Point of Sale Software

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Scan rate in retail


Setting up a scanner


Your point-of-sale (POS) system can give you crucial information that can help you drive your retail productivity, accuracy and profits. To do that it needs accurate information. Are you getting good information? One key retail metric (KPI) often overlooked to reveal how efficiently your POS system operates is the scan rate percentage %Scan.

Luckily, your POS Software can give you this and show you how to improve this.

Why the Scan Rate Matters

The POS scan rate (%Scan) shows the percentage of products scanned compared to the manually keyed-in at the cash register. A high scan rate translates directly into faster transactions, shorter checkout lines, and happier customers. It also results in fewer errors and less waste that hurt profits. Manually entering product codes is slower, more demanding on staff over a shift, and inevitably leads to mistakes. The industry standard is that cashiers make around one error for every 300 characters typed daily.

In contrast, scanning barcodes with a POS scanner takes just a fraction of a second and is a million times more accurate! The higher your scan rate, the more transactions you can process, lower errors, and provide better customer service. Better product information captured during scans also gives you valuable data for purchasing, promos, inventory and more.

Checking Your Scan Rate

Finding your current scan rate percentage is easy using your POS reporting. Go to the cash register reports, open the Sales section, and select "Dissection Sales/Profitability for a Given Period".

Go to the cash register reports.

Then go to sales.

Scan rate report


Once there select

Dissection Sales / Profitability for a Given Period.

Now run the report with a year of data.

Scan rate %

You will see a column with %Scan; the higher, the better. Looking through this list, the problem department is marked with a green arrow.

Run it for at least the past 12 months to see trends. The %Scan column reveals your overall rate across products and departments. Ideally, you want to see your scan rate consistently above 90% for maximum efficiency. Look for low percentages that stand out. While the overall rate matters, drill down into individual departments and product categories in the report. This allows you to pinpoint sections of your inventory that need scan rate improvements.

How to Boost a Low Scan Rate

If your scan rate is low, identify underperforming departments or products lagging in scanning. Then, focus on addressing the root causes:

  • Missing barcodes - Confirm all inventory has scannable barcodes printed and attached. For any products without barcodes, quickly print and add barcode labels.
  • Faulty scanners - Your barcode scanners may be aging or defective. The industry standard is that a scanner is built to last about three years, and then you have a bonus.
  • Staff training - Cashiers may need refreshers on scanning techniques and procedures. Observe them on the POS and provide feedback to build good habits.
  • Product database - Check your POS system to ensure the product database matches all items to the correct barcodes. Add any new products that are missing.
  • Check items - Sometimes the barcodes are not clear, if so notify the supplier and consider using inhouse barcodes until this can be fixed.

Scanning Drives Retail Success

Improving your POS scan rates pays for your bottom line. It reduces wasted time and costly errors while increasing transaction speed and customer satisfaction. Make it a priority to monitor scan rates, identify underperforming areas, and address gaps. Turn your POS system into a competitive advantage!

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If you use titlepage, please read this


TitlePage is the primary Australian book industry pricing and availability service. Use of it is free.

"With more than 1,250,000 titles listed from over 170 publishers and distributors, TitlePage is a comprehensive resource on the books and resources available in Australia.

TitlePage’s price, availability and bibliographic information is available to users 24/7.

The ability to access the service outside normal business hours and on weekends improves the service bookshops and suppliers can provide to their customers, and saves them time and money in dealing with enquiries."

Recently, many changes have been coming to the titlepage system. As such, we have had to make extensive changes to our software. If you use the titlepage program, you need to do a fresh set-up in our POS software.

If you use titlepage or want to use it please get in touch with our support lines to set it up. What we need is your account details first; this is available here.

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A better way of issuing Receipt


This is the best way of issuing receipts through your client's bank account using DTI. It is also cheaper as you do not have to print paper receipts.

This is what it looks like.


This receipt has your logo and the sales details of the transaction required by law.

It is now the most advanced receipt format (DTI) available to retailers!

