Powerful video surveillance

Video surveillance is the best security solution available for retail today with our IP camera it is more flexible than any static security cameras at often a cheaper price.

An effective integrated point of sale system with video surveillance using video text overlay technology plus our unique facial recognition system can bring many benefits to your business and help you run your businesses more efficiency.

Here are some advantages.

- Checking refunds of goods
- Reduced cash theft by staff
- Better cash change control.
- It lows stock theft.
- Warning of known trouble makers and shoplifters entering the shop
- Traffic analysis with demographic statistical analysis
- A powerful search and scanning facility for cash handling
- It is about the only evidence that the courts will accept

Give us a call now to findout more.

Here is a person who steps into a room, note the computer identifies them with a code name as a male, who is not smiling. It can of course tell much more information.

Here are a sample of some more details, but there are 100s of pieces of information it can determine about the person.