Point of Sale Software

Here are some Articles from the Blog Subject - Training -

New Financial Year, Make New Goals now


We only die once, we live everyday

A brand new financial year is upon us. This time of year is when you know your financial side of the business the best. You will talk to your accountant shortly, so now is the best time to consider the coming year.

Those last year's numbers are a treasure map. They can help guide you to the future and help you to steer clear of past pitfalls. Leverage this valuable data to make a winning strategy for the coming year.

I suggest you use the SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). Method.

1. Reflect on Your Retail Journey (The Past Year in Review):

Take a moment to review your 2023/24 performance. What were your high points? Where did you face challenges? Our crystal-clear POS system reports will give you much to reflect on here.

These reports can help you identify what worked, what was okay, and what did not. Identify your wins.

One saying to remember is, "Reinforce victories, not defeat."  If it does not work, move on; there is no point in being fooled.

2. Craft a Realistic Budget:

We all love dreaming big, but having a solid financial plan is like having a roadmap for your business. Create a preliminary budget for the coming year. Remember, keep it realistic and achievable. An unrealistic budget makes you frustrated, so be honest with yourself. If you cannot sell it to yourself, you will not sell it to anyone else, and it will fall by the wayside.

Consider factors like:

  • Projected sales based on past performance and market trends
  • Fixed costs (rent, utilities, salaries)
  • Variable costs (inventory, marketing expenses)
  • Planned investments in the shop, e.g. technology or store improvements

Our POS system can help you make and track these metrics in real time, allowing you to monitor your progress.

3. Know Your Strengths (and Weaknesses) – A Powerful SWOT Analysis:

Every business is unique, just like a fingerprint. Take some time to conduct a SWOT analysis. It might sound complicated, but it is not. It also serves a bonus that people outside your business can readily understand it. I have discussed SWOT here. If you want some help, give me a call.

Note: If there's enough interest, I'd be happy to host another webinar that explains how to conduct a SWOT analysis specifically for retail businesses.

4. Setting SMART Goals:

Now comes the crunch: setting goals! Combine your budget and SWOT analysis to establish realistic yet ambitious targets. Writing your goals down makes them more concrete and helps you stay focused. You will be more motivated when you tick those goals off your list!

Here are some examples of SMART goals for retailers:

  • "Increase average transaction value by 10% by December 31st through staff training on upselling techniques."
  • "Reduce inventory holding costs by 15% within six months by getting rid of dead stock."
  • "Learn to use social media for free advertising."
  • "Expand a top-selling line."

5. Embrace Digital Marketing:

In today's digital age, your online social media presence is crucial. Develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that includes:

  • Social media marketing on platforms relevant to your target audience
  • Email marketing campaigns to engage customers and drive repeat business
  • Get yourself into Google

6. Master Inventory Management:

Effective inventory management is crucial for your financial success. Use your POS system's inventory management features to:

  • Track stock levels in real-time
  • Set up automatic reordering. It will save you a lot of time.
  • Identify slow-moving items
  • Your card department needs monitoring. It is the easiest and quickest department to improve.
  • Optimise your product mix based on sales data.

7. Look for new markets:

What you have might be great now, but what about tomorrow? 

  • Look around at what others similar to you are selling
  • I have noticed that clothing, even in shops that appear to have nothing to do with clothing, is doing well. Clothing makes up about 20% of Australian retail.
  • You want at any time at least six new products in your shop.
  • Look up best-selling lists to get more ideas. 
  • Ask your customers what they shop for now.

8. Invest in Your Team:

Your employees are the face of your business. Invest in their development through:

  • An introductory training session on product knowledge and customer service will do wonders. Is it not better that they learn a few pointers from you, then they learn it making a fool of themselves in front of your customers?
  • Creating a positive work environment will encourage them.

9. Adapt to Changing Consumer Behaviors:

Stay ahead of the curve by keeping an eye on emerging trends:

  • Products dealing with health and wellness did well this year
  • Romance, religion, and cookbooks have done well in books recently. Books overall have done well recently. 
  • As I said earlier, clothing

Our POS system can allow you to monitor what types of products are selling in your shop.

10. Sustainability:

Sustainability is a problem; you must consider it carefully for your customers. It is vital to many people, and in others, it's irrelevant.

