier Relationship Management

This requires supplier relationship management (SRM), which isn't just some fancy term by business consultants.

It's a critical strategy for any business, but we need to answer one crucial question:

What importance does each supplier hold for your organization?

The Data Goldmine of Your POS System

Here's where your POS system becomes your secret weapon. In seconds, you can determine this information about your suppliers' performance. Here is how you do it:

  1. Open your POS system.
  2. Navigate to Cash Register Reports > Sales - Stock > Supplier Stock Sales for a Given Period.
  3. Select the last financial year
  4. Hit that 'Generate Report' button

In seconds, you'll have a detailed summary of sales by supplier. You can see precisely how each supplier contributes to your bottom line.

Here are the key areas to focus on:

Quantity Kings: Bringing in the Crowds

Look for the suppliers topping the 'Quantity' column. These are your traffic drivers whose products people are coming to buy from your shop. This is what is bringing customers into your shop.

Profit Champions: Paying the Bills

Next, check out the leaders in the 'Profit' column. These suppliers might not sell the most units but contribute significantly to your bottom line. They're the ones keeping the lights on, and the staff paid.

Putting the Data to Work: My Personal Experience

When I ran this report for a customer, they were shocked to discover that one of their small suppliers was so profitable. They had been focusing all their energy on others and neglecting this hidden gem.

Armed with this information, they actually:

  1. Renegotiated terms with this top profit-generating supplier
  2. Allocated more shelf space to their products

The result? A 14% increase in profitability in just a few months.

In Conclusion: The Data-Driven Path to Supplier Success

In our current retail ecosystem, instinct-based decisions are increasingly obsolete. Leveraging your POS system's data with relationship-building solid prowess can elevate supplier interactions from mundane necessities to crucial differentiators.

Don't underestimate your POS system – it's not merely a cash register. It is so much more. Consider it a powerful business intelligence platform. Take the plunge, run those reports, and unveil unexpected supplier insights. You might stumble upon a hidden asset.

Frequently Asked Questions about Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)

What is meant by supplier relationship management?

Supplier relationship management (SRM) is a systematic approach to evaluating and partnering with suppliers. It involves assessing suppliers' strengths, performance, and capabilities to your overall business strategy. SRM aims to maximize the value of supplier interactions by creating closer, more collaborative relationships with key suppliers to uncover new value and reduce the risk of failure

What are the 5 key points of SRM?

While there isn't a universally agreed-upon list of 5 key points, we can identify these crucial aspects of SRM:

  1. Supplier segmentation and classification
  2. Supplier strategy development and execution
  3. Performance measurement and feedback
  4. Collaboration with suppliers
  5. Continuous improvement of your dealing with your suppliers

What are the five types of supplier relationships?

  1. Buy the market relationship
  2. Ongoing relationship
  3. Partnership
  4. Strategic alliance
  5. Backward integration

What are the three basic components of supplier relationship management?

We can here identify these core elements of SRM:

  1. Supplier evaluation and segmentation: Assessing suppliers' strengths, weaknesses, and strategic importance to your business

  2. Relationship development and management: Cultivating personal relationships with suppliers and building trust and mutually beneficial partnerships

  3. Performance monitoring and improvement: Continuously tracking supplier performance, providing feedback, and working collaboratively to enhance the relationship and outcomes



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Our Christmas Holiday 2024 outlook


Google trend Christmas 2024

It's becoming evident that retailers across Australia are already gearing up for the festive season. 

Analysing Christmas Interest Trends

To measure public interest in the upcoming holiday season, I turned to Google Trends (www.google.com/trends), a valuable tool, I find for measuring Australian interest over time. The results paint an interesting picture:

  • Consistent Interest: Over the past four years, Australian public interest in Christmas-related searches has remained stable.
  • Slight Increase: There's a small but noticeable uptick in Christmas-related searches compared to past years.
  • Long-Term Stability: Extending the analysis to cover an eight-year period shows little variation, indicating a consistent level of holiday enthusiasm among Australians.

This data shows that despite the current economic conditions, Australians' interest in Christmas celebrations remains constant. For retailers, this presents both opportunities and challenges as we approach the busiest shopping season of the year.

As the holiday season approaches, we must be well-prepared to capitalise on the busiest time of the year. Here is an interesting report

Understanding the 2024 Christmas

Here's what we're seeing:

Consumer Sentiment and Spending Patterns

Cautious Optimism

Despite economic pressures, most (76%) of Australian consumers plan to spend the same or more than in 2023.

Value-Seeking Behaviour

A whopping 70% of shoppers state sales promotions and discounts as the main factor in purchasing.

Early Bird Shopping

55% of Aussie consumers have started their gift shopping by October, indicating your need to be prepared now.

November Peak

63% of consumers plan to complete their Christmas shopping in November, particularly late November.

Black Friday Boom

Black Friday sales are rapidly increasing in importance in Australia, marking the start of the Christmas shopping season.


This category has emerged as the most popular gift choice for 2024, overtaking gift cards and electronics for the first time in nearly a decade


Books are among the top gift choices

Gift Cards:

While no longer the top choice, gift cards remain popular, ranking, but the margins are so low that it might be questionable in this category. Many of my clients tell me they feel it costs them money as people spend more on gift cards than on their products.


Food spending is expected to dominate the peak season; no matter how times may go up or down, people have to eat.


While specific figures aren't provided, electronics appear to have dropped in popularity compared to previous years, no longer being among the top gift choices

Overall, most expect a shift towards more practical gifts.


One category that is not being discussed but I think is worth looking into is kids, people now are not cutting down on their kids. I think you will find strong interest in toys, look at movie-inspired toys, what about toys like the Barbie Rewind 80s edition Career Girl Doll, Wizarding World Harry Potter Interactive Dobby and Batman Mega Mech Playset. Lego is trending on social media exposure. With the predictions of a hot summer water toys are expected to be popular. Learning toys with educational aspects, particularly those focusing on STEM education, are a priority for many parents

Preparing Your Retail Business for Holiday Success

Your POS System

Your point-of-sale system is the backbone of your holiday operations. Here's how to ensure it's ready:

Hardware Check

Test all POS computers, including backup registers. Ensure proper cabling and network connections. This cannot be stressed too much. Make sure everything works now.

Software Updates

Install any necessary updates to your POS software well in advance. You do not want to experiment over Christmas. It is highly recommended that over Christmas, you do not update your computers.

Strategic Inventory Management

Use your POS system's data to inform your inventory decisions:

Analyse Past Sales

See what sold over last year's Christmas period to identify products that sold in your shop.

Supplier Communication

Discuss expected order volumes with suppliers to avoid shortages.

Seasonal Stock

Ensure adequate stock of holiday decorations, gift sets, and greeting cards.

Financial Planning

Proper financial management is crucial during this high-stakes period:

Budget for Increased Expenses

Plan for higher inventory costs and seasonal staffing.

Cash Flow Projections

Use your POS data to forecast cash flow and plan accordingly.

Step 4: Staff Preparation and Scheduling

A well-prepared team is essential for a smooth holiday season:

Analyse Staffing Needs

Review last year's data to inform this year's staffing levels.

Create Flexible Rosters

Use your POS system's staff management tools to create efficient schedules.

Step 5: Marketing and Promotions

Effective marketing can significantly boost your holiday sales:

Social Media Engagement

Start early with holiday-themed social media content to build excitement.

Store Layout

Plan your product placement to maximise the visibility of holiday items.

Festive Decor

Use holiday signage and decorations to create a cheerful shopping environment.

Prepare for Peak Shopping Events

Be ready for high-volume shopping days:

Black Friday

Ensure you can handle increased transaction volumes.

Extended Hours

Plan for extended store hours during peak shopping.

Holiday Preparation Checklist

Use this comprehensive checklist to ensure you're fully prepared:

  • [ ] Update and test all POS hardware and software
  • [ ] Review inventory levels and set up automatic reorder points
  • [ ] Analyse past sales data to inform stock ordering
  • [ ] Communicate with suppliers about expected holiday volumes
  • [ ] Plan store layout and product placement for holiday items
  • [ ] Review and adjust financial projections for the season
  • [ ] Create staff rosters and hire seasonal staff if needed
  • [ ] Conduct staff training on POS, customer service, and product knowledge
  • [ ] Develop and schedule holiday marketing campaigns
  • [ ] Prepare holiday-themed store decorations and signage
  • [ ] Consider a gift wrapping services
  • [ ] Ensure adequate stock of gift cards and packaging materials
  • [ ] Plan for extended store hours during peak shopping periods

My personal view

The holidays are just around the corner. We have to shine. I've seen firsthand how a well-used POS system can turn a good season into a great one. It's not just about ringing up sales - it's your secret weapon for managing stock, keeping your team on track, and creating a shop that customers love. Trust me, your POS is more innovative than you think - use it to make your life easier and your business stronger this Christmas.