One significant advantage is that, with DTI, your customers can see their receipt in their bank account. So a verified copy of the receipt is always available to them. This saves you time.

Some other advantages would be

* You do not have to print the receipt.

* Free SMS or email sending of receipts

Forgery and misuse.

It is much harder. For example, a person grabs a receipt from a rubbish bin and tried to claim it in your shop. They now need to show how come this receipt is not from their account. If they want to argue well you have a verified copy of the receipt from a bank-approved secured server stating who purchased it.  

Let us know if you want to try DTI, free?

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Your point of sale speed


More than else, what a retail business needs is fast action at the point of sale. There is too much danger of people leaving if your counter is slow.

This Christmas is evident that people do not want to wait. Each second is a demise for retailers. The more it takes to be served, the more your client keeps thinking about whether they genuinely need your things. Plus there is the worry of COVID.

You want a fast checkout.

Here is ours, the quickest one I know.

Newspaper margins April 2015

See the image above and see where it is marked in green. Transactions were being done at a rate of four a minute. 

Using our system, your payment times will accelerate. Therefore, their queues will be considerably reduced.


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If you use Tabcorp (Tatts) and XChangeIT, the connection is now under mass release!


the lotto

If you have our POS system and use XChangeit in a Tatts outlet, you can now sign up for the Tatts Terminal Connect integration.

This allows the scanning of a unique barcode produced by the Tatts terminal. Once scanned in your software, this barcode creates all the customer's games in the Tatts transaction. This means you no longer have to scan and check-in each ticket separately, saving a lot of time.

You will need to get the signup details from XChangeIT and then call us to install it.

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Using technology to reduce customer payment fraud


A receipt like this below can be generated by your customer from their bank account.

Using this you can say goodbye to paper receipts.


As you can see, this has your logo as well as the sales details of the transaction. It does not have to be a bank transaction as this receipt can be produced on any payment type: cash, EFTPOS/Credit, Bitcoin, etc. 

Formally it is called DTI, and it is the most advanced receipt format available.

There are other more significant advantages to the retailers too with DTI besides that a customer can see this receipt from their bank account. 

Some other advantages would be

- A copy of the receipt does not have to be given to the customer.

- Free SMS sending of receipts (This function is coming in a few days) 

- A verified copy of the receipt is always available to the customer

- Misuse of a receipt is more challenging. Say someone grabbed a receipt from a rubbish bin and tried to claim it in your shop. Now that person has an added problem. They may need to show how come this receipt is not in their account. 

- Similarly, a forged copy of receipts is much harder as a copy is available on a bank-approved secured server.  

It will be available on Monday for our clients free. 

Let us know if you want to try DTI?

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Last posting dates for Christmas delivery


Australia Post

If you are going to to use Australia Post as a delivery agent if you require your goods to arrive by Christmas, then you better send it now. Even with Express post would be the latest you could send it. When I rang up on behalf of my clients, I was told the bushfires would not be an issue, and then they referred me to their calculator. 

Of course, the claimed delivery schedules and actual arrivals do not always agree.

I would suggest that you set our software delivery options to reflect this. 

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Stock you do not want.


Sometimes you are so happy to get rid the last of a certain stock and somehow it comes back. There are many reasons eg someone else puts order in this week or a supplier sends it out to you thinking you want it.

In our system, it is possible to mark an item say like a magazine and a book (where it happens a lot)  so if that item arrives is already marked. We call this "Do not receive." You can either do it in stock maintenance, and in-stock received. See the red arrow.

If the item comes again, the system knows not to process it. If it was a magazine, it will be automatically instant return.




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Warning on discounting below cost


Our Point of sale software can be set up to issue a special warning if a stock item being scanned price is under cost. This warns people scanning that item at the cash register that something is wrong and needs to be checked.

If you feel that you may have a problem here or you just want to check if you are selling too many items that are excessively large discounts,  I suggest you do is run the following report. 

