The following stop/starts are scripted now

For people with DOS systems who need to do it manually, we are preparing information sheets, the window systems the following will be automatically updated by date and version.

Note: If you are still on DOS, please consider upgrading as these changes alone would save you about an hour and be done much more efficiently. In 2014 people should not have to manually do newspapers and magazines adjustments.

[2014-12-19]: The Saturday edition of the Financial Review will be on sale from Saturday 20th of December to Friday 26th of December inclusive

[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the Age will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive
[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the AgeSub will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive
[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the Sydney Morning Herald will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive
[2014-12-26]: The Saturday edition of the Financial Review will be on sale from Saturday 27th of December to Thursday 1st of January inclusive
[2015-01-01]: The Friday edition of the Financial Review will be on sale from Friday 2nd of January to Sunday 4th of January inclusive

[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the Herald-Sun will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive
[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the Australian will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive
[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the Geelong Advertiser will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive
[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the Courier Mail will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive
[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the Daily Telegraph will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive
[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the West Australian will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive
[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the Kalgoorlie Miner will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive
[2014-12-24]: The Weekday edition of the Illawarra Mercury will not be published between Thursday 25th of December and Thursday 25th of December inclusive