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Who pay debit cards fees under the government new plan?


Banning debit card fees

The government has announced plans to ban debit card transaction fees, potentially starting January 1, 2026. This proposed ban, however, doesn't extend to credit card transactions.

A Global Trend in Payment Practices

In truth, this banning of debit surcharges was expected. Many countries, including the European Union and China, have implemented similar bans. Australia is now catching up with this global trend in consumer protection and payment fairness.

The Current Landscape: Widespread Surcharges

Today, many organisations, including government authorities, charge these fees. For instance, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) imposes surcharges on card payments. This practice is widespread across various sectors and affects consumers daily.

Consumer Frustration: The Hidden Costs of Convenience

Many consumers, myself included, are frustrated with the current situation. It's common to hear complaints. I know I am not the only one who doesn't like that a $7.50 coffee and doughnut is charged at $8.00. If I am told it's $7.50, I get a receipt for $7.50, and in the bank, I see $8.00.

This sentiment is extreme here when the surcharge seems disproportionate to the transaction amount. From my extensive research into bank systems, I can confidently say that the cost of processing a $7.50 debit transaction is nowhere near 50 cents. Taking money from one account and putting it into another cost the bank no more than a few cents.

Potential Impacts on the Retail Scene

The ban on debit card surcharges will likely have far-reaching effects on retail. Here are some potential economic points to consider:

Increased Consumer Spending

By removing a barrier to debit card use, we might see a slight increase in overall consumer spending. The absence of surcharges could encourage more frequent use of debit cards, potentially leading to more transactions.

Acceleration of Cashless Trend

Australia is rapidly becoming a cashless society, and this ban will accelerate this trend. What is keeping cash going is the lower fees to the consumer. If debit cards become even more cost-effective for consumers, they will use them more.

Potential Price Increases

Some businesses might have to increase their prices depending on how this is implemented. We already have too much inflation that refuses to go away, potentially exacerbating the issue.

Changes in the Banking Sector

Today, these fees play a significant role in banking pricing. If banks are not making money from these fees, what adjustments will they make to their business charges? This is a crucial question that needs addressing.

Retailers' Concerns: Questions That Need Answers

Here are some questions that I think retailers need to ask now while people are talking about these changes, If they miss this opportunity, what you will find is that the banks will talk, consumer groups, government and since retailers are not talking what will come out of it?

  1. Costs: Who will pay for these costs if fees are eliminated? Retailers should be concerned about who will absorb these costs if surcharges are banned.

  2. Fee discrepancies: There's a noticeable difference in processing fees charged to small businesses compared to large corporations. Why are small businesses often charged up to twice as much? The costs surely are not that much more!

  3. Premium Card Fees: Retailers are often charged higher processing fees so the bank customers can get benefits like Qantas points. Is this justifiable?

  4. Card-Specific Surcharges: Retailers cannot charge different surcharges for different types of cards. The ACCC is wrong to make it mandatory to charge the same fee for a standard Visa card and a premium Visa card.

  5. Bank Fees: Why are our debit and credit card fees so much higher than those of many European countries and China? This deserves a thorough investigation.

  6. Unfair fees: Unlike large retailers who can negotiate better rates with banks, small businesses often pay double the fees for card processing. Besides being unfair, it means that the effect of these costs will have more impact on them.

Moving Forward: The Need for Dialogue

As we approach the potential implementation date, consumers and businesses must stay informed about these changes. Retailer representatives should engage with the government to address their concerns.

Moreover, this presents an opportunity to review and potentially overhaul Australia's card payment system.

The Future of Payments in Australia

Today, about 12% of transactions are made using cash, down from 27% five years ago. We're rapidly moving towards a cashless society.

Conclusion: A Complex Issue Requiring Careful Consideration

In conclusion, while the proposed ban on debit card surcharges is generally positive for consumers, other stakeholders have legitimate concerns. The government must carefully balance consumer protection with the financial realities retailers face.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Are there any exceptions to the debit card surcharge ban for specific industries or transaction types?

A: As of now, I have heard no talk of any exceptions being announced. The government will likely provide more details as the policy is developed.

Q: What measures will be taken to ensure businesses don't increase prices to offset the loss of surcharge revenue?

A: I am guessing here, but I suspect the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) may monitor for unfair price increases.

Q: How will the ban impact digital wallet payments and mobile payment platforms?

A: I am wondering about this. Apple, for example, has a special fee. This is an overseas fee, so it's unclear whether it's covered here. So, we do not know whether this ban applies to all debit card transactions made through digital wallets and mobile platforms.

Q: How will this affect loyalty programs or cashback offers tied to card usage?

A: The ban may affect these programs. I am worried that if the banks face reduced revenue from merchant fees, they might move to a retailer-pay model.

Q: What support or resources will be available to help small businesses adapt to these changes?

A: The government hasn't announced specific support measures yet; retailer associations should investigate.

Q: How might this affect international transactions or tourists using foreign-issued cards in Australia?

A: Who knows? In this situation, the merchant may be charged the fee.

Q: How will this impact the competitiveness of different payment methods in the Australian market?

A: It makes debit cards more competitive compared to credit cards and probably cash.

Many details will need to be developed and implemented.

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Using PLU and SKU numbers



Using PLU and SKU Numbers 

Managing your stock and inventory efficiently is crucial for retail. This is where PLU (price look-up) codes and SKU (stock-keeping unit) numbers come in. Implementing these tools can help streamline your operations, saving you time and money.

What Are PLU and SKU Numbers?

Before we dive into the benefits, let’s define what exactly PLU and SKU numbers are:

PLU codes are universal identifier numbers assigned to products, often produce items and other goods sold loose without barcodes. For example, a PLU code for a Granny Smith apple might be 4152. Suppliers assign these 4-5 digit codes and allow retailers to look at pricing and inventory data for produce.

Retailers can optionally use a range between 3170-3269 to create their own internal PLU codes for produce items. Please do not count on them being available, though. Many suppliers are idiots and will occasionally supply items with these PLUs. Interestingly, this happens in newsagencies despite standard stock file standard requirements explicitly forbidding this practice.

SKU numbers are unique ID codes that retailers assign to track stock-keeping units. They allow you to monitor specific product variants in your inventory. For example, say you assign:

SKU #101 to Coca-Cola Can 375mL

SKU #102 to Coca-Cola Bottle 1L


These 1-3 digit codes help differentiate product sizes, colours, flavours, etc.

Key Benefits of Using PLU and SKU Numbers

Implementing PLU codes and SKU numbers offers several advantages that can help streamline operations and boost efficiency:

Faster Checkout and Fewer Errors

PLU and SKU numbers speed up the checkout process by allowing cashiers to enter a code instead of searching through the system for the product. This is especially helpful for loose produce items that don’t have barcodes.

Fewer steps mean fewer opportunities for mistakes. Cashiers won’t have to guess which cucumber or apple variety they select. Quickly entering PLU and SKU codes results in faster customer service and shorter checkout lines.

Better Inventory Tracking

When each product variant has its unique SKU number, you gain much tighter control over inventory tracking. Your point-of-sale system can generate detailed reports by SKU showing exactly which items are in stock, which are selling fastest, and which need reordering.

This granular data makes it easier to minimize excess inventory and stock the right amount of each item. No more guessing how many of each t-shirt size or colour to order. The sales velocity by SKU tells you exactly what’s moving.

Increased Efficiency for Purchasing and Receiving

Standardizing your SKU system dramatically improves efficiency when purchasing inventory and receiving deliveries. Purchase orders, delivery paperwork, and item labels must only display the SKU to identify each product variant.

Employees will immediately know which item or size is being ordered or received by glancing at the SKU number, speeding up processing time considerably.

Improved Data and Analytics

With all inventory uniformly tracked and identified by SKU, your sales reports and analytics become much more helpful. POS reports can break down sales and profits by specific product variants rather than just lumping all similar items together.