  • Consider sourcing eco-friendly products very carefully. Often, people report that they want something, but when offered it, they are not prepared to pay for it.
  • Considering electricity prices now, implementing energy-saving measures in your store is worth considering. Even just enforcing rules like turning off machines that are not in use can do wonders. 
  • Offering recycling programs for your customers as a service tends to bring people into the shop. 

It is good for the planet, attracts environmentally conscious consumers, and potentially reduces operating costs.

Remember, the more you plan, the smoother your journey will be. With a clear roadmap and the right tools in place – like our unique POS system – you're on your way. How you want to take it from there is up to you

Planning is indispensable

As I said at the start, in my experience, retailers now have the best financial information for their business.

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Learn about the Power of your Point of Sale Software


Software training

retail staff members participating in a hands-on POS software training session.


Training on point-of-sale software is an essential component of your business. It is a powerful business tool that can manage inventory management, customer loyalty programs, sales reports, etc of your business. You can do it better if you are properly trained. 

This article examines the benefits of training and answers some often-asked questions.

Benefits of POS Systems Training

Increased Efficiency

With the proper training, you can quickly navigate your POS software, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business and save time.

Better Service for Customers

If you better understand how your POS software works, you can make it easier for your customers, making them more satisfied and loyal.

Accuracy of the Data

The POS system offers a lot of flexibility. You need to know the correct procedures to enter and manage your data. We provide proper training to give you this knowledge, ensuring your business works with accurate information. We also will discuss if you require the importance of data security training to ensure you understand best practices for protecting customer information.

Improved Control

You have many reports that detail your business in detail. With better information, you can run your business much better. Soon, you'll be able to make better decisions about your business operations and get better results.

> This only works if you have good information.


You do not have to do it alone.

A woman alone looking confused is reading a POS manual


Our POS Software Training Program


Our software training program is free for our clients in our offices or on Zoom. 

In your shop, there will be charges.


Our training program can be customized to meet your specific requirements. It can be done using your actual data from the shop.

Expert Teachers

Our experts who contact our training program have years of experience in our software. They know how it works in retail environments like yours. They will be able to provide examples and solutions from actual situations to your issues and problems.

Practical Instruction

These sessions offer hands-on training to use the software and improve your knowledge in a real-world setting.


Training can be done at times that are suitable to your needs. Your staff can receive the necessary training without interfering with minimal business operations.

Continuous Support

Once done, you can book more sessions. There is no limit. That way, you can do a refresher and keep up with all our software updates. 

Frequently Asked About POS Software Training (FAQ)

Q: What is training for Pos software?

A: POS software training is a comprehensive program that teaches you how to use your point-of-sale software. It provides you with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage your business operations effectively. The training covers all aspects of the software, from basic to advanced features and functions relevant to your needs.

Q: Is training in Pos software required?

A: NO, but if you want to get the best out of your software and improve your business, then YES. 

Q: How long does training for Pos software take?

A: How long is a piece of string? Some need a lot of training, and some only a little. Some people use many features of our software, and some only need a bit. The length of your Pos software training depends on your particular requirements. 

As a rule, I recommend it is done in two-hour slots with a coffee break between 15 minutes—more than that, it gets hard to digest.

Q: Is in-person or online Pos software training available?

A: Pos software training is available online and in person so that you and your team can choose the best method.

In-person training provides better hands-on and interactive instruction.

Online training offers more convenience.

Screenshot of a Zoom meeting

Q: Who ought to attend training for Pos software?

A: I want to understand why POS software training is not available to anyone in your shop, including staff members who use computers. 


> Formal Point of Sale software training is essential for maximizing the software's capabilities.

> It enhances business operations.

> It gives you more control.

> Training can help you get more out of your software and achieve better results, no matter how experienced or new you are to the field.

Master your POS software and take your business to the next level with proper training.

No cost and you have much to gain, give us a call.

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Enjoy a lovely free cup of coffee while training in our training room


Customer training

There have been many management studies on the advantages of training with software.

Free Coffee + Free Training = Your POS Success Story

Think of our point of sale (POS) software as a powerful toolbox. It's got all the latest gadgets and gizmos – constantly updated to make your business life easier. But even the best tools need someone who knows how to use them, right? That's where our excellent training sessions come in – with a free cuppa on the side!

Why Our Training Rocks

We don't just want to sell you a system; we want it to work its magic for you. Our training is your key to unlocking that potential:

  • No more confusion: We break down everything, from sales and stock to hidden time-saving tricks.
  • Staff = Superstars: Your team will become POS whiz kids, boosting productivity and customer happiness.
  • Did we mention free coffee? Because staying alert while you learn is essential!

