Agenda for the free end of year training 2014


I think this year, we will go though the same training course as last year as it was very successful. If anyone wants to change or add anything let me know.

So the plan is we will go through the various steps in doing an end of year processing, and then finish off with a general discussion to see what we will cover during the next financial year.


We will cover how to keep the stock you have in the store in check with Stock taking. Stock taking will let iron out the little differences you get with data and the physical stock because it can point out the items that have been wrongly over or under invoiced or of course stock susceptible to theft. We will cover the normal stocktake process and location stock take. Also taking a brief look at using the Stock management system stocktake on the PDA.

End of year financial reporting

This session will cover the basic of the end of year financial reports.

Spring Cleaning

What better time is there to clean up your data then now. Quick access to information Posbrowser depends on a clean database, one that is not full of duplicates incorrectly listed stock. This week we will look at some ways you can clean up your your system to get things running smoothly.

Comparative sales reporting

This is a key benchmark used where almost all businesses measure their financial performance over time. In this webinar, we show you how to compare the statistics to provide you both with an up-to-date report and at-a-glance view of how you are really doing.

Using the reports to change the shop layout

There are some extremely powerful reports that can help you to decide what products to put where. It allows you to do is find out exactly what products to place near an existing rage of products. This webinar will take you through these reports.

General Question and Answer session

A online user meeting with a general discussion on what new courses would be good to have. How we are going, what you like about them and what can be done better. You can of course use it to discuss what ever you like.