You can see which SKUs have the highest profit margins, fastest inventory turns, or slowest sales velocity. This allows you to make smarter purchasing and promotion decisions. You can also identify underperforming items that may need to be discounted or discontinued.

Setting it up is very easy.

1: Open Stock Maintenance and look up the item.
2: Click on the "Prices" tab
3: Scroll to the far right on the pricing grid to see the "PLU" field.
4: Click EDIT and enter a number here (for example, 101 for an SKU and 4152 was the PLU for the apple above)
5: Click SAVE

When you are ringing up a sale in the cash register, enter the PLU into the "price entry" box and press ENTER, and our point of sale will find the item immediately!

PLU and SKU Best Practices

To maximize the benefits of using PLU codes and SKU numbers, keep these best practices in mind:

Keep SKU numbers short and straightforward - Long, complicated SKU codes lead to errors when entering the POS and paperwork. Stick to 1-3 digits if at all possible.

Be consistent—Decide on a standardized format for your SKU numbering and stick to it (e.g., category letter + sequence number). Please don’t make it overly complex. For example, we have a client that sells T-shirts and uses SKUs. They start with #1 for the small size of a V-neck T-shirt, SKU #2 for the medium, SKU #3 for the large, etc., to track each inventory item.

The main advantage of SKUs is that retailers can customize them for their needs. For example, they might encode specific attributes into each SKU.

For example, they started SKUs with a "B" for blue products, "R" for red products, or "S" for small, "M" for medium," and "L" for large. This can help employees quickly identify products.

Assign unique codes - Never reuse SKU numbers, even for discontinued items. Your retired products should still show their historical sales data.

Print SKUs on labels - Printing the SKU on product packaging, shelves, or item tags makes it fast and easy for cashiers to enter.

Cross-train staff - Don’t just train cashiers. Ensure everyone, from inventory managers to purchasers, knows how to use and apply SKUs.


As a retailer, implementing PLU codes and SKU numbers requires some initial work but pays off tremendously through savings in time and money. Your business will benefit from faster checkout, tighter inventory control, increased purchasing efficiency, and improved sales data.

Contact our team to learn more about setting up and using PLUs and SKUs in your retail operation. We would happily advise you on the best practices and system options to boost productivity. Investing in these simple tools will streamline your business for years.



What is an SKU?

A stock-keeping unit (SKU) is an alphanumeric code created internally by retailers, manufacturers, or businesses to identify and track specific products in their inventor


SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) and PLU (Price Look-Up) are inventory identification systems, but...

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit):

  • Alphanumeric code assigned by retailers to track inventory
  • Customizable and unique to each retailer
  • Used for a wide range of products across various industries
  • Provides detailed product information, including size, colour, and variations
  • Primarily used for inventory management and sales tracking

PLU (Price Look-Up):

  • Numeric code, typically 4-5 digits long
  • Standardized across retailers
  • Primarily used for fresh produce and bulk items
  • Mainly used for pricing and essential identification
  • Originated in the grocery industry to expedite the checkout process

Product Number vs SKU Number

Product Number (also known as Item Number or Part Number) and SKU Number have some key differences:

Product Number:

  • Assigned by the manufacturer
  • More stable and less subject to frequent changes
  • Used for broader purposes like manufacturing and distribution
  • May follow industry-standard formats
  • Provides less granular information about the product

SKU Number:

  • Assigned by the retailer
  • It is more dynamic and can change over time
  • Primarily used for internal inventory tracking and retail management
  • Customized according to the retailer's needs
  • Offers more detailed product information

PLU vs Barcode

PLU codes and barcodes are both used for product identification, but they differ in several ways


  • Numeric code, typically 4-5 digits
  • Often used for fresh produce and bulk items
  • Manually entered at checkout
  • Standardized across retailers
  • Limited data capacity


  • Visual representation of data (usually UPC or EAN)
  • Used for a wide range of packaged products
  • Scanned at checkout
  • It can contain more detailed product information
  • Unique to each product and manufacturer

Can two items have the same SKU number?

It is not recommended that you give two items the same SKU number. Each SKU should be unique to avoid confusion during sales and restocking.

However, there are some scenarios where retailers might use the same SKU for closely related items:

  1. Different sizes or colours of the same product (using variations)
  2. When transitioning between suppliers for the same product
  3. For tracking the same product across different locations

The best practice is maintaining unique SKUs for each distinct product to ensure accurate tracking and avoid potential inventory management and sales process errors.

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12 Important Factors to Consider When Choosing an Internet Service Provider for Your Small Business


Choosing an internet supplier

A reliable internet connection is essential for businesses. It's not a luxury anymore. If the internet goes down in a shop, EFTPOS stops, and that often affects half the business's trade.

Here are some valuable lessons about choosing the right Internet Service Provider (ISP) that I have learnt from my personal and business experience, both personally and from my many clients Australia-wide.

1. Internet Speeds: The Need for Speed

Today in business, slow internet is just not going to cut it. Here's what I've found works best:

**Minimum speed: Aim for a download speed of at least 25 Mbps; this is the bare minimum for basic operations today.

  • Suitable range: 50-100 Mbps for most small businesses. This range allows for multiple devices and more demanding tasks.
  • Video conferencing: If you're planning on Zoom calls (and who isn't these days?), you'll want to be on the higher end of that range. 100 Mbps gives a smooth experience even with multiple video calls happening simultaneously.

Today, high-speed internet for business is a positive plus.

2. Reliability: The Backbone of Business Internet

Reliability is so important when it comes to business internet. A dropped connection can mean lost sales and frustrated customers. Today, EFTPOS stops often. Many clients have lost half a day trading just over that! So what I suggest is:

Ask around

Chat with neighbouring businesses about their experiences. When I moved to a new location, the cafe next door saved me from making a big mistake by warning me about their unreliable ISP, whose local cable was causing them many problems.

Check reviews

Look at Google reviews, but be smart about it:

- Aim for providers with ratings around 4.2 stars. This sweet spot often indicates a reliable service with realistic customer feedback. I am wary of perfect 5-star ratings—everyone has terrible reviews; if I see no bad reviews, I think they're scamming me.

Google ratings

- Read what people say about their average response times. The faster, the better for your business.

- Focus on recent reviews—last month's feedback is more relevant than last year's. ISPs can change quickly, for better or worse.

Uptime guarantees

I will discuss this in another post. I would not take these Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with guaranteed uptime too seriously. They're often more about marketing than actual service quality.

3. Data Limits: To Cap or Not to Cap?

Unlimited data plans are becoming more common and often cost the same as capped plans. My advice?

-  If you need more clarification about your usage, go unlimited. It's better to have too much than too little.

- If you're on a tight budget, a capped plan might work, but be careful. I once exceeded my cap and faced a bill triple my usual amount!

- Look out for hidden fees or charges for exceeding data limits. Read the fine print! Some providers slow your internet down rather than charge extra if you exceed your limit.

Pro tip: Look at your current usage; it should give you a clear picture of your needs and help you choose the right plan in the long run.

4. Price and Fees: Balancing the Books

We're all watching our bottom line, especially in retail. Regarding internet costs: -Research first, then set a realistic budget based on your business needs.

- Remember, the cheapest option is only sometimes the best value.

-The dearest is only sometimes offering the best service; one of my clients took one of the biggest ISPs to court for lousy service. That one was certainly costly.

- Consider the cost of downtime. A slightly more expensive but reliable service can save you money in the long run.

- Business internet providers tend to be dearer but claim to be better. I am not convinced that they are better.

5. Customer Service: Your Lifeline When Things Go Wrong

Good customer service can be a lifesaver when your internet goes down. Here's what to look for:

- 24/7 availability is becoming rare, but it's gold if you can get it.

- Multiple support channels: Phone, email, and chat options give you flexibility. Even today, with chat and emails, I often prefer phone support.

- Local support: A physical store nearby can be a huge plus. I've had a problem with my internet, which the modem could have caused. As I was with an Optus reseller, I grabbed the modem and went to my local Optus shop. They tested it, told me it was faulty and sold me a new modem. I was up and running in an hour!

6. Technical Support: The Devil's in the Details

When it comes to tech support, not all ISPs are equal. Make sure you understand:

- What's covered in their support package? Some only cover connection issues, not device problems.

- Do they only support their modems? You could have a problem if you do not use their modem. I once spent hours troubleshooting a connection I used, only to find out my ISP didn't support the business-grade router I was using. Always clarify these details upfront!