Here is what one client said 

"I was so stressed about your great software, but the training was a lifesaver! Now I can now track my stock like a pro, and my sales have gone up."

Training That's Tailored to You

Whether you're a one-person show or have a bigger team, we've got training that fits. It's friendly, hands-on, and focused on your specific business needs. If you need more training, book in more. What I find in my experience that even if you do not keep it all in in, just knowing what something  can do and that it is there is a big step forward.

The Bottom Line

Businesses that use our POS and get the training see way better results. That means:

  • Smooth sailing: Less confusion, fewer mistakes.
  • Happy customers: Faster checkout, more competent service.
  • More $$ in your pocket: A system that pays for itself and then some!

Ready to Level Up?

Let's discuss getting you and your staff trained. We promise we'll make it easy. Just let us know, and we'll schedule your session (and get the kettle brewing!).

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Empowering your employees through Training and Development


An investment in training and development can yield many benefits for your business.

Owner of a shop

We provide our clients with free training opportunities at our company premises. There your employees can attend workshops and seminars on various subjects. We also offer free online training through Zoom and other such services. This allows you and your staff to attend training sessions from anywhere.

The following are some significant advantages of training and development:

>Employees gain the knowledge and skills they need to perform their jobs better. The training will give your employees a deeper understanding of their technology. This will improve their performance, which will benefit your company.

>Your employees will know you value them if you invest in their training and development. Being thrown in front of a computer without being told anything is nerve-wracking.

>There is probably much more in your software than you use. You can learn more about your system and appreciate it more with the help of a training program.

>Employees can only consistently complete tasks only if a robust training and development program exists. In essence, everyone is marching to the same tune.

>Productivity is increased through training and development. Employees who have received training perform their jobs better so, increasing productivity. Additionally, they are better prepared to carry out their responsibilities at work. Better use of your POS software can increase efficiency and skill.

Contact us now

Contact us to arrange some training—nothing to lose, its free. These people can be more productive for you.



Hi POS Team,

We have been operating our POS system for 5 years. We want to learn more. We want our staff to learn more. We are interested in about free online training courses. More info would be aprreciated.

Kind Regards,

Hi POS Team,

I am purchasing a retail business and will use POS system on a daily basis. However, the training provided by the seller is rather inefficient and confusing. We want to learn more logically and more productively. We are interested in about free online training courses. More info would be appreciated.

Kind Regards,

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Training in our Education Centre now running


With COVID, we had to stop training in our training rooms. We switched to Zoom meetings for training. 

Well, now we are running them in-house again. So you can have free training in our training offices now. In it, we teach you and your staff what they need to know and give them pointers on what the system can do to maximise their productivity.

If you prefer, you can still use Zoom.

I think you will find that our training is both comprehensive and focused.

This will allow you free, to have a better product as you will get better use of your software.

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Seeing the rise of online training now


We have regular training courses.

Due to COVID, we had to stop in-person training, but we did manage to keep online going.

Today, despite the problem of face-to-face training due to the risk of rapid lock-downs, we have reintroduced in-person training. Actually, the new COVID cases reported now are higher than last year. There are currently 29,997 Coronavirus Cases in Australia. It is not less than a year ago, it is just that we are now used to it.

So today, we provide a hybrid model where people can take part in person or online. The most significant advantage here is that as we share content. Our clients can join even if they can not make it at the scheduled time but only when they have time online. If you want to conduct online training, please use an area free of distractions -learning is not an easy task. Take notes-what works for me is that I have a pen and a piece of paper in front of me to write down the main points. Participate in the discussion if you don't know what to ask.

Overall, the rise of online activities has been very successful.


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Our free inhouse training COVID safe restarts for you and your staff


Customer training

Our POS Software is continuously being improved. Extra functions are being added. Plus, people are coming and going. So organisations who use the software need training to help them get to the software's full potential.

I find that In-house training courses often make training more focused.  Those that come can concentrate on specific topics relating to their current needs. What helps here, I notice, is that we can often use their existing data from the shop. As such, the training becomes more comprehensive and focused.

So we run free training in our training offices. In it, we teach you and your staff what they need to know. We also give them pointers on what the system can do to maximise their productivity.

Plus, you could get a free cup of coffee or tea while you learn.

Get better use of our products by booking yourself into a training session.

