The Continuing Success of this POS System Blog


I'm thrilled to share exciting news about our blog's ongoing success. Our blog has reached a significant milestone, surpassing 8,000 search clicks on Google. 

Here is our latest achievement award.

Google achievement award Sep_2024

These achievements serve as a way for Google to acknowledge the growth and success of websites in terms of search visibility and user engagement. That we got 8,000 is genuinely remarkable, considering the small niche market we serve. This achievement surpassed our previous record of 7,000 clicks four weeks ago. It certainly demonstrates the growing interest in our product POS Software among retailers.

Here is a graph of how this blog's Google clicks have grown.


Google click in 2024

Why Our Message is Resonating

I can only guess, but I am sure it has, partly because, unlike many other POS Systems, this blog's policy is to discuss things retailers can use.

Our blog isn't just about promoting a POS system—it's about solving real daily problems that retailers face. We've leveraged our extensive experience in retail and computer software with our user base to create content that speaks directly to the retailer's challenges and opportunities.

Jargon-Free Communication

We've consciously tried to break down complex POS features into easily digestible information. One reader's comment particularly stood out:

"Finally, I've read a tech article that I can understand without a dictionary!"

This feedback reinforces our commitment to transparent, accessible writing that resonates with our audience.

Actionable Advice for Immediate Implementation

We also provide practical tips that retailers can implement right away.  This approach has struck a chord with our readers, as evidenced by the high engagement rates.

Comparing POS Features: What Matters Most

Based on our blog's analytics and reader feedback, here's a comparison of the POS features that appear to matter most to our retailers:

-Our reduced transaction fees: I am not surprised as our lower EFTPOS costs directly impact a retailer's bottom line, allowing them to retain more of each sale. For example, a small business might save heaps by choosing a POS system with competitive EFTPOS rates like ours.
- POS system with CRM: No one as  I know offers like we do a free CRM to its retail clients and such flexible loyalty programs you can select. This is strange as a robust CRM system allows retailers to track customer interactions, preferences, and purchase history. This information can be used to personalise marketing campaigns, offer targeted promotions, and provide exceptional customer service.
- Our POS system with inventory management
-Sales Reporting
-Costing analysis, e.g. our article on the costs of various loyalty programs vs vouchers 

The future of retail technology looks exciting.

New artificial intelligence (AI) improvements, complex data reviews, and smooth online shopping integration are coming. 

* Picture AI-powered stock control that restocks popular items automatically
* Or marketing campaigns matched to what each customer has purchased
* These new ideas are changing how stores work

We want to stay ahead of these trends. We aim to give you the newest information and ideas on the latest technologies. Using our knowledge, we’ll help you make informed choices and keep ahead of others.

Thank you for being so interested, and we look forward to continuing our journey together.

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