- Are there limits on the types of issues they'll help with? For example, some won't assist with Wi-Fi setup or network configuration.

- Do they offer on-site support for complex issues? It can be invaluable for serious problems.

7. Local Availability

Having a local presence can be a game-changer.
They can quickly replace faulty equipment without waiting days for a new modem to arrive by post.

8. Scalability: Growing with Your Business

Your internet needs will change as your business grows. Look for an ISP that:

- It offers a range of plans you can easily switch between. I started with a basic plan and upgraded three times as my business expanded.

- Look at the business NBN plans first to give you an idea of what to look for.

- Allows you to your grade or downgrade without penalties. Flexibility is key in the ever-changing retail landscape.

- Provides business-specific plans that can grow with you. Features like static IPs or multiple lines might become necessary as you expand.

- It offers add-ons like additional data or speed boosts, which is nice.

9. Connection Type: Choosing Your Digital Highway

Connection Type

The two leading players in Australia are NBN and 5G. Here's my take:

NBN is generally more reliable for business use and will probably be the best internet for small businesses. I've found it to be more consistent, especially during peak hours.

5G: It has great speeds but can be less consistent. I have clients who use 5G and often have problems when it rains. It's improving rapidly, though, and might be the future.

Starlink: I have a client who uses this. It has excellent speeds, but it's dearer. It is good.

Tip: Check what type of NBN is available in your area. Some regions use wireless NBN, which can be less reliable than fibre.

10. Contract Terms: Flexibility is Key

When it comes to contracts, shorter is often sweeter. Be wary of long-term contracts with hefty termination fees. One of my clients had to pay to exit a three-year contract early. Know what you're committing to. Pay attention to automatic renewal clauses and price hike conditions. Look for contracts with a satisfaction guarantee or trial period. You have a safety net if the service doesn't meet your expectations.

11. Bundled Services: More Bang for Your Buck?

Many ISPs offer package deals. These can include, among other things, a small business phone and broadband deals.
-If you need these services, the bundle can save you money.

12. Security: Protecting Your Digital Assets

In all my years, I have had only one client complaining about it. Most Australian ISPs take security seriously.

Conclusion: Making the Right Choice

A solid internet connection is the foundation of modern business. Take the time to choose wisely.



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Information and the growing importance of 1%


Kaizen is a successful management technique focusing on continuous improvement through small changes. Instead of reinventing what you have, it asks, "How can I improve just a little on what I have?" The idea is that it is much easier to work on something that is already there than reinvent the wheel.

It works well in retail and massively impacts your business's bottom line.

Kaizen in Action

Using data from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) benchmark study, let's examine a real-world example. We'll focus on a typical stationery shop simply because it's a business that most people can easily relate to.

I took the average figures from these benchmark studies, and what they produced is in this table.

I made three scenarios: the first is nothing changes (Now), the second has a 0.5% improvement, and the third case is a 1% improvement.

Look here.

Kaizen in Action

The results are staggering! A mere for this slight improvements. A 0.5% improvement shows a 2.6% to 5.1% improvement. A 1% improvement leads to profit increases ranging from 5.3% to 10.2%.

I must stress here that most organisations work towards having a 2% increase a year. This 1% is very conservative. 

These small changes have led to significant results.

Harnessing the Power of Information

So, how do we achieve this 1% improvement? One answer lies in leveraging information. In my years of experience, I've found that the following strategies can help you unlock that crucial 1%. Here are some examples:

Optimise Product Placement

Use your sales data to identify your best-selling items and place them in high-traffic areas. If you notice, supermarkets continuously display their best sellers on unique stands in front of their customers. Good sellers are often on several stands.

Improve Inventory Management

By implementing this approach, better buying decisions based on accurate sales data can reduce overstock and stockouts while maintaining sales levels. POS software provides real-time tracking of inventory levels, allowing you to:

  • Set up automatic reorder points to prevent stockouts
  • Identify and reduce slow-moving items
  • Buy more frequently but less so, reducing carrying costs and increasing cash flow.

Implement a Loyalty Program

Implement a loyalty program to encourage repeat business.

One idea that works well is a simple birthday offer, which has been seen to work wonders. It is easy to do it with a basic loyalty program. I am yet to see a more effective VIP program then a birthday offer. If you do not have such a retail program, its costing you.

Monitor your shrinkage

Keeping a close eye on theft rates can help you implement targeted prevention measures. Use your information to reduce shrinkage by addressing problem areas.

Improve Debtor Management

Implementing credit limits, automated reminders, and more explicit payment terms can improve cash flow and give you better control over your accounts receivable.

Generate Actionable Reports

Use your POS reporting capabilities to:

  • Identify top-selling products and peak sales times
  • Track employee performance
  • Analyse profit margins by product/category

These insights can help you make data-driven inventory, staffing, and pricing decisions.


Use the power of minor improvement. It's not about making drastic changes overnight. It's about consistently seeking out those minor improvements and letting them compound over time to transform your retail business.

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Kaizen?

A: Kaizen is a management technique focusing on continuous improvement through small changes. It emphasizes improving existing processes rather than reinventing them.

Q: How effective is Kaizen in retail?

A: Very effective. It is used by many organisations, as a rule they look for having about a 2% increase a year.

Q: How can I achieve a 1% improvement in my retail business?

A: You can achieve this by leveraging information and implementing strategies to exploit it.

Q: What's the key takeaway about Kaizen in retail?

A: The key takeaway is that minor, consistent improvements can significantly transform a retail business. It's not about drastic overnight changes but continuously seeking and implementing minor enhancements.

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Verifying an order sent with a photo


Sending goods


I think retailers must verify orders with photos today. It is a simple yet powerful technique that is revolutionising how we handle orders. It involves photographing packed orders before shipping.

The Power of a Picture

Today, it's an all-too-familiar scenario: a customer claims they didn't receive all the items they ordered or got nothing. You have a shipping dispute. Without concrete evidence, these situations often boil down to an "I said, she said" dilemma.

A photo can help with your case. The courts do accept photos as evidence. Can taking a picture show evidence of what was in the parcel when it left your shop? Another picture of you sending the parcel. These photos can strengthen your case.

Photographs as evidence are extremely powerful when shown in court. People tend to believe what they ‘see’.

That's where the smartphone camera comes in. You're creating a visual record that could be used later by snapping a quick photo of each packed order before it's sealed and sent.

Personal experience

I was shocked when I sent some goods to a client. He replied that he never got them. The post office said they were delivered, but I needed help to prove what was in the box, which I could not. It was a wake-up call. Clearly, I needed some order verification.

Implementing the Photo Verification System

Here's how we've incorporated this practice into our order fulfilment process:

  1. Pack the order as usual, laying out all items.
  2. Take a photo using your smartphone.
  3. Attach the photo to the invoice in our POS system so you have a record.
  4. Seal and ship the parcel with confidence.

It's that simple. This small step has become an integral part of our shipping process, and the benefits have been immense.

A Word of Caution

While this system has been a game-changer for us, it's important to remember that it's just one part of a comprehensive order fulfilment strategy. It doesn't replace the need for careful packing, accurate inventory management, and excellent customer service.

So, why not give it a go? Grab your smartphone, take that first photo, and join the ranks of retailers using this simple technique to revolutionise their order fulfilment process.

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Public Holiday Surcharging in your shop


Impact of retail surcharging on public holidays
Retail surcharging on public holidays sparks much debate. It's not for every business, but let's explore this complex issue.

What is a Public holiday surcharge?

A public holiday surcharge (retail surcharging) is an extra fee added to a customer's purchase to cover increased costs on the public holiday. It's gained more attention lately, especially on public holidays, with the astronomical growth of salaries.

Although it is commonly seen as an issue in hospitality and service industries, it does come into other sectors. For example, I recall a heated debate when newspaper companies introduced Sunday papers. Many newsagents argued that newspapers should have a consistent price daily, viewing them as products, and doubted customers would pay more because it was Sunday. Despite this pushback, the newspaper companies implemented a higher Sunday price. This higher cost is part of the reason Sunday newspapers sell less.

The Rationale Behind Public Holiday Surcharges

Cost of Labour

Businesses face significantly higher labour costs on public holidays. Today, the average hourly rate for a shop assistant in Australia is $30.38. You could look at 250% of the base rate for full-time and part-time employees at public holiday rates. Using this average hourly rate of $30.38, you can estimate that $30.38 x 250% = $75.95 an hour on public holidays.

