A Merry Christmas Day 2024


A Merry Christmas Day 2025 from POS Solutions

Season's Greetings from POS Solutions!

Our warmest seasonal holiday wishes to our valued readers and retail partners today. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you throughout 2024, and look forward to continuing to greater heights together in 2025.

We're Here to Support You

Our team is ready to help you with any challenges now. Your retail success is our priority, and we are committed to ensuring smooth operations so you can focus on serving your customers.

Thank you again for being part of the POS Solutions community, which is over 40 years old. It's been a long journey, and it appears now that we are the only software supplier from then still left for newsagents.


3 years to capture the moon aligns with Christ

Some things take time; fun fact: It took a photographer three years of observation to capture this fateful moment when the moon aligns with the massive statue of Christ the Redeemer.

I wish you a joyful holiday season, health, and a prosperous New Year!

Warm regards,


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