Note if you prefer, we can do training via zoom virtually too.

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Training a tip


Training on your point of sale software can be time-consuming, it is an investment that should be done. This is particularly true when you are looking at one as advanced as ours. 

Without training, much of your POS System is lost as it is only as useful as the people who use it.

What I suggest you do, is pick a reliable staff member preferably who does have computer knowledge and your processes which can dedicate the time required to learn and understand your POS software.

It will be their job to learn as much as they can about the P.O.S. and then one of the duties of that person will be to pass on the information as required to other people in the shop.

Training will be an ongoing process as there is a lot to learn plus as conditions change, your requirements change plus the continual improvements we are putting into our software means that ongoing training is needed to keeping the business running efficiently.

To help we regularly run user meetings throughout Australia, have online training sessions - webinars and have a unique and free one on one training sessions service in our offices. We also for a fee can come to your shop and do onsite training.  

PS If your shop requires specialised skills with software that is not ours like excel, photoshop, word, etc there are many useful training centres available eg Centre for Adult Education



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Webinar on the End of Year reporting 2018


Click here for a webinar on End of Financial year reporting from your point of sale software. It discusses in detail

Sales reports
Stock Valuation
Customers Outstanding
Creditors Outstanding
Subagents Outstanding (if applicable)

Although not required from our software, I do recommend that you do make a special End of Year Backup to store in case you need to refer to it. The 30/June this year is a Saturday.

Also, please note that your stocktake needs to be done very soon.

Free webinar on Ecommerce, a workshop


Free workshop on ecommerce on the 28 August at 2:00pm

Amazon coming to Australia now, hopefully, is a wake-up scream too many retailers that to succeed in today’s world, every retail shop owner must understand e-commerce as today retail needs to change. That is why we are running this free webinar.

To succeed, in retail you need to have a strong online website because retail has changed. We live in a world where almost everyone Googles and Facebooks. Before they even see your shop, they will be passing judgements and making decisions about your shop. If they do not like what they see, or you are not online, the odds are they will move on to someone else. The number of people that just window shopping is dropping.

For example, yesterday, I wanted a pizza, so I googled "Pizza near by", I look at a few that pop up, read a few reviews and decided which one to go too. If the pizza parlour did not have a strong online presence, it could not get my business. Here even a bad website, it is better than NO website.

No Website = Losing Business

If you don't have a website, you are missing out on opportunities for customers who want to spend money with you. So at this workshop we will share our experience and expertise on how to connect your shop to a website.

Pos Solutions Australia has been a leading provider of point-of-sale software for over three decades as we never rest when it comes to answering the call for innovation and development on behalf of our clients. Taking your shop online is the next step. That's why we have decided to bring you Webtail, a fully integrated synchronised online store built that works within your POS software to deliver your shop online. Plus we design you a commanding landing page, give you dazzling gallery, a professional blog and an online store all mobile-ready.

Please let us know if you wish to attend.

Free webinar: End of Year reporting 2017


We will be having a webinar on 22 June 2017 at 2:00pm AEST on the end of the financial year with emphasis on the reporting requirements.

The following reports which your accountant which they will require from your point of sale software will be discussed.

Sales reports
Stock Valuation
Customers Outstanding
Creditors Outstanding
Subagents Outstanding

To make sure you do not miss out on this webinar as we expect this one to be very popular please register your interest by calling or emailing us.



Wednesday user meeting in Melbourne



This Wednesday at 10 am, we are going to host a workshop at our Melbourne premises. In this user meeting, we will cover a lot of information.

These meetings are designed for owners, managers and supervisors within businesses that work the point of sale software.

The cost to attend this meeting is free.

We look forward to seeing you and helping you move forward.

Next User meeting




We will be hosting on the 10 May 2017 at 10:00 am in our Melbourne Office.

POS Solutions Australia Pty. Ltd.
Fiveways Business Centre
2 Keysborough Close
Keysborough Victoria 3173

In person user meeting for our POS software.

Everyone is invited to attend.

The agenda will be.

1) Bpay Payment
Learn how to integrate Bpay into cash register and process bill payments for any Bpay bill!

2) Website Integration
See our great new integrated Webstore integration with Webtail. Stock control, processing orders, managing customers from your webstore is now all possible through the point of sale software!

3) Stock management
Learn how to use our unique dead/slow reconciliation reports to make sure your stock is on track!

4) Layby management
Still, by far the most popular form of credit in retail today. Learn some of its finer functions.

