In 2024 importance of R U OK? Day is growing


R U Ok? Day 2024

Running your shop is hard work! You deal with:

- Long days behind the counter 
- Money worries from taxes and bills 
- Government officers
- Customers 

Things recently got more burdensome for many owners as the economy is not going well.

With all these stresses, taking care of your mental health is critical.

Personal Experiences

Over the years, I've encountered some heartbreaking situations that highlight the urgency of this issue highlighted for today:

The Locked-In Boss

I once had a boss who locked himself in his office, overwhelmed by stress. The situation became so dire that we called his wife, and when she came, we had to threaten to call the fire brigade to get him out. Sadly, I never saw him again after that incident.

Ivan's Story

One of my clients, Ivan, who was a genuinely capital guy, seemed alright, so I was shocked after he disappeared when rumours in the newsagency community circulated that he had taken his own life. While I can't confirm if it was work-related, it's a stark reminder of the hidden struggles many in our industry face.

A Schoolmate's Tragedy

Recently, a classmate I knew well committed suicide. She had had three failed marriages, no kids and was looking at the end of her fourth marriage.

These experiences have deeply affected me and reinforced my commitment to prioritising mental health.

Startling Statistics

Recent surveys reveal some concerning trends:

  • 78% of retail workers experienced stress, anxiety, or depression symptoms in the past month
  • 45% of business owners feel they lack resources to manage employee mental health issues

These numbers aren't just statistics – they represent struggling people in our community.

As a business owner, you are responsible for creating a supportive work environment. Here are some legal obligations in Australia regarding mental health in the workplace:

Some of the employers responsibility for mental health


Practical Ideas for Support

Open Communication

Encourage regular check-ins with your team. A simple "How are you doing?" can open up meaningful conversations.

Flexible Scheduling

Where possible, offer flexible hours. It can help employees more effectively balance work and personal life.

Mental Health Resources

If you are worried, contact your industrial body for advice. They can provide information about what you should do and mental health services options.

Lead by Example

Share your own experiences with stress management.


Remember, if someone is struggling, tell them they are not alone, and there's nothing wrong with seeking help or referring them to someone who can help.

Fun fact: On average, in Australia, we have about nine suicides a day.

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