It's a lot of money that can quickly eat into your profitability. This is why many shops close on public holidays. Many of my clients work themselves on those days; otherwise, it's not worth it to open.

The Balancing Act

Implementing a surcharge is about more than covering costs. It's about finding a delicate balance between:

  • Staying open to serve customers

  • Covering increased operational expenses

  • Maintaining profitability

  • Not upsetting customers

The Nuts and Bolts of Surcharging

Surcharge Rates: Finding the Sweet Spot

In my experience, most businesses charging surcharges use 10% to 15%. If you levy 10%, you might as well go to 12.5%. If you will make it 15%, I suggest considering 17.5%.

Although I have seen it, I think 20% to 25% is too high for most customers.

Retail surcharge laws

I am unaware of any legal limit on surcharge percentages in Australia. However, businesses must display the surcharge, e.g., at the point of sale, as they must disclose prices, including surcharges.

businesses must display the surcharge


Besides, it's critical to maintaining customer trust.

Industry Variations: Who's Surcharging and Who's Not

Where You'll See Surcharges

Surcharges are most common in the hospitality sector. Restaurants and cafes often lead the charge due to high labour costs and the expectation of being open on holidays.

Where You Won't See it.

You're unlikely to see surcharges in many other sectors, including:

  • Essential services

  • Public transportation

  • Online services

  • Banks

  • Government services

The Customer Perspective: What's the Verdict?

In my interactions with my clients, they have reported to the public a range of reactions to surcharges:

  • Some flatly refuse to pay it.

  • Many accept the necessity, especially if the surcharge is reasonable.

The Role of Technology: How POS Systems Can Help

As someone now in the POS software business, I can't stress enough how important the right technology is in managing surcharges effectively. Our POS System has a function that allows you to charge the surcharge.

In the cash register

POS System with surcharge

You can make the surcharge here as a percentage or amount; it is your call.

As it automatically calculates, it reduces the chance of human error, so you can change any figure you like, e.g., 12.5%, which is hard to do manually. More about 12.5% later.

  • Display surcharges on receipts and customer-facing screens

  • Provide reports on surcharge revenue to help with decision-making

  • Offer flexible options for implementing different surcharge strategies so you can do what we call an A/B strategy, say, charge 10% this public holiday and 15% on the next and then compare the results.


-If you have a customer who objects too much to the surcharge, you can choose not to charge them for this transaction.

Clear Customer Display

Our POS systems with customer-facing displays will clearly show enhanced transparency.

Detailed Reporting

Our advanced reporting features can help businesses analyse the impact of surcharges on sales and customer behaviour.

Conclusion: Finding Your Balance

As retailers, we need to balance our operational costs with customer satisfaction. My advice? Whatever approach you choose:

  1. Be transparent

  2. Be fair

  3. Always prioritise your customers' experience


Q: Can businesses charge a public holiday surcharge?

A: In Australia, you can legally charge a public holiday surcharge.

Q: What is the average public holiday surcharge in Australia?

A: The most common range for public holiday surcharges is 10% to 15%

Q: What is the public holiday rate in retail Australia?

A: Public holiday penalty rates for retail employees are typically 225% to 250% of their base hourly rate.

Q: Can you charge a weekend surcharge?

A: Yes, you charge weekend surcharges.

Q: Why do businesses implement surcharges?

A: Generally, businesses implement surcharges to offset increased costs, notably higher labour costs due to penalty rates on public holidays and weekends.

Q: Consumer rights regarding surcharges?

A: Consumers have the right to be informed about surcharges before purchasing, so businesses must display surcharge information.

Q: Alternatives to surcharging for businesses:

A: Not many.

  • Absorbing the additional costs

  • Raising regular prices to account for occasional higher costs

  • Closing the shop

Note: I am not a lawyer, so you may consider getting proper legal advice before proceeding.

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USA 7-Eleven Flash Mob Robbery


7-Eleven Flash Mob Robbery

As a retail security group member, I recently got a disturbing incident that's been making waves in the US. On October 6th morning, a 7-Eleven store in Los Angeles fell victim to a violent "flash mob" robbery. A lone staff member at the store tried desperately to shut the doors as a mob of masked individuals approached. He was able to, till he threatened the clerk with a concrete slab, and the mob forced their way inside. Once in, the group attacked the employee and looted the store.

The video footage is genuinely shocking, so user discretion is advised here. Look at that girl filming the robbery for her memories.

It isn't an isolated incident in America; similar "flash mob" robberies have targeted over a dozen 7-Eleven stores across Los Angeles in recent months.

The incident sparked a heated discussion on Twitter which I thought was interesting over: 

  1. Public Safety Concerns: Many users expressed shock and worry about the rising crime rates in urban areas.
  2. Political Commentary: There was significant criticism of current leadership and policies.
  3. Skepticism of Crime Statistics: Several comments sarcastically referenced official claims about crime reduction. Something that is true in Australia to, as most reatil crimes are not reported.
  4. Cultural and Demographic Discussions: Some users drew connections between crime rates and demographic changes.
  5. Proposed Solutions: A few comments suggested arming clerks or closing stores in high-risk areas.

The overall tone of the Twitter responses was frustration, concern, and criticism of the current social and political conditions related to crime and public safety.

I have never seen anything like it in Australia. But, it's worth considering in Australian retailing as it's not just about loss prevention but also the broader impact on our community and the retail industry here. I know in the UK a few years ago, no-one was worried about it and now its a major issue in their retail shops.

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Eliminating many GST errors


I've seen firsthand the challenges people face with GST auditing. That's why I ensured that someone could audit their GST when we designed our POS system.

The GST Auditing Dilemma

We've all been there—trying to reconcile figures, often scratching our heads over what our accounting software tells us. It's a headache we could all do without.

Our Built-in GST Compliance Tools: Your New Best Friend

Our POS software has a powerful GST auditing tool. This makes your life easier. Here's why it's a game-changer:

  1. Integrated Solution: No more jumping between programs.
  2. Speed and Accuracy: Powered by Microsoft SQL for lightning-fast results.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Designed with retailers in mind, not tech gurus.

GST method

GST reconciliation method

What you are trying to do is find a mistake.

Let me walk you through how simple it is to use:

  1. Go to Register Reports > Sales > GST Summary
  2. Select your desired period
  3. Review the detailed report, including a comprehensive GST breakdown.

This will give you a detailed report that includes this.

GST Summary report



It's that straightforward. There are no complex procedures, just precise, actionable data at your fingertips.

When Numbers Don't Add Up: Your Problem-Solving Ally

Even with the best systems, discrepancies can occur. Here's how our POS software helps you track them down. What you are trying to do is find a wrong transaction. Then, study it.

  1. Narrow the time frame: In your accounting program, do the first half of the period and then compare the same period with your POS System.
  2. Compare Systems: Easily check your POS report against your accounting software for this period.
  3. If it is okay, go to the next period. If it's in error, half again go to 1

Keep going until you have a day; if both periods are wrong, pick the period with the most significant error and return to 1.

If both are okay, you are in the wrong period.

Dive Deep: Once you've identified the day, scrutinise individual transactions.

A Real-World Example: The $2000 Mystery

I couldn't determine why $2000 was missing from our GST. Using this software's auditing process, I discovered it was an insurance claim wrongly recorded as a sale in the accounting software.

Embrace the Future of GST Auditing

Don't let GST auditing be the bane of your existence.

It's not only compliance; it's about running your business more efficiently and profitably.

Common Questions about GST Reconciliation

Q: How can I reconcile GST at the end of the year?

A:  Do the following steps

  • Gather all financial records for the full year.
  • Check the GST report in your accounting software from the start to end of the financial year.
  • Compare filed GST to collected and paid GST.
  • Research any differences in reported and actual GST amounts.
  • Make adjustments to ensure accuracy.

Q: How do I match GST to my balance sheet?

A: Do the follwing steps.

  • Generate both a Balance Sheet and a GST Summary report.
  • Compare the GST liability on the Balance Sheet to the liability on the GST Summary.
  • Investigate any discrepancies.
  • Check for unpaid invoices or unclaimed GST credits.
  • Make changes as required so the liability amounts match on both reports.

Q: What does GST reconciliation involve in Xero?

