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Comparing Electricity Rates for Your Shop, my recent experience


average monthly electricity costs for small businesses in Australia,0
My Eye-Opening Experience

Do not be made a sucker by an electricity comparison provider? As a business owner in Australia, I recently had an encounter that left me questioning their claims.

About a year ago, I blogged about the pitfalls of using the government electric comparison websites here. In summary, the figures on the government website I would get from my existing provider were wrong for me. It made me wonder if the other figures quoted from different providers were terrible, too. 

My recent experience with a commercial energy comparison provider is here. It all started with an email stating that the plan they set up for me was running out and it was time to renew. The problem here was my existing plan had a few months to go and that they never set it up. But as they did promise to slash my shop's electricity bills, I decided to find out what they had to say. So I rang up and got a cheerful voice claiming to be an "electricity expert". She offered to find me the cheapest plan for my business, promising savings. Admittedly, the quoted amount seemed too good to be accurate, but I would be happy if something could be done with our electric bills.

The conversation went something like this:

  1. They asked for some basic details about my shop's energy usage.
  2. They wanted a recent electric bill.
  3. The call ended with her excitedly promising "thousands of dollars" in annual savings by quoting one much cheaper item.

I signed a form allowing them to look and later sent a bill 

She then called back with an offer. The offer, however, seemed too good to be true. Trusting my instincts, I requested the information in writing to allow me to digest it. Here's what unfolded:

  1. An email arrived, but it lacked the comprehensive details I expected.
  2. Upon closer inspection, I made a startling discovery: the new plan was actually more expensive than my current one—20% more.
  3. I reached out for clarification by email, only to be met with silence. They never responded.

Retail electricity costs

Here are some facts about electricity costs for small retailers in Australia:

Electricity prices are up, with government taxation playing a significant role.

On average, small businesses in Australia pay between $700 and $1,400 a month for electricity. No matter what they say, you are not going to get a vast reduction.

Energy bill reduction for shops

Here are some tips for energy efficiency

  1. Upgrade to energy-efficient lighting: LED bulbs can significantly reduce your energy consumption.
  2. Optimise your heating and cooling: Proper insulation and smart thermostats can make a big difference.
  3. Invest in energy-efficient appliances: Look for appliances with high energy star ratings.
  4. Implement a switch-off policy: This one is inexcusable. Ensure your equipment is turned off outside of business hours. 
  5. Use natural light: Where possible, use natural light to reduce reliance on artificial lighting. I opened the blinds at work; we work in the daytime and have plenty of sun. 

Lessons Learned: A Retailer's Guide to Energy Savings

This experience taught me valuable lessons that I believe every business owner should know:

  1. Do your homework: You have got to use some intelligence
  2. Look at the big picture: Don't be swayed by one attractive rate. Always consider the total cost.
  3. Plan B: Check what happens if it does not work out and you want out
  4. Leverage your relationship: If you're satisfied with your current provider, before doing anything by explaining the situation. I have an offer for .....

Red Flags to Watch Out For

Based on my experience, here are some warning signs that an energy offer might not be as good as it seems:

  1. Pressure to sign up immediately
  2. Reluctance to provide details in writing
  3. Promises of unrealistic savings

Wrapping Up

Be careful. Also, remember the cheapest plan is not always the best. Customer service and provider reliability are crucial for keeping your business running smoothly. 


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Your Business and your Customer Email Addresses


Personal emails

Remember Personal Letters? Yeah, Me Neither.

Think about the last time you received a personal letter in the mail. Can't remember? You're not alone! These days, nearly all our written communication happens through email. It's fast, free, and goes anywhere in the world. We all use email today.

Why Email Matters for Small Businesses

  • It's always on: Customers can check their emails whenever it suits them, unlike phone calls or face-to-face meetings.
  • Leaves a trail: You have a handy written record of all conversations. No more, "he said, and she said," arguments!

The Trouble with Getting to Customer with Email

Here's the thing: getting those customer email addresses correct is surprisingly tricky. Did you know...

