Point of Sale Software

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Tatts Setup for the current changes


the lotto

Among all businesses operating in the retail sphere, efficiency and cost-effectiveness are of high importance. For merchants performing our Tatts Lotto barcode scanning, the integration has improved customer satisfaction by reducing checkout times, errors, and overall customer satisfaction.

This detailed manual will show you how to set up a POS system to scan barcodes for lotto transactions and secondary barcodes for customers who want payouts and digital wallet purchases. With our user-friendly setup process and comprehensive training, you can have the Tatts Lotto barcode scanning system up and running within a week.

What's Included

  1. Tatts Lotto Barcodes: This section explains how Tatts Lotto barcodes are structured and how their content can be read.

  2. Enabling Barcode Scanning: How to allow seamless barcode scanning into your POS System.

  3. Setting Up Stock Items: Detailed guidance on creating and configuring stock items for various lotto products, including assigning appropriate suppliers, dissections, families, and classes.

  4. Handling Payout Barcodes: Learn how to add and set up payout barcodes for Lotto Payout, Scratchie Payout, and Membership Reimbursement transactions.

  5. Lotto Product Code Reference: Access a comprehensive table listing the Scales ID and Pre-Paid Scales ID for a wide range of lotto products, ensuring accurate setup and efficient operations.

  6. Seamless Integration: Discover how to integrate the Tatts Lotto barcode scanning functionality into your existing POS workflow, maximizing productivity and enhancing the customer experience.

By following this guide, you'll gain the knowledge and tools necessary to streamline your lotto transactions, reduce manual errors, and provide a seamless experience for your customers. Embrace the power of Tatts Lotto barcode scanning and take your retail operations to new heights.

Here is what one of our customers told me "Since implementing the Tatts Lotto barcode scanning solution, our checkout times have reduced significantly, leading to happier customers and increased sales,"

Contact us today to schedule a demo and learn more about implementing this game-changing solution for your retail business.

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Lotto Integration with the PosBrowser Register


In partnership with Tabcorp and Xchangeit, you can now scan lotto transactions directly into your cash register via a ticket printed by your lotto machine or using a pop-up menu directly in the Register.

Check out this video if you would like to activate they service in your cash register.


Download the instructions and watch the video for a walkthrough. 
Setting Up Tatts Lotto Barcodes

Setting up Lotto Intergration


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Tabcorp latest changes FAQ


What Tabcorp have done is made changes to their system. here are some FAQs.
the lotto

What is the purpose of the changes?

So you can differentiate between lotto card paid tickets and non-lotto paid tickets. The only way to do was for each lotto product to have two different barcodes depending on how it is sold.

Will, it involves us in any more work?

Absolutely not!

Tabcorp has provided all the information. Your software will be automatically updated. There's zero work for you. 

Besides fixing some problems, will I get anything new from this change?

Yes, the pricing and profit information!

In your point of sale software, there is a "rebate" feature which stores the difference between the price an item is sold at, and its real price. Once we have pricing information, your receipts will now be correct. Immediately your total of the sale will be accurate and your till will balance.

You can much easier match your payments by lotto card. 

Your reconciliations will be correct.

You will get gross profit reportings your software will now be able to handle the new Digital Wallet barcode with the problems of it being prepaid. You will have lotto Gross Profit Reporting. Which is the main reason why we asked for this change? We feel, and I think most of you agree that Gross Profit is the most critical measure to determine the profitability and the financial performance of a business which is why we fought for this change.

I want to thank Tabcorp for doing it.

When will it roll out?

Unsure, it was scheduled for last Friday and Monday but there are so many delays, hopefully within two weeks.


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Tabcorp latest changes


the lotto

For many of our clients now that handle Tabcorp Lotto, one of the big problems now is that with their new app and Digital Wallet Sales, sales are coming through into their system with a price of zero and this means that it is harder to track their sales of lotto products accurately. In particular, what worried us was that it was difficult for us, as a result, to calculate the Gross Profit.

So we spoke to Tabcorp here

Tabcorp now has acted on our concerns and adopted our proposals. From next week they will be updating their system to separate their Digital Wallet sales from our clients' sales with pricing details. 

Great stuff!

There is no extra work for our clients as a patch (Version will automatically update their systems, so they will be able to continue to scan lotto products as always.

