Your Privacy in Windows 10


Here is a famous picture of the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg showing his Facebook likes here.

 Mark Zuckerberg

What happened is that when people blew up the picture where I put the arrow in what they found was this.

Mark Zuckerberg covering the camera and mic 

What he had done is put some tap over the camera and microphone of his laptop. Obviously despite having some of the best I am sure computer security professionals in the world, to check his computer he still feels he needs to do this too.

It is certainly the sign of the times as privacy has never been more under threat as it is now with computers and the internet. Although the Australian goverment with both sides approval has taken admirable action on private companies abusing people'e privacy, it certainly has expanded dramaticly the power of its own abuse of privacy again with both sides approval. 

Now if you're concerned what kind of data is collected by Microsoft in its latest Windows 10 at least there is something you can do to increase your privacy.

The problem is that Windows 10 requires to send information to Microsoft so that it can serve us better. Now where do we draw the line on what we are prepared to give will be different for everyone?

If you are concerned about this, I suggest that you download this free program and checkout the trade off between what you need and what information you are sending that you feel  goes too far. It is available here.







Thanks for this post.Need more content for pos software in legal privacy.

One problem is that no one is talking about is that many of my clients have clients that have residency in the countries covered by the General Data Protection Regulation. It is a bomb waiting to happen.

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