A:  For some reason, I get a lot of questions about GST in Xero. It is easy in Xero to do GST reconciliation:

  • Compares filed returns to actual collected and paid GST

  • Make a report showing the differences

  • Review of potentially missed or miscoded transactions

  • Helps ensure accurate, compliant GST reporting

Q: How can I reconcile GST in Excel?

A: To reconcile GST in Excel:

  • Export GST data from your POS system

  • Create separate sheets for each return type

  • Set up columns (Invoice Number, Date, Taxable Value, GST Amounts)

  • Use formulas to calculate reported vs actual GST differences

  • Highlight discrepancies with conditional formatting

  • Review and research highlighted differences

Q: What are some best practices?

A: Some best practices:

  • Reconcile regularly - monthly or quarterly

  • Document process and findings

  • Use accounting software features to automate and streamline

  • Review reporting trends and investigate variances

  • Have manager oversight for large deviations

  • Keep a clear audit trail of adjustments

Follow these FAQs and best practices for accurate GST reporting and compliance.

Please consult a tax accountant for business-specific advice, as I am not an accountant.

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How Do I Customize My Favorite POS Software Reports?


Having your favourite reports in one convenient spot makes using your POS system much easier—you won't have to hunt around for them.

The Power of Personalisation

The ability to customise reports into a favourite area is a game-changer.

Why Customisation Matters

-Time-saving: No more sifting through menus to find the report you commonly use.

-Efficiency: It is much faster as you have them all in one spot.

Creating Your Smart List of Favourite Reports

Now, let's set up your personalised report dashboard. Trust me, it's simple.

Step-by-Step Guide

Creating Your Smart List of Favourite Reports


You've created a dashboard of your go-to reports in one convenient place.

The Beauty of the Favourites Section

Picture this:

-It's Monday morning.

-You've just walked into your shop.

-You want to check last week's sales figures.

Instead of clicking through multiple screens, you open your POS software, and there it is - your Weekly Sales Report in your favourites Section. It's that simple!

The beauty of this is that it grows and adjusts with you. Your favourite dashboard can change as you learn more and want different things. You're not just saving time; you're creating a tool that gives instant insights into your business performance.

Common ones that people put in there frequently are:

-Debtor trial balance

-Quick retail sales comparison

Conclusion: Your Business, Your Reports

Make sure your POS software is as you want it to be. Setting up your Favourites Section only takes a few minutes.


Q: Where do I find my Favourites folder?

A: See here at the green arrow.

Point of Sale Software favourite reports


Q: How do I add favourites to the toolbar?

A: Highlight the report you want to favourite and then right-click.


What sells in my shop during Halloween?


Kids in Halloween spirit

Once a fringe holiday, Halloween has now become a significant retail event in Australia.

The Rise of Halloween Down Under

Halloween has become a frighteningly big business in Australia. This year, expected

  • A whopping 21% of Australians are expected to celebrate Halloween
  • Total retail sales are forecast to reach $450 million
  • The average Aussie Halloween enthusiast is set to spend $93

Who's Driving the Halloween Craze?

Interestingly, it's not just kids fuelling this trend. Adults aged 35-49 are the most enthusiastic Halloween celebrators, with 40% planning to join the fun—a 3% increase from last year!

Top-Selling Halloween Categories

The retail industry expects these categories to sell, so look for top Halloween products here:

Halloween spending categories explained

What sells in your shop

Go to your POS system into Register Reports

Select "Top N Stock Sales for a Given Period"


In the form, put in the following dates: 25/10/22 to 31/10/22. A report will come out with what is sold over that week. 

As time is running out, could you do it now?

This data-driven approach has helped you avoid overstock nightmares and check that you have the products sold in your shop on Halloween.

Here are some more ideas to consider.

Devilish Decorations

The trend is now that Aussies are getting more creative with their Halloween decor each year, turning their homes into haunted houses.

How about considering:

  • Halloween paper plates, cups, and napkins
  • Spooky banners
  • Balloons
  • Creepy cocktail accessories (skull ice moulds, witch's brew punch)

Trick-or-Treating Essentials

The tradition of trick-or-treating has taken off in Australia, so you may want to consider:

  • Plastic pumpkin buckets for collecting treats
  • Glow sticks and light-up accessories for safety
  • Halloween-themed bags and baskets
  • Face paint and temporary tattoos for quick costume touch-ups

In retailing, Halloween can be challenging. Here is what I've learned over the years:

Start Now

There is a limited amount of time to begin planning your Halloween stock. Look for something original.

Manage Stock Carefully

Many Halloween items have a short shelf life. You do not want to be stuck with difficult-to-sell Halloween-specific items after October 31st. The odds are you have to put them in storage for next year or sell them at a discount.

Put up signs or stands in front of the shop. If you have an Instagram or Facebook page, use it to show your Halloween products and create buzz.

Conclusion: Embracing the Halloween Spirit

Halloween is worth looking into.

FAQs about Halloween in Australia

Q: How big is Halloween in Australia?

A: Halloween is growing in popularity across Australia. Over 5 million Aussies, or about 1 in 5 people, celebrated Halloween this year. Social media and fun family activities fuel interest, so we can expect the numbers to keep rising.

Q: How big are Halloween sales?

A: Halloween spending totaled $430 million in 2022 and jumped to $490 million in 2023. Early estimates for 2024 put spending around $450 million.

Q: How much money do Australians spend on Halloween?

A: Halloween retail trends are up. Today's average spending for a person celebrating Halloween is expected to be $93, an increase of $7 (8.1%) from last year.

Q: What sells the most for Halloween?

A: Halloween sales Australia, top Halloween categories that Australians spend on include:

  1. Trick or treating (45%)
  2. Treats for trick-or-treaters (38%)
  3. Halloween costumes (37%)
  4. Home decorations (32%)
  5. Attending or hosting events (18%)

Q: Which product category has the most sales for Halloween?

A: The top-selling product category is trick-or-treating gear, with 45% planning to buy these supplies.

Q: What age group spends the most money on Halloween?

A: Australians aged 35-49 comprise the biggest spending age group at 40%, followed by those under 35 at 25%.

Q: Is Halloween getting more popular in Australia?

A: Yes. This year, 300,000 more Australians will celebrate than last year, and it is showing steady growth in popularity.


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Taming the Dead Stock Beast


We have all experienced inventory nightmares. The most persistent one is dead stock. It sits there, and you see it everywhere in the shop. It is a silent killer of profits, a space hogger in your shop, and a constant reminder of a wrong purchasing decision. Here are some battle-tested strategies used. Often, they are painful, but they do work.

What is Dead Stock

Dead stock is stuff that's not selling. It's inventory that is now growing roots in your shop. I recently saw a shop with items on the shelf that were a few years old. They did not even look sellable.

What is the dead stock analysis?

Deadstock analysis involves:

-Identifying non-selling inventory

-Calculating the cost of holding this inventory

-Determining reasons for lack of sales

-Assessing the impact on profitability and cash flow

-Developing strategies to prevent and manage dead stock

The Hidden Costs

Hidden cost of dead stock

Tied-up capital

That money could be working for you instead of gathering dust.

Rent costs

You are paying for every square metre of your shop; here, you are paying for space for nothing as the stock there is not selling.

Opportunity cost

You could be stocking items there that sell instead.

Other costs

You are paying for shoplifting, insurance, staff cleaning, etc. All for stock that does not sell.

How do you determine dead stock?

Here's how you spot dead stock: Set up specific criteria. Different retailers use different rules.


Items that haven't sold in 6-12 months (varies by shop and industry)

Excess inventory beyond reasonable selling expectations

Products with little to no customer interest. Your staff will know this.

Outdated or obsolete products

Also, check for obsolescence; the sale cycle is only a month in fast-moving stock lines on movie toys.


Selling less than 60% of purchased inventory

Damaged or unsellable condition

Look at your shelves for outdated, damaged, or low-quality items. Listen to your staff as they often know these items.

What is a dead stock register?

A dead stock register is a record-keeping system that tracks an organisation's movable property or assets that are no longer in use or have no sales potential. It includes product name, buy date, quantity, and current condition. Your POS system should have one, and its weight should be gold for tracking dead stock. If you have our POS System, follow the instructions here. It will take seconds to give you the result. I have seen results of over $50,000 of dead stock coming out. 

Regular stock reviews.

I make it a habit to review my inventory quarterly.