5) General questions.
Where you can ask anything, you like.

We hope to see you there.

Reservations are essential as if attendance is less than five (5) the meeting may be cancelled. So please send an email to us if you intend to come.



New helpdesk position 2015


We are currently looking for a new helpdesk support person. We are for this position, particularly interested in someone who has point of sale experience in pet shops which we are now it appears tha market leader.

Update: Details of the position are available here.


Agenda for the free end of year training 2014


I think this year, we will go though the same training course as last year as it was very successful. If anyone wants to change or add anything let me know.

So the plan is we will go through the various steps in doing an end of year processing, and then finish off with a general discussion to see what we will cover during the next financial year.


We will cover how to keep the stock you have in the store in check with Stock taking. Stock taking will let iron out the little differences you get with data and the physical stock because it can point out the items that have been wrongly over or under invoiced or of course stock susceptible to theft. We will cover the normal stocktake process and location stock take. Also taking a brief look at using the Stock management system stocktake on the PDA.

End of year financial reporting

This session will cover the basic of the end of year financial reports.

Spring Cleaning

What better time is there to clean up your data then now. Quick access to information Posbrowser depends on a clean database, one that is not full of duplicates incorrectly listed stock. This week we will look at some ways you can clean up your your system to get things running smoothly.

Comparative sales reporting

This is a key benchmark used where almost all businesses measure their financial performance over time. In this webinar, we show you how to compare the statistics to provide you both with an up-to-date report and at-a-glance view of how you are really doing.

Using the reports to change the shop layout

There are some extremely powerful reports that can help you to decide what products to put where. It allows you to do is find out exactly what products to place near an existing rage of products. This webinar will take you through these reports.

General Question and Answer session

A online user meeting with a general discussion on what new courses would be good to have. How we are going, what you like about them and what can be done better. You can of course use it to discuss what ever you like.

Newsapers stopping over Easter


Some agents have logged calls regarding the non-publication of various newspapers over the Easter break and how to implement this in our windows software

For delivery customers , a set of instructions have been prepared for the Australian adapted for these other newspapers. When adapting these instructions, first determine which newspapers are affected and the dates when the publication of these newspapers is to be suspended over the Easter break. When determining the correct suspension dates, remember that in most cases our windows software treats the newspaper that is published on each day of the week as a separate item. Thus, each day over Easter on which a newspaper is not published must be handled separately with a period of suspension of one week for each such newspaper edition. For example, a newspaper that is normally published on Friday but is not published on Good Friday this year will have a Stop date of 22/4/11 and a Start date of 29/4/11, one week later.

Newspapers that have bumper editions over the Easter break need to be handled in a similar manner to the Easter edition of The Age,determine the newspapers that will be affected with the prices for the Easter edition, and if the Easter prices are different then create the updated delivery prices as described for The Age in the above link. When doing so, make sure that the entry for the old price is also created so that that newspaper reverts to its old price after Easter.

Have a happy Easter.


Free training session this week


Following our discussions on the other day with Network services, we are now running a training course on how to set up and the correct procedures for your magazine sales data.

Thursday, February 24, 2011, at 02:00 PM

XChange Sales Data

How to set up and monitor Sales Data that is being sent to XChangeIT.

Closing date: Thursday, February 24, 2011, at 12:00 PM


NDD returns


There will be a new training session Tuesday 18th May on NDD returns.

The emphasis on this session will be on the actual mechanics of how to do them.

Click here for details and to sign up for this and other sessions

Gordon and Gotch chasing sales file


Many using XChangeIT are starting to get letters from Gordon and Gotch, chasing up sales data. It is long overdue. It is also fair as our clients are getting the lowest possible price for XChangeIT because they are supposed to be sending sales data. This discount was given because it is important to the industry that accurate sales data be sent.

If you want more help in running XChangeIT, we run a training session regularly on magazines. This is our second most popular course. To book please click here.

I think News Corp are moving to subscription


News Corp in their new contracts is introduced their new model for forward billing of customers. This is something that should have happened years ago. Once in place, it will eliminate the problem of bad debts.

I suspect within a couple of years, like Fairfax all News Corp newspapers will move to subscription. This will change the dynamics of the industry immensely.

Note: Our software needs no changes to both the Windows and DOS systems to allow you to handle this new model. We are running training courses now to help people change over to the new system.

Click here for details and to sign up for these courses