Point of Sale Software

Here are some Articles from the Blog Subject - Caravan Sales Yard -

The best Caravan Sales Yards Point of Sale (POS) Software


When Ian Grant's Caravans decided they needed POS Software, they came to us.  We were delighted as they are one of Australias busiest caravan sales yards where people from all over Australia to get their caravans. Now that the caravan shows have started again, we are having in Melbourne our annual supershow. You may want to check them out at site No. 9 & 10.

If you want to go, you need to buy tickets before it's like in previous years. They do not sell at the door tickets. But, if you are like me, I am sure you will find it interesting.

What I find is that caravan sales yard need much specialised in their POS Software. This is a challenge.

It grew when COVID hit. Suddenly all caravan software had to go into the cloud to work enabled. So now remote working on the caravan sales yard is standard in our caravan system. Lucky Ian was integrated into our online shop.

What such systems need is the ability of a CRM to track potential customers. This is often particularly difficult as much here works on finance, and many people use several finance companies.

In the workshop, repairs here need a wide range of functions in our system. One feature that proven useful here is automatically sending service reminders when customers need service. SMS is better here than email, and this SMS option is free with us. Next, you need to keep a history of the quotes. Then, you need to be tack track quotes to actual costs. Then keep a record of completed operations. Finally, you need to check your workshop schedule at all times.

Inventory control has to be spot on as ticket items are expensive. The big problem here is that sale items often have subsections. Sometimes these subsections need to be tracked too. As a detailed history of everything is required what helps is our detailed Google-type search. It can use various search functions, such as searching by brand, model, rego, etc. Also, very detailed inventory flow reports are needed. This is because of the high prices of the goods. This allows constant monitoring of inventory levels. This helps maintain the best inventory at the best price.

Our software provides you with the latest technology. This makes your business more controllable and profitable.


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