Point of Sale Software

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Google maps, the truth and how you use it


One of our competitors has come out of the dark with a recent new attack. Now they claim that we have copied them in Google map integration, and what they did was *innovation* but not us. The last time these guys made such an attack on us was to claim that we were too cheap. 

Unlike the early claim of being too cheap, we have no idea what they are talking about Google Maps. I am not sure when we first implemented Google Map integration into our software, but it was before 2009. We were early on to it, as we knew from our discussions with Google on how the system worked. Then it was all new, and no one knew how to make it work. The earliest mention about us having this integration was in our newsletters dated Tuesday 26th May 2009, showing DOS users how to use it. Yes, it was available in our older DOS versions too. As it was a new development that was long stopped in DOS by then, we did it earlier, but I cannot find when.

And before anyone jumps up and down on me, let me say that I looked at some other competitors. They have Google Maps too. Generally, they use a paid service like Pointy. Since we wrote our own API, there is no charge for our users for Google Maps.  

Before 2009, it was innovative. It is not innovative in 2022, and pretending that it is, I think, is an absurdity.

So summing up, I am sure that now their users are glad that finally, they have some of the benefits, which our users have had for over 13 years. 

Now let us move on and discuss how do we use it?

The easiest way in your software is to look for a box marked "Show Google Map". It is in many places, e.g. see the green arrow in the supplier screen below.

Once you press that box out will pop out in Google Map the location in a map.


You then have the full facilities of Google Map, although you can do much more than in this simple example.

The following are some of the significant uses our clients are using their Google Maps integration for:

1) If you are going to go to a place you have never been to before. Who knows how far and what the traffic is like going there. Using Google Maps, they can get an estimated time of arrival and an estimated time of return. This makes it much easier to get organised.

2) The primary use that people use is to send the address to their phone, so they can use it for directions while in the car. This saves time.

3) Failed deliveries due to wrong addresses are costly for retailers. It can be a significant cause of customer dissatisfaction. So using this Google Maps integration, you can check that you have the correct address before going out. You need some intelligence here as sometimes Google does not have a valid address. We have had discussions about this. Currently, there is nothing anyone can do about that, but we are actively looking into it.

4) See my post a few days ago on handling many locations and making a route.

I urge you to experiment with these functions and yes there are more, but we will discuss them later when I cool down.

PS Here is an interesting oddity for you, Google Maps was invented in Australia and is an Australian Product. It is True Blue, we do get around us Aussies.


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How to Record a Zoom Meeting


Since this pandemic hit us, we all have been using video conferencing with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc., for work, study, and social interaction.

Some of these meetings are pretty important to us, so often we want a record of the meeting. I often want a copy just to review some details.

Now, most video conferencing systems allow the organisers to take a recording. Often but not always do the organisers notify everyone that such a recording is taking place.

I have noticed that large organisations, lawyers, etc. do this all the time to cover themselves just in case even if they do not tell you they are doing this.

It can also be convenient to record. For example, I had a heated discussion with a supplier on Zoom. I pressed record. She then demanded no recording. In the end, though we decided to record the final conclusion that we had both agreed to a settlement term and what the resolution that was agreed.

Now the problem is that you, the participant, often cannot make a recording only the organiser. 

Now what I am going to show you is how to make a recording.  

If you do this secretly without telling everyone in the meeting, review your legal situation over these recordings. I cannot answer that as I am not a lawyer. So use common sense!

Several free software programs do this, but they all essentially work similarly.

  1. You run the screen recorder on your computer,
  2. Join or start a Zoom meeting.
  3. Then click on the "Record Screen" and "Microphone" buttons to adjust the recording area and audio sources.
  4. Once done, click end and review your Video.


For most people the quickest method is already inbuilt into your Windows (if you use Win 10 or Win 11). Use the Game Bar, built-in Windows 10, here is a video explaining it.

A better way to do it or if you do not have Win10 on that computer is to use OBS Studio.

Note if you are going to do this, please do a few practice runs first. Like many things, it is not hard after you get used to it.

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What do you think of Fraudulent Misrepresentation?



Have a read of this paragraph.

I have 1700+ newsagency clients..... I am the biggest supplier to newsagents... I am the market leader....

If I said this, would you not think I would have an obligation and responsibility to provide evidence for my claim! I would say *YES*.  What do you think? 

It is called the burden of proof. Click for details. 

If it is not done, why do you think of my statements?

Furthermore, please consider that if I responded to a claim made by someone else like this and my response was censored. That publishing of it was refused when I queried it. Do you think these secret and hidden censorship actions are legal? Do you think it's right or proper? 

Surely if censored the correct way of handling it as Google does, see the example above. Another example would be that the Federal Court ruled that ISPs should block many sites. So they block them, but you notified that they are blocked when you try to go to them.

Tell me what you think?

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