VANA Industry Awards 2019


It is our pleasure to say a massive congratulations to our clients, who won the prestigious VANA Industry Awards at the divine Plaza Ballroom on Saturday night and took home all the awards.

I know most of these people personally, and I know they worked tirelessly in their businesses. 

We wish them our good wishes.

Our client won the newsagent of the year - Mentone Newsagency, check out their website to see what they do and what they do.

VANA Mentone newsagency award

The lifetime achievement award was won by our client John Blames

Colav newsagency VANA awards


Rookie of the Year by Somerville Lotto


Somerville lotto Vana awards

The Lottery Agent of the Year recipient was won by our clients at Wandin Newsagency

The Community Newsagent of the Year which was won by Jodie & Adrian Grzeschka our clients from Corryong Newsagency.




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