Point of Sale Software

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Enhancing your POS retail system with a Touch Screen


Time is Money, and customer frustrations cost.

We've all been there - you're trying to buy something quickly, but the line at the checkout counter is ridiculously long. As the minutes tick by, your impatience grows. You start doing that little shuffle from foot to foot. If the wait is too long, you leave. 

According to studies, many shoppers will only tolerate a 5-minute maximum wait in line before they get fed up and leave. I know I've often cut my losses and walked out of stores with excessive queues. Retailers live and die by giving customers a fast experience, so losing sales to long lines is a total non-starter.

The Need for Speedy Service

This is where touch-screen point-of-sale (POS) systems can be a game-changer. I'm not just talking about a minor convenience here - we've seen retailers who switch to touch-screen POS experience seriously accelerated checkout times, like 15% faster on average. That's the difference between an angry mob of grumpy shoppers and a smooth, zippy experience.

Let me give you a picture of how it works: your cashier has to tap the screen a few times to ring up items instead of struggling with a keyboard. Applying discounts, updating inventory, and taking payments all happen with just a couple of taps and swipes. Suddenly, cashiers can move customers through the line at much greater speeds.

A Touch-Screen POS is Intuitive for Anyone

Getting customers through the line lickety-split is the big selling point for touch-screen POS. But it's not the only way this technology can revolutionize your operations. Let's break down some of the other key upsides:

Fewer Mistakes

We've all been there—you're the cashier, and it's a problem that you enter the information and look at the keyboard, so you accidentally punch in an extra digit, and suddenly, there is an error. With a touch screen, you are looking at the order, not the keyboard and the whole order is right there visually on the screen in front of you. See a mistake? Just tap to fix it—no hunting and pecking required. Crisis averted.

Intuitive Operations for Everyone

Few of us are one of those wizards who learned proper touch typing. For the rest of us mere mortals, trying to cashier on those is just asking for input issues. Tapping icons on a bright screen is infinitely more intuitive and natural.

Unlocking Team Efficiency

When your POS is easy to use, staff can quickly get up to speed on running the system. The visual layout and flow allow them to modify orders rapidly, apply discounts, and access additional functions without memorising endless button combinations. That means less dedicated training time and more productivity on day one.

Simple human factors like ease of use, accuracy, and efficiency pay huge dividends. A touch-screen interface eliminates many headaches, hassles, and mistakes that plague retail businesses. Your customers enjoy a better experience, your employees operate more effectively, and your bottom line gets a serious boost.

The current reality

The bottom line is that touch-screen POS cuts down on wait times and avoids mistakes, giving every customer a VIP checkout experience. That's how you build loyalty and keep those hard-earned sales returning through your doors.  

These are lovely touch screens with customer displays included, too.

3 in one touch screen

Outdated technology should not be holding you back. Upgrade to a cutting-edge touch-screen POS system and start delivering the exceptional customer experience your shoppers deserve. Request a quote now.

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Get faster POS Software Performance now


Time to get a new network

Today, in retail, speed is so important. A slow point-of-sale (POS) system costs you time, money, and customers. The most successful solution now for speed is upgrading your network. We can turbocharge your POS System performance to get more speed.

Your Network: The Backbone of Your POS System

Picture your network as the highway system connecting all the parts of your POS Software system. Like a highway, a strong network lets information zip back and forth without slowdowns. If your network is old, outdated, or suffering under too much load, your speed will go down, and you and your customers will feel it.

Consumer Report study found:

That customers were willing to wait for 13 minutes, but disturbingly found Almost two-thirds said they would wait two minutes or less and 13% said that "no wait time is acceptable."

Upgrade Your Network Cards: The Game-Changer

Modernizing your network cards is one of the most powerful ways to speed up your POS. Think of these cards as the traffic cops directing data on your network. Older cards can get overwhelmed, creating digital bottlenecks. Newer models offer:

  • Wider Roads (Higher Bandwidth): More data can flow simultaneously, making transactions lightning-fast.
  • Security Checkpoints: The latest protection protects your data from cyber threats that could crash your system.
  • Smooth Sailing: Updated cards work better with the latest POS software and hardware, meaning fewer compatibility headaches.

Don't Forget Windows Updates!

Just like you keep your store looking its best, keeping Windows updated is super important for your POS. Updates aren't just about security– they also fix bugs, boost performance, and ensure your system plays nicely with all your devices. Think of it as a regular tune-up for your POS!

Upgrade Teamwork: Network + Windows

Upgraded network cards and up-to-date Windows are the absolute dream team. That's when you get the smoothest, fastest system possible. Imagine a super-efficient highway with the best traffic control working together – now your POS data can fly!

Watch Out for Outdated Cables

Your cables play a surprisingly important role in your network's overall health. Outdated network cables frequently become damaged, worn, or lack modern technology, slowing down your POS System. If your store still uses older cables, they could be causing bottlenecks that slow down your POS. Upgrading to newer, more robust cables can make a noticeable difference in speed and stability.

Real Businesses, Real Results

Here's what other retailers are saying about network upgrades:

  • "Our system was constantly lagging, especially when it got busy. After upgrading, we're processing sales way faster. Customers are happier, we're happier!" 
  • "Keeping customers moving fast was a big worry. The new network features and Windows updates have made our system run even better."

The Bottom Line: Your POS Can Be Amazing

Don't let a slow network hold you back! By investing a bit of time and attention into modernizing your network cards and keeping Windows updated, you'll unlock the full incredible power of your POS software. Say hello to blazing-fast transactions, super-satisfied customers, and a business ready to take off.

Ready to Upgrade Your POS Performance?

  • Check Your Network Cards: Need advice on what upgrades make sense? We're here to help!
  • Get Those Windows Updates: It's easy and makes a big difference.

Let us know how we can help you achieve lightning-fast POS performance!


Improving POS software performance is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Looking forward to experiencing the speed boost and smoother transactions with this update

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