Press transaction enquiry as highlighted in red, now select the relevant options, it actually, a good idea to do it once and then do it again with different departments that appear and check out the results.





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The power of Ad Hoc reporting


The Techopedia explains here, Ad Hoc reporting as "reports that are put together creatively by users in real-time, rather than pre-designed according to a template." and for "one-time reports that are done in a customised way, to provide results for one specific question or objective." 

What it is that as the demands on businesses are incredibly varied, all the time, the business is being asked answers to specific questions which are hard to get from standard reports. 

For example, a stationery supplier, might be asked by a customer can you get the  BIC Australia pens that are about $6? Yes you could probably print a 20 report on BIC Australia and look through it, it can be done, but it is going to take time. Plus if the customer wants the purple one, it is going to take more time. 

As a rough approximation, I would say 80% to 90% of your reporting needs are of this type. A person has to find a specific piece of information, an invoice on a date, which item had the $2.30 discount, who served a person who brought this item, etc.   

Now if you ring your point of sale software provider, they might be prepared to add some options to do this, but it will take time by then the customer is long gone.  Generally, Ad Hoc reports are needed now, and for single use only so it is not worth the time and effort to do it.  In fairness to the developer of your POS System, there is a limit to the number of business questions that can be anticipated and programmed in advance. So the solution is that you spend some time, probably over a telephone call to your software expert and sweat it out.

This is what Ad hoc reporting helps as it allows almost unlimited flexibility enabling the information to be easily found instantly.

Let us do an example to show you the power of our software.

Above was a simple example; that I want the code of a stationery product that is about $6 for BIC Australia.

So what I could do is go to the register reports and select a full listing.


I now ask for BIC but note it does not have a question cost price, with ad-hoc reporting you do not need to worry as it is not required.


I then get this excel listing.

I go over the column labelled Wholesale price.

Press on the top Sort & Filter

Then press select turn off all the costs.

Then I click on all the costs that are about $6.

In this case, there is only one, and it is listed immediately here.


The code I wanted was 41330, pretty nifty. It took me about a minute.

Ad hoc reporting reaches beyond your static pre-defined software that traditional software provides, allowing you an enhanced interactive end-user experience.














Very nice article! Sharp and clear, it is great to see that even such a simple tool like spreadsheet can be used for an analysis that should become our daily routine. We can no longer rely on any long and slow path of getting up-to-date information. At least our competition would not wait! More details on advantages of ad hoc reporting can be found in https://www.lumeer.io/ad-hoc-reporting/

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Weight and scale integration


Scale integration to point of sale software

With your point of sale for retail, many businesses have many products that can be sold by weight. If so, we provide a fast, simple to use and accurate integrated software and weight scale together that will instantly boost your efficiency, processing speed and customer service. 

As it is integrated, it can help decrease shrinkage.

Also, we can use scales to create a weight-embedded bar that can be read by the barcode at the point of sale, increasing checkout speed and improving your efficiency.


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Retail Inventory - Buying


Price changes history


One of the most time-consuming tasks and daunting tasks in retail is setting the right price, the next is trying to justify your prices to a customer who comes in and suddenly makes an issue as what the price of a product was and why now is it different. Another example would be a supplier rep who is now in the store or phone, and you need to check old costs.

So we have made a unique screen to help you so you can get the answer instantly. 

In the stock item, you will find a Price Change screen marked in green above. 

Now when you click that, you get another screen with the cost price shown in red and see the blue arrow, you have your retail price. 

Now you have a full history of the costs and retail prices, and you can go up and down by dates. This can help you determine your retail pricing strategy to use in determining the right price for your products.

Note: You also get a lot more information on the screen and on the bottom which I will discuss later.

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Barcode scanning


Here are seven tips to improve your barcode scanning rates at the point of sale.

Experiment with your scanner what height it reads best the barcodes that you use. This will vary depending on what barcodes you use and your barcode reader. Take a few items, try and scan them and see what works best.