Strategies for clearing Dead Stock

Alright, you've identified the dead weight. Now what? Here are some tactics I've used successfully:

Discount, But Do It Smart

Slashing prices is the go-to move, but be strategic. I want it out.

How do you clear stock quickly?

Nothing beats flash sales to clear stock quickly. In my experience, end-of-financial-year and stocktaking sales work very well.

Bundle It Up

This is my go-to method. I find that pairing my dead stock with an item that sells and then using the item that sells as a push for a dead stock item works well. I offered my clients some monitors with a screen filter. From my client's point of view, they were getting a monitor and screen filter together at a beautiful price; from my point of view, I was moving monitors with something that had no value to me. It was a win-win situation.

Try a new sales channel

If it's not selling in your shop, try online marketplaces. I've had success moving dead stock on eBay. You could also try Facebook Marketplace.

Use it yourself

Sometimes, you can use the products yourself. You do not need them, but consider them something you got for nothing.

Sometimes, it is best to cut your losses. I donated to a charity, which bought a pile of old computer parts for free. We got a tax deduction, and we felt good about doing something for the community.

Preventing Future Dead Stock

The best way to deal with dead stock is to prevent it. Here's how:

Improve your forecasting

Use your POS data to predict trends and seasonal fluctuations

Implement just-in-time inventory

To reduce risk, you want to keep your stock levels lean, so buy in small quantities and regularly rather than in large orders. Your automatic ordering in our POS System can handle small orders over a short period.

Can you get a sale or return

It is often worth giving up some margin if you can get this, If, say, you were to buy ten items and be stuck with an item in dead stock at a 50% margin, your actual margin is now 44% If, say, you were to buy ten items and be stuck with two items dead at a 50% margin, your actual margin is now 37.5% If, say, you were to buy ten items and be stuck with three items dead at a 50% margin, your actual margin is now 28%

The Role of Technology

A robust POS system with inventory management features can help. Here's why:

Real-time tracking

Know what's in stock and what's selling at any given moment.

Automated reordering

Set up alerts for low stock to prevent stockouts of popular items

Sales reporting

Identify trends and slow movers before they become dead stock

How do you write off dead stock?

If you do not get rid of it but want to write it off, you need to ensure proper documentation to your accountant for tax purposes

-Identify the items you will write off

-Determine the book value of the dead stock. Your POS System should have that.

-Note a journal entry to the accountant to remove the value from inventory assets. 

-Do not adjust the cost price in your POS data unless you intend never ever to order that item again. 


Deadstock is a retail reality but doesn't have to be a business killer.

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To Surcharge or not?


EFTPOS Surcharging


I've seen the surcharge debate from all angles. After many years, it's still a hot topic for retailers, and I'd like to share some insights from my years in the trenches.

The Surcharge Landscape

In my experience, most businesses fall into one of four categories when it comes to surcharging:

Manual Surcharge Approach

Every electronic transaction puts an extra fee, which the retailer sets.

The "Cash Incentive" Method

Spend over a certain amount in cash, and the customer snags a gift, e.g. a free can of drink.

Automatic surcharge

The bank sets the fees, and the retailer puts what the bank says in their software.

It relieves the retailer of much of the onus if there is an issue with their rates. The disadvantage is that many EFTPOS costs are not included, so the retailer is charged more than they get back.

Free EFTPOS provider does it all.

The EFTPOS/POS System provider automatically does all this. In practice, the customers often get charges that either underestimate the EFTPOS prices as they do not include all EFTPOS charges or sometimes rip-off prices if the EFTPOS/POS System provider is trying to maximise profits. You will pay these charges to the customer in goodwill.

Free EFTPOS is a myth; someone is paying for it.


No Surcharge Policy

All cards are welcome, with no extra fees.

Our POS software can handle all these approaches easily. We've ensured it's flexible enough to suit your chosen strategy.

Our Personal Choice

We've done the math for our business and chose option 4—no surcharges. As far as I know, we're the only ones in our market taking this approach, and it's working well for us.

If You're Going to Surcharge

If surcharging is the right move for your business, here are some tips I've picked up along the way:

Check Your actual Surcharges

If you do decide to surcharge, it's crucial to check these scenarios:

  • What's the charge for tapping?

  • What's the charge for insertion?

  • What credit card rates are your customers being charged?

Check your customers' charges regularly. The ACCC asks you to check once a year. An unreasonable surcharge can turn a happy customer into an angry ex-customer faster than you can say "EFTPOS."

Double-Check Your Setup

We receive many support calls from people who still need to set up their surcharges correctly. It's worth taking the time to ensure that your POS system is charging what you desire.

Be Transparent

If you charge a surcharge, the ACCC demands you put a sign that you are doing this.

However, here is something that is discussed little but should be. Bank fees for these services are much higher in Australia than overseas. I cannot see how banks can justify these fees. It's a raw deal for Aussie retailers.

Why should retailers take the heat for these high charges?

Consider putting up a sign like the above stating the rates and why you charge these fees. It is not you but the bank.

Think Twice About Rejecting Premium Cards

It's often better to accept premium cards like American Express with a surcharge than not receive them. Many corporate customers use these cards, and their people will not buy from them if you don't accept them.

Final Thoughts

Your POS system can handle surcharging and is designed to be flexible enough to accommodate any approach you choose.


Frequently Asked Questions About Surcharging

Q: What is surcharging? 

A: Surcharging adds an extra fee to a transaction when customers pay with specific payment methods, often credit or debit cards.

Q: How do I implement surcharging in my POS system? 

A: We suggest configuring your POS system settings to include the charges.

Q: What are the different types of surcharges? 

A: Common types include a flat percentage fee for credit card transactions and variable fees based on the card type (e.g., an American Express surcharge).

Q: How do I calculate the surcharge amount? 

A: Calculate the surcharge by multiplying the transaction amount by the surcharge percentage. For example, if a transaction is $100 and the surcharge is 1.5%, the surcharge would be $1.50.

Q: What is the maximum surcharge I can charge my customers? A: While there is no set maximum surcharge, it should not exceed the merchant fees you incur. The ACCC recommends that surcharges reflect the actual cost of accepting the payment method.

Q: Are there any disclosure requirements for surcharging? 

A: Businesses must clearly disclose any surcharges to customers before the payment is processed. This includes displaying signs at the point of sale.

Q: What do customers think about surcharges? A: Customer reactions can vary; some understand surcharges due to rising costs, while others view them negatively and may avoid businesses that impose them.

Q: How often should I review my surcharging policy? 

A: It is supposed to be done at least once a year.


Support today


The AFL Grand Final weekend is among the most challenging software support periods. As your trusted partner, we ensure your operations run smoothly during this peak period.

Our support today will be as usual:

Sydney Office Support: Fully operational today.

Melbourne Public Holiday Notice: Our Melbourne office is closed for the public holiday, so our Sydney team is at max.

Availability: Normal hours throughout the weekend.

On Big Day - AFL Grand Final

Support Availability

Our support team will operate as usual throughout the weekend. However, we kindly ask that you avoid calling during game time; our support staff would greatly appreciate it. We are footy fans, too!

Rest assured, if you do need assistance, they'll be there to help.

A Season Like No Other

This AFL season has been the most unpredictable one I can remember. The top half of teams is close in performance, and we have seen a lot of inconsistency in play. Unfortunately, we have also had a few injuries.

Personal Reflections

As a die-hard Carlton supporter (through thick and thin, I'm trying to remain neutral this year. However, I can't help but think Sydney looks like the team to beat, but Brisbane could do it. In footy, as in retail, anything can happen on the day.

I like this image.
Who will win in 2024

Final Thoughts

Remember, our support team is here if you need us. We're all hoping for a smooth sailing weekend. Good luck to all, both on the field and in your shop!

Update:  This Grand Final fits the trend that predicting football outcomes in 2024 has been impossible this year.

I found myself wondering when we Victorians would turn off the TV. The match became so one-sided, and our interest waned once it became evident that the Lions had such a commanding lead that a comeback seemed impossible. Still, we went to the end.

That said, without diminishing Brisbane's performance, Sydney is a much better team than they showed today. They will be able to redeem themselves next year, but now it is Brisbane. 


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Melbourne Grand final day




Now, in Victoria, it's a time when the place buzzes with the AFL Grand Final in Melbourne.

To Open or Not to Open?