  • Oops, typos! Studies reckon around 20% of emails given out are wrong.
  • Old news: About 22% of email addresses stop working yearly due to people changing email addresses, changing jobs, leaving studies or switching email providers.
  • Shield against spam: A surprising number of folks use temporary or "spam" email addresses. I'll admit, I did this myself recently when getting solar panel quotes! I just wanted a price, not the start of communications.
  • People are not reading their emails and spam filters: Some people rarely read their emails, sometimes they have spam filters that knock out their emails, sometimes they accidentally delete it thinking it's spam, etc. Just because you have a valid email does not mean it is coming through.


So, What Does That Mean for Your Business?

Studies show that around half the email addresses in most business databases are not good. Bummer, right?

Getting It Right - Steps to a Cleaner Email List

Don't worry, there are things you can do:

  • Double-check at the counter: Our POS software helps catch obvious errors and has a very good email-checking routine. What makes it so good is that it will pick up the errors when the customer is right in front of you.
  • Email checkers: There are some websites like this one [https://verifalia.com/validate-email] which are great for catching potentially dodgy addresses. What I like about this one is that it gives you a danger warning on the email address too. If you know of a better service, please let me know!

Checking email addresses

  • The gentle nudge: If an email goes unanswered, follow up with a friendly email   "Just checking you got my email about [topic]. If so, could you give me a quick reply?"

Why Valid Emails are Business Gold

Here's why spending a bit of time on this is worth it:

  • Talk directly to customers: Send news, offers, and the lot!
  • Save money: Sending emails is cheaper than postage
  • Supercharge customer service: Answer questions and sort out order issues quickly.

In Conclusion

Having a clean list of active customer emails is like having a direct line to the people who keep your business ticking. If you're a small retailer, investing a little time and effort in this will pay off big time!

Improve your Email Deliverability


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Being Neurodivergent-Friendly with a Weekly Quiet Hour


Shop quiet hour

Neurodivergent individuals find lots of noise, crowds, and visual stimulation overwhelming. It causes them anxiety. It is commonly associated with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Tourette syndrome etc. Although estimates are difficult to get, a reasonable estimate would be somewhere between 5-10% of Australians, about two million Australians, are affected. This is not a small number.

Now, what is happening is that such people find a noisy shop with crowded spaces difficult for them to manage, so several retailers are experimenting with trying to create a "Quiet hour" where they turn their stop into a quieter, calmer place. Preliminary results seem pretty promising.

What Is a Quiet Hour?

A quiet hour is a designated time when you take steps to reduce noise and visual stimulation and reduce crowding in your retail space. This might include:

Turning Down Music and Announcements

Eliminating background music during the quiet hour to decrease auditory stimulation. 

Dimming Lights

Bright overhead lighting can be harsh for such people so that dimming can help.

Limiting activities

People stocked shelves or merchandise being moved around the store is minimal.

Customers are not frequent, and we can expect a quiet time.

When to Hold a Quiet Hour

Currently, retailers are designating Tuesday 10:30 am to 11:30 am for the Quiet hour. If that time does not suit you, for example, if it's too busy, you could look for slower store traffic times. Analyze your shop's traffic patterns using historical data. Identify a consistent time when you can expect lower customer volumes. Easy to do, there is a traffic analysis report by the hour in your POS Software, which you will find marked with a green arrow below.


Put in dates for the last two months, and you will get a colour-coded analysis that shows the activity in the shop divided into four groups.

You are looking for the ones without colour, the slow times. I would suggest if Tuesday does not work, then look at Thursday. 

It is important that you make a consistent weekly schedule, making it possible for such people to plan their shopping.

Promoting Your Quiet Hour

Inform customers by posting signs denoting the quiet hour time.

Get the word out to customers about your new Quiet Hour program through social media, a website if you have it and local groups in your area.

With some preparation, you can transform your retail space into a calmer environment for neurodivergent customers during quiet hours. It's a slight adjustment that can significantly impact serving your local community.


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Taking photos in business


Using smartphones in retail

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In today's business world, with smartphones, it is easy to take photos that can be shared and so communicate better than words alone.

Here are some of the key ways I leverage my smartphone camera in business for visual communication:

Examples of communicating visually today

  • Often we attach photos to emails when describing an issue or product to provide visual context.
  • Use the camera to quickly photograph signed contracts or other documents to send digitally.
  • Showing the product we are selling.
  • A visual catalogue for our e-commerce site
  • Pictures of the shop to showcase our business for social media
  • Photograph equipment, buildings, products, etc., to report issues that need addressing.

