Point of Sale Software

Here are some Articles from the Blog Subject - Privacy -

Old hard drives


Today, with the legal nightmare we live in, you need to protect the sensitive data you have.

Computers today store a lot of private information, both for you and your customers. You can get into a lot of trouble if the courts rule that you have released your customer or staff details, such as financial records and confidential documents. Failing to destroy this information on your computer correctly can lead to severe consequences, such as data breaches, identity theft, and legal ramifications.

Before proceeding, always ensure that any critical data you require is backed up securely.

Data removal

When disposing of old hard drives, simply deleting files or formatting the drive is not good enough. This data can often be recovered by skilled individuals with specialised software. If they do this, you are at risk.


One popular and reliable data erasure software is CCleaner, which I have spoken about before. It has a free Drive Wiper tool specifically created for this purpose to erase your data from a hard drive. It works by overwriting your hard drive with ones and zeros. This is claimed to make it virtually impossible to retrieve your information.

Features and Benefits of CCleaner

  • Easy to use: CCleaner is relatively easy; if you need help, call me.
  • Multiple overwrite passes: The software allows you to choose the number of overwrite passes, with more passes providing a higher level of security. I leave it on a high setting and let it run overnight. I use multiple overwrite passes on the hard drive and use the option of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) 5220.22-M standard. It should be okay with us if it's good enough for them. 

The big plus of this method is that the hard drive can be reused, which means that it can be resold.

I have personally never seen a problem with data security with anyone using this method.

Best Practices for Hard Drive Destruction

For many, this is not good enough, as they feel that their data might still be recovered by experts. The only thing that satisfies them is physical destruction methods.

Our Approach to Hard Drive Destruction

Over the years, we have developed an approach that works well.

Harddrives to be destroyed

Step-by-Step Process

Drilling Holes: We take the hard drive and use a powerful drill to create multiple holes through the casing and platters. This physically damages the drive.

Destroying hard drive by  drilling

Another destroying hard drive by  drilling

Another hard drive destroying by  drilling

Hammer Smashing: To further ensure data destruction, we place the drilled hard drive in a sack and use a hammer to smash it into smaller pieces. This step helps to pulverize the platters and other components, making data recovery virtually impossible.

Separating: Once smashed, we separate the shattered pieces of each hard drive into two distinct piles, so about half are in one pile and the other half in the other. 

Disposing: We dispose of one pile in our regular bin, and the other is discarded on my way home in a public trash bin far from our work. This added precaution ensures that even if someone were to retrieve the pieces, they would not have the complete hard drive, further reducing the risk of data recovery.

In the 40 years we have been in POS Systems, we have never had a problem with this method.

While this approach may seem excessive, it reflects our commitment to data security.

Ineffective Methods to Avoid

Using a hammer or dropping them 

Hard drives are strong and built to take punishment. This means that even if you smash one with a hammer, there may still be parts of the disk platter left undamaged which may be used for data recovery.

Throwing into the bin

If your rubbish is going to the tip, some people scour the tips, and a working hard drive is worth some money.

Fire or chemicals

Many people suggest throwing hard drives into fire or chemicals at them, neither of which I recommend. These hard drives contain many dangerous chemicals; you do not want to breathe in the fumes.


Today, protecting sensitive data is a critical responsibility. 


Tip: Use a AI-Generated Face to Protect Your Privacy


As a business owner, you likely want to participate in online conversations. However, you often want to protect your privacy and anonymity. The problem is that many sites expect you to provide your profile photo. Then, with modern search methods, it will only take a few seconds for someone to find you using search engines' face detection once they have your profile image.

So, what many people do today is use a synthetic profile picture. This face allows them to participate online anonymously with a plausible face that often has features similar to theirs while keeping their real identity private. Today, these faces look convincing but don't belong to any actual person. I used it to join an online Zoom conference where I knew an old girlfriend might come, and I did not want to take a chance that she would talk to me. 

How to get one

There are many such services. The one I recommend is here.

I put my face in there, and out come many that look like what I want. Then, I pick one to use.

Selecting a profile picture


An AI-generated face lets you seamlessly blend into online communities related to your business without sacrificing your privacy. Be present online while staying anonymous.

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Your Privacy in Windows 10


Here is a famous picture of the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg showing his Facebook likes here.

 Mark Zuckerberg

What happened is that when people blew up the picture where I put the arrow in what they found was this.

Mark Zuckerberg covering the camera and mic 

What he had done is put some tap over the camera and microphone of his laptop. Obviously despite having some of the best I am sure computer security professionals in the world, to check his computer he still feels he needs to do this too.

It is certainly the sign of the times as privacy has never been more under threat as it is now with computers and the internet. Although the Australian goverment with both sides approval has taken admirable action on private companies abusing people'e privacy, it certainly has expanded dramaticly the power of its own abuse of privacy again with both sides approval. 

Now if you're concerned what kind of data is collected by Microsoft in its latest Windows 10 at least there is something you can do to increase your privacy.

The problem is that Windows 10 requires to send information to Microsoft so that it can serve us better. Now where do we draw the line on what we are prepared to give will be different for everyone?

If you are concerned about this, I suggest that you download this free program and checkout the trade off between what you need and what information you are sending that you feel  goes too far. It is available here.







Thanks for this post.Need more content for pos software in legal privacy.

One problem is that no one is talking about is that many of my clients have clients that have residency in the countries covered by the General Data Protection Regulation. It is a bomb waiting to happen.

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How do I protect my Confidential Information


It is your legal and social responsibility to keep a lot of information you have confidential and you can get into big trouble if you do not.
I have spoken about this problem before but a few days ago. One of our clients in the middle of processing the weekly payroll system suddenly had to go. While he was gone an employee looked up the pay sheets for the bank and noticed another employee was being paid considerably more than him and complained that his pay was less. Whatever you think of this; I think most of us would agree that an unnecessary problem occurred that should never have happened.

On a computer as anywhere else there is no magic method to stop the invasion of your privacy but there are some points you can do to reduce the problem. The problem in most point of sale retail environments in SMB businesses is that generally anyone in the organisation can get access to everything on your computer. I divide these people into four groups, government officials - who can come in with a court order; coworkers and computer support people - who have access because it's necessary for their work, family and hackers.

That is why we like VeraCrypt. It's free. Your information once it is set up is automatically encrypted before it is saved on the hard drive and only decrypted after it is loaded. The information cannot be read without the use of a correct password. I do warn you it does somewhat slow down processing.

So what we do is set up our users with an encrypted VeraCrypt system. Anything in this until they supply a correct password is unreadable. Once they put in a password, it acts as a normal drive with its own letter, accessible like any other drive but only on that computer so only that computer can read the information. So I downstairs on another computer in the network cannot read that information. When they finish and close VeraCrypt, the information becomes unreadable again to anyone without their password.

VeraCrypt can be set up so secure, few could break it.

It is free
Enjoy your privacy.
Note here is some information on the new key disclosure laws.

Privacy flowchart


Everyone has the right to ask for all the personal information you hold about them. You, however, do not necessarily have to release this information, and if you do you may be able to charge for the work required to produce the information required. What the Australian government has done is created a flowchart to help you make these decisions.