The problem is that it's a public holiday, and it costs if you have staff on that day. So, as the day approaches, retailers are asking themselves whether to open.

But here's the problem if they decide to open: do your customers know you are open on AFL Final Melbourne?

The Customer Confusion Challenge

Last year, one of our clients decided to open their shop on Grand Final Day, but they saw very few customers. They think it was because many customers assumed we'd be closed.

Let them know

Spread the word: For example, plaster a "Yes, we're open!" sign on the shop front.

If you have a Facebook account for the shop, let them know there.

If you can put something in front of the shop to show you are open so people can see it.

Final Thoughts

Your customers can only buy from you if they come, even if you are open.

Do it now as you do not have a lot of time.


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ACCC sues Coles Woolworths $50+ million



The recent legal action by the ACCC against Coles and Woolworths is a shocker. Focusing on allegedly misleading discount campaigns will bring retail pricing strategies under intense scrutiny.

What's at Stake in the ACCC vs. Supermarket Giants Case?

At the heart of this legal battle are the "Prices Dropped" and "Down Down" campaigns run by Woolworths and Coles, respectively. The ACCC contends that these promotions were misleading due to artificial price inflation before the discounts. 

Read what they are saying about one item here.

ACCC argument at Woolworths

Now, in total, the ACCC is taking to the Federal Court:  

  • Woolworths: For 266 products affected over 20 months
  • Coles: For 245 products affected over 15 months

The outcome of this lawsuit could have far-reaching implications on our pricing strategies, especially in our current never-ending inflationary environment.

The Numbers

These aren't small numbers; the potential penalties are significant, $50 million for each breach. That should be enough to make any retailer take notice.

A Common Scenario

Imagine this scenario: You've been selling an item for $6 for a while. Your supplier increases their price to $5, so you bump your selling price to $10. Then, a week later, you decide to run a 20% "discount" promotion, bringing the price down to $8. In retail, this is relatively common.

Based on what the ACCC is saying, your initial pricing and cost-based increase are standard practices, so that is okay here, but that "discount" promotion could land you in hot water. Why? Because your discounted price of $8 is higher than your original long-term price of $6. A week is hardly a reasonable period.

The Grey Area

The tricky part is determining a reasonable period before offering a discount.

"What if you offer a discount three weeks after increasing the price, a month, a few months, etc? Would that be misleading or fair?" The law needs to be more transparent on this, which leaves us retailers with a problem of what is reasonable.

My Two Cents

Based on my years of experience, it's best to err on caution. If you've just had a significant price increase, think twice before slapping a discount label if the final price is still above your long-term price point. Your POS System shows a history of when you sold an item and for how much. It will also inform you how long the new price has been in effect. I will also supply you with many of the records you may need.

Let's tweak our scenario a bit more:

  1. Original cost: $3
  2. Original selling price: $6
  3. New cost: $3.50
  4. New selling price: $7
  5. 20% discount price: $5.60

In this case, your discounted price ($5.60) is below your long-term price ($6), so it will likely be okay.

The Bigger Picture

This case against Coles and Woolworths isn't just about big supermarkets. We must be more mindful of how we present our pricing and promotions to customers.

A Wish for the Future

Would it be great if suppliers informed us about price increases? This would allow us to prepare and communicate proactively with our customers, but we can discuss that in another post.

In the meantime, please ensure that your pricing practices comply with the current legal standards and keep our customer's trust. After all, that's what good retailing is all about.

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How to black mark a stock item?


One particularly frustrating issue that often crops up when dealing with stock items is that some items that you do not want keep coming back. These products linger on your shelves, occupying valuable space and tying up your capital. Here is a nifty trick in our software worth looking into: how to blackmark a stock item.

What is Black Marking?

Before diving into the mechanics, let's clarify what "black marking" means. Black marking flags a stock line in your point-of-sale (POS) system as a product you no longer want to receive. It's like putting that item on your "do not order" list.

Why Would You Want to Black Mark an Item?

There are several reasons why you might want to blackmark a stock item:

  1. Poor sales performance: The item needs to move off the shelves.
  2. Quality issues: You've received so many complaints about the product that you feel bad about stocking it. For example, I now refuse to sell a range of printers. They have great reviews, but they are terrible.
  3. Supplier problems: Supplier problems are always a problem; there are just some people you want to avoid dealing with.
  4. Seasonal items: You want to prevent reordering Christmas decorations in July!

    reasons why you I blackmark a product

How to Black Mark a Stock Item

Here's how you can blackmark an item in your POS system:

Method 1: During Stock Receiving

  1. Open your stock receiving screen.
  2. Press the edit button.
  3. Look for the column indicated by the red arrow (in your POS system, this will be labelled "Do Not Receive" or something similar).
  4. Mark the checkbox for the item you want to black mark.

    How to censure  a stock line

Method 2: In Stock Maintenance

Alternatively, you can black-mark an item directly in your stock maintenance screen:

  1. Navigate to your stock maintenance section.
  2. Find the item you want to black mark.
  3. Look for a "Do Not Receive" or similar option.
  4. Toggle this option on for the item.

What Happens After You Black Mark an Item?

Once you've black-marked an item, a couple of things will happen:

  1. No Automatic Ordering: The system will no longer automatically order this product, even if it falls below your usual reorder threshold.

  2. Instant Return File: If the item somehow ends up in your receiving list (maybe a colleague ordered it manually), it will be moved to a separate list—often called the "Instant Return File." You can then deal with it promptly, perhaps by returning it to the supplier or finding an alternative solution.

My Personal Experience

I first learned about black marking in my grandfather's shop. Grandfather was so happy when he finally sold a stock line. Mum was doing an order, seeing we were out of it, and ordered some more. Soon, every time Grandfather turned around, he said that these products were mocking him from the shelves.

Best Practices for Black Marking

While black marking can be a powerful tool, it's essential to use it wisely. Here are some tips:

  • Regular Review: Periodically review your inventory list. The problem with computers is once you do something, it is there forever. Yet market trends change, and a product that did not sell last year might be the next big thing this year.

Communication: Ensure your team understands what black marking means and how to do it.

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Don't black mark items on a whim. Use your sales data to decide which products to blackmark.


Black marking for stock items is a simple yet powerful method to enhance inventory management. It prevents the gathering of unsold stock, liberates capital, and enables you to prioritise products that foster business growth. Remember, staying ahead in inventory management is crucial, and black marking gives you that edge. I encourage you to experiment with it as you will find it as helpful as I have over the years.

Happy retailing!

FAQ: Black Marking Stock Items in Retail

Q: What is black marking?

A: Black marking is a process in your point-of-sale (POS) system where you flag a stock item as one you no longer want to receive or reorder. It creates a "do not order" list for specific products.

Q: Why would I want to blackmark an item?

A: You might want to blackmark an item for several reasons:

  • Poor sales performance
  • Quality issues with the product
  • Problems with the supplier
  • Seasonal items you don't want to reorder out of season

Q: How do I blackmark an item in my POS system?

A: There are typically two methods:

  1. During stock receiving:

    • Open the stock receiving screen
    • Press edit
    • Find the "Do Not Receive" column
    • Mark the checkbox for the item
  2. In-stock maintenance:

    • Navigate to stock maintenance
    • Find the item
    • Look for a "Do Not Receive" option
    • Toggle it on

Q: What happens after I blackmark an item?

A: Two main things occur:

  1. The system won't automatically reorder the item
  2. If the item appears in your receiving list, it'll be moved to an "Instant Return File" for you to deal with promptly

Q: Can I undo a black mark?

A: Yes, you can typically undo a black mark by following the same process you used to mark it and unchecking the "Do Not Receive" option.

Q: Should I review my black-marked items?

A: It's a good practice to review your black-marked items periodically. Market trends change, and a previously unpopular item might become in demand.

Q: Will black-marking an item remove it from my inventory?

A: Black marking doesn't remove the item from your inventory. It only prevents future orders of that item.

Q: Can my staff black-mark items?

A: This depends on your POS system's settings and business policies. It's essential to communicate with your team about the black marking process and who has the authority to do it.

Q: Is black marking the same as discontinuing an item?

A: Not necessarily. Black marking prevents reordering, but the item may remain in your inventory. Discontinuing usually involves removing the item from your product list entirely.

Q: How often should I use the black marking feature?

A: Use it as needed, but always base your decision on data and careful consideration. It's a tool to help manage inventory, not a solution for every slow-moving item.