Try if possible to avoid scanning the barcodes in places with bright lights eg outside on a sunny day and clients of mine in a bar have reported problems with the lights flashing in the bar. What you want is a low steady continuous light.

Make a convention in your shop where you are going to stick the barcode, front, top, back, etc and try to stick with it and if possible this will save people having to hunt for the barcode.

Try an put the barcode straight, as well as making it less of an eyesore, sometimes not having the barcode straight can cause problems to a scanner to read the barcode.

Try and avoid putting barcodes on shiny objects, for example, a product like this when scanned as the light will reflect back into the scanner can cause problems. 

Cleaning your barcode scanner and printer can help a lot. A rag and some cleaning material can often do wonders.

Remember dirty or wet barcodes or barcodes with staples are not good for scanning. 


Note: A better printer and barcode scanner can help too. 

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Cheques remember them?


Bank slips

If you want an example of how quickly the economy is moving, look at cheques? 

In 2015, when I looked at a few of my clients' information cheques made up about 20% of all payments. Since then it has dramatically fallen. 

Today its become so minor in retail that one of our competitors has announced that they are pulling out support for cheques. They may be right as so many of my clients have stopped taking cheques mainly as so many people now days do not have or do not use a cheque account.

If current usage trends continue, I expect in retail as a payment method it will disappear entirely by the end of this year. Then we will review the situation.






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Planogram a discussion


A planogram is a diagram that indicates the placement of retail products on shelves to maximise sales.  

It does not have to be rocket science, here are two planograms, the top one will cost you nothing to make and will take you once you age organised less than an hour, details here and here.



And this one will cost you thousands, see details here.

Of course, the first does not do as much as the second but as we say "we get what we pay for." The ability to do product placement is minimal in the first one. Still, it is better than nothing. 


My clients widely use planograms before they do a shop fit. However, some of my clients do it regularly monthly or quarterly. Two main reasons, the first is that it gives them more control and it does improve their sales. The figures thrown around is somewhere between 1% to 10%, most probably closer to 1%, So if you are doing a million turnover a year with an average margin of 27%, you are looking at  $2,700 to $27,000 extra profit a year. This will give you as a first level approximation a rough budget. An hour a quarter can be justified.


Keep it simple. I would suggest an SMB use three measurements

1) Number of sales per linear metre

2) Profit per linear metre

3) Shoplifting per linear metre (this you would do after a stocktake)


Finally please do not be concerned if you do not have everything right, 80% is better than nothing.



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Retail Customer Retention


 Customer Retention KPIs

Typically in retail today, they say that about 20% of your customers today will never buy from you again. If it costs you $50 to $100 to acquire a new customer then for every 1,000 customers a year replacing those 200 lost customers is costing a retailer between $10,000 to $20,000 a year. This figure is almost certainly based on large retailers, not SMB but it does show the extent of the problem.

It is called the *churn*

The problem is that there is no simple solution and in fact, there is *NO* total solution. In Australia, for example, almost half the Australian population moves house during the past five years, it is about 16% a year.

I know I moved recently as such I have changed my newsagent, my supermarket, my pharmacist, my dentist, many but not all of my restaurants, etc. I certainly was not dissatisfied with any of these businesses, far from it, it is just that now I am too far away. 

So if you have a customer who comes regularly for ages and now for some reason you never see them, this is a common problem in business but here is a way of detecting who they are.

In your point of sale software, go to the main menu and click on "Customer Reports" as shown by the green arrow.



Now go to "Customer accounts" and then go "Non-Active Accounts" as shown with the blue arrow.

Now just go into the basic section in criteria and this will pop up.

Put in some appropriate dates

Now off will pop out a list of all those customers who no longer trade with you for you to investigate. As a punt, I would say about a quarter you can do something about.

This will not help you of course with those that do not have an account.



