Your Customer journey events (CRM)


Using customer triggers in their journey

Why do some businesses consistently outperform their competitors? The answer is often more straightforward than you think. 

Most sales are recurring or predictable; you can take advantage of this with triggers (free email). Here are some real-world examples of my POS software CRM Users' cases for their loyalty programs. 

1. Birthday email marketing

Do we all do something for our birthdays? Sending a special offer on a customer's birthday is one of the best ways to boost sales. People want to treat themselves, and I am sure you want them to treat themselves from your shop.

2. Reminder email campaigns

Sold a magazine? Great! Set a trigger for when the next issue hits the shelves to notify your customer when it arrives, and you are more likely to see them back in your shop.

3. Pet Owner

Did they buy dog food? They'll need more; it is just a matter of time! Set your CRM trigger based on the average time to use the product.

4. The Annual Service Reminder

Have you just quoted for a lawnmower service? Set a trigger for next year even if you do not get the job, as they will need a new service. Maybe you will get it the next time?

5. Customer segmentation by ethnicity

Say your customer is French, and Bastille Day is coming up; suggest a few books on France.

Your Customer Journey Events in CRM are not just buzzwords but the cornerstone of modern, effective marketing. These strategic touchpoints throughout a customer's interaction with your brand can distinguish between a one-time buyer and a lifelong buyer.

Here, we will discuss the concept, explore its practical applications, and show why implementing this approach could be the best decision for your business.

What Are Customer Journey Triggers (events)?

Customer journey triggers are specific events or milestones in a customer's life or purchasing history that create perfect opportunities for engagement. 

Customer data insights 

  1. Free Targeted Marketing: Email marketing based on these triggers costs you nothing but can yield significant returns.
  2. Rich Customer Data: As you build your loyalty program, you'll gather valuable insights.
  3. Boosted Sales: Relevant promotions mean more purchases.
  4. Customer satisfaction: Timely reminders show you care.
  5. Stronger Relationships: Lifecycle marketing keeps customers coming back.

The Harsh Truth

If you're not using customer journey triggers, you're losing customers to retailers who are. It's that simple.

How to Get Started

  1. Implement a Loyalty Program: This is your foundation for gathering data.
  2. Identify Key Triggers: Look at your products and think about natural follow-ups.
  3. Set Up Automated Emails: Use your POS software's CRM to schedule these trigger-based communications.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on what works and refine your approach.

Actual Results from my clients

Here are some results I got when I analysed some of my clients' information

Trigger Type       Average takeup
Birthday Offers    25%
Restock Reminders    15%
Annual Service Alerts    30%

A Personal Touch Goes a Long Way

Remember, these triggers aren't just about sales. They're about showing your customers you understand their needs. 

Lifecycle marketing

Customer journey triggers are easy to set up, free to use, and powerful. By tapping into your customers' natural lifecycles, you increase your chance of making a sale.

Dive into your POS software's CRM today and set up those triggers. Give it a go.


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