Update:  One of our competitors has clearly for reasons that to us make no sense attacked Tabcorp and us.

What they do not like is pricing details included in the Tabcorp barcode. Well, just because the Tabcorp barcode has a price does not mean that they have to put the price into their software. All they have to do is code their software so if its a Tabcorp product, it is imported with a value of $0. If one of our users is so crazy and wants this too, well they can set up their system with our software to do that too *NOW*. What is the problem?

Let me further point out that this company track record on Lotto is not particularly good, a few years ago. I remember seeing in their spreadsheets of the future and speeches them saying that counter sales of Lotto will go down. It did not. It went up and its never been higher. Today with its super draws and promotions it has given lotto agents a major traffic drawcard. 

Also, business is the art of the possible, not what we would like, I believe that many of the changes they proposed are never going to be done in real-time.  They publically supported the politicians and the appropriate industry bodies to try and force Lottoland out of Australia.  Then we and many others pointed out that this was dreaming and Lottoland were not just going to leave. What they helped do is frustrate any hope of our clients getting new revenue streams from Lottoland, for example, see here, here and here

It goes on, one point I am very proud of our company is that what we propose and do is stuff our clients can use, their recent proposals on local politicians support, local currencies for small business, buskers grants, etc., in a real-time, dream on! 

Plus would these make much difference to SMB could also be disputed too, for example, buskers like to set up their Busking Stations in front of public places, markets and supermarkets as there is a mass of women and kids with money there!  Buskers know what they are doing, women and kids tend to give more than males. My daughter is eight years old if she likes a busker, she comes to Mum or me to give her some money to give to them. So does my Mum, she gives them money with a comment, "I like them doing this much more what they are doing than them begging in the street." I suggest very little money will flow to SMB as a result.


My understanding is this other company wanted the barcodes with a zero price on them. I would imagine this is because their software won't be able to handle prices and not have them affect the Newsagents' End of Day and cash reconciliation. One of the problems of using an archaic database backend that doesn't allow for updates like our software does.

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Well, Lottoland was serious when they stated that they would fight in the courts the ban, they are going to go to court. They are also looking into other ways that would allow Australian to continue to play synthetic Lotteries.

If Lottoland get up in the court or they do find a way to get around this legislation it will be the worst of both worlds for many of my clients as they will still have Lottoland competition and no access part of the online revenue from Lottoland which they were offered and they rejected.

The other point is as I stated earlier many Australian players will still be able to play online by simply hiding their IP address.

What I am wondering about now is that as a third of Australians have overseas citizenship and/or residency, so if these people are affected by this ban legally. A man whose father has an Italian citizenship could maybe also bet.

Anyhow, if you are interested in any of this click here.

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Reinhold v New South Wales Lotteries Corporation [2008] NSWSC


There is nothing in newsagencies that causes large legal cases as lotto does. I suppose no-one will go to court over a dollar paper but in lotto, millions are at stake.

For those not aware of this case. A person Mr Reinhold bought an Oz Lotto ticket at the Macarthur Newsagency at Campbelltown on September 19, 2005. Because of some problems the ticket did not print correctly so Mr Reinhold was given another ticket. Later the given ticket was cancelled under instructions from NSW lotto. As Murphy's Law would have it that cancelled ticket had the numbers for the $2 million jackpot. As it was cancelled Mr Reinhold could not collect his winning, so he went to court. Mr Reinhold won two million dollars.

Okay who is going to pay that $2 million dollars in allocating blame the NSW supreme court decided that since it was

"Lotteries that controlled the computer system and had the means of searching within it. The Newsagents could do nothing except give information to Lotteries and wait for Lotteries to give them a number to use as the TSN of the ticket to be cancelled. The shortcoming of the Newsagents was to fail to volunteer information that should have been volunteered. Nor, of course, was that information requested by Lotteries as it should have been."

In other words, the newsagency failed to volunteer the required information even though NSW lotto official did not ask for it, so the court has decided the newsagency must pay 10% of the two million dollars to Mr Reinhold plus interest. That sum now totals $ 246,011.14, the remaining amount NSW Lotto will have to pay.

The full decision is available here. It is worth a look for some unexpected risks you can come up in selling lotto however be warned it is 24 pages long.

Reinhold v New South Wales Lotteries Corporation [2008] NSWSC 5

Note whether the case is over remains to be seen but this is where is it now.