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Omnichannel vs. multichannel retailing


Omni-channel retailing is now all the buzz in retail, a recent example I spoke about here was from Tabcorp which in their  Retailer_Information_Pack_Tatts in their future marketing plans show this diagram to show how much extra business they get from a retail customer if they can get him to go online too.Digital comparsion

Figures although not as large as this is being quoted for Omnichannel retailing from other sources. Our clients through their websites are showing significant increases too although again not as big as this. Still, it is a decent increase, and so we are seeing a steady movement with our clients moving online.

What we are moving into the older multichannel retailing which many of my competitors still sell, where you keep using their point of sale software for the shop and something else for an online shop to the newer Omnichannel marketing where you have one software system, and it handles both.

The advantage of this from the retailers perspective is that your information in this omnichannel approach is in one spot, not two or three different systems, eg you do not have one customer three times in each system, you do not have a stock order three times, you do not have to do your pricing three times, etc.  Plus you do not have to do a lot of work to match up information in two or three different systems which is quite difficult as different systems behave differently.

This is why a truly unified commerce system like ours which has the POS software and the website in one system is much better. Using it you can track financials along with stock, sales, customer, etc. all the pieces of retail all in one system.  It’s the next step in retail technology.

Contact here our experts to discover how our unified commerce retail platform, can help you deliver the customer experience of tomorrow.


WINERY POINT OF SALE: Gracebrook Stables


Gracebrook vinyard 

Whitfield in North East Victoria is the Gracebrook Vineyards a lovely winery, it rates 5 out 5 on trip advisor.


It has quite a reputation and packed out every weekend, you need a booking just to get a place. So we were very pleased after they went looking at many winery, restaurant and cafe software systems they picked our POS system. These guys wanted the best. As their restaurant is often absolutely packed and they needed something that could handle efficiently the volume.

Here are some photos and if you intend to go past, I do recommend a visit.

It has an outdoor restaurant 


Gracebrook vinyard outdoors

An indoor restaurant  

Gracebrook vinyard indoors

A wine bar

Gracebrook vinyard wine bar

Another outside restaurant 

Gracebrook vinyard outdoor restaurant

Wine tasting

Gracebrook vinyard wine tasting

So what they needed was a POS company that has a firm understanding of the hospitality and restaurant industry. So they came to us as they wanted our winery point of sale software that gives vineyard owners the functionality and flexibility they need. Our software can do it all and provides the tools and features they need to provide superior service.

POS Solutions is one of the few POS software that can provide the technology to conduct all your winery including the tasting room operations from a single platform.



I have been to this Winery around 3 weeks ago on a sunday. Yes, it packed. Luckily the guys had made a booking.
Lovely menu, great service...Would recommend a visit and would definitely go back.
Great work guys, keep it up.

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The future of cashdraws, SmartTill


A new range of cash draws are coming on the market, with some very neat functions in them. This is the SmartTill.   

One functions that they have that I particularly liked is that this one has a weight scale inside of them if any unauthorised cash is taken out of the till, the till instantly sends an alarm. 

Check out this video at 2 minutes 50 seconds to see it in action.

I expect in about a year we will have an Australian version available for our clients.

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Accept cash, EFTPOS, direct debit and more fast


EFTPOS,Our point of sale software is designed to handle all types of payment fast. You can set up fully customised buttons to accept a wide variety of different payment methods, eg cash, EFTPOS, cheques, bank deposit, etc.

You can even accept split payments, where some go with one payment type and the rest with other types all simply and securely.

We also allow you to accept Part Payment, Advance payments and Overpayments.

One point that some people have asked is can they refuse to accept in some payment methods in some circumstances. The answer appears to be YES as long as it is specified before the debt is incurred. For example, if you have a sign that we accept EFTPOS and I go to pay to pay with EFTPOS you must receive it unless you explicitly state the conditions that you will not allow it e.g. for Lotto payments. The sole exception is cash. You must clearly say in advance if you do not want to accept cash.

But this is a legal problem, not a software issue. 

These payment types are set up with rules in the Dissection maintenance, where you can set up exactly as you require it for single touch transactions including surcharges.





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