Tips for Taking Good Business Photos with Your Smartphone

  • Activate gridlines in your camera app to help frame and level your shots.
  • Take multiple photos and move around to get different angles and perspectives. You can delete the bad ones later!
  • Shine lighting on it before photographing products or other objects.
  • Turn off the flash to avoid overexposure and glare - use natural lighting when possible.
  • Don't strive for perfection - smartphone photos don't need to be works of art to serve your business needs!

While smartphone cameras have limitations, they can produce more than good enough visuals for everyday business needs. Following a few basic best practices goes a long way.

Don't let the quest for perfect photos stop you from visually communicating to improve your operations and marketing. It is said that “Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” Henri Cartier-Bresson


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Naming a business and its ventures


This is a problem that crops up a lot in business; for example, a newsagent sets up a house syndicate and a shop decides to enter a new product line selling vitamin pills in the shop, etc. Well, what are they going to call it? It needs a name as a name adds to the offering. 

Business name

Naming a new business or product line - it's one of those things that always crops up when you're in business! You've got an idea; now you need to come up with the perfect name to match. 

It may seem simple, but finding a name that really captures your idea can be tricky. I've been there myself many times! I read an interesting article on Facebook by a professional who, for a living, advises people on what to name their business ventures. He charges thousands of dollars for doing it, but he sparked many people's interest in the subject.

Here, I'll walk through the key steps for brainstorming and evaluating potential names for your brilliant new business venture. With the right name secured, you'll be that much closer to promoting your brand to future customers!

Brainstorm Possible Names

I think it best to write down any words or phrases related to:

  • Your products or services
  • Your brand identity or values
  • Your location or community

Look at competitors or businesses you admire for inspiration. Use name generators or dictionaries to spark additional keyword ideas.

Look at some ideas for a business name from overseas. I find a search on a similar country to Australia, like Canada, useful. Now, if it works for these Canadians, why not for you in Australia? Now, several websites can help you. My current favourite is here. I have used it for years. But there are many more such sites, so pick the one you like. Now, put these ideas into the search box individually, flick through the options and their proposed names, and write down the ones you want. I am sure there are many good ideas here. 

Check Availability

If it is a one-off, which is not going to be used much except for inhouse, you may not need to worry much about checking, but if it is something that is going to get legal,  do not get too attached to a name yet; verify first:

  • The website domain name is available to buy
  • Suitable social media handles are available on sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
  • Trademark searches on IP Australia don't reveal conflicts

For a website, try to link it to your actual name if possible. Your new website should feed the shop, and your shop should feed the new website. Why reinvent the wheel so use the resources you have?

Now, talk it over with people, but trust your judgment, as you will have to live with the name. So, pick a name that communicates your business.

Check social issues

Shorten the proposed name.

See if you like it because it is the short name you and everyone else will use over time. For example, people rarely say my company's name, "POS Solutions" when talking about it, but say "POS". Make sure the shortened name looks good. If for example you called it Cheap Books, well people talking about it will say Cheap, its not a good image they are conveying.

Check foreign languages

This is to avoid embarrassing or offensive meanings in other cultures so check the proposed names and grammar in Google Translate to see if your name works well in their languages:

  • Check the languages spoken by your customers
  • Also the most commonly spoken languages in your area. 
  • I would also check Italian, Greek, Chinese, Hebrew and Arabic in Australia. For this, as the spelling is difficult use the search by voice. 

You do not want someone telling you the cafe name means "*gh^%@!" in their language every few days. I had a client who discovered that his business name, based on the street he was on, translated into English, meant something like a castrated pig store, which is, to Eastern Europeans, a particularly nasty word. The guy who named the street, I am sure, had a terrific laugh when the council adopted it. So I strongly suggest you check your proposed name in several languages. 

Check grammar

I get this a lot as my wife is French and tells me this shop's name is bad French grammar but I have also seen shops name that are in bad English grammar. Your shop looks instantly unprofessional.

It is worth the time, as a good business name can go a long way to making your business and/or website.

Note: Sometimes, you get only a limited choice. This site was handy.

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Check your online identity - tip


Search google your business

Running a retail business in 2024 means having an online presence even though you have little control over that presence. It's important to regularly check what information comes up because potential customers often search for your business online. 

Search Engine Results

Go to your browser eg Chrome and enter its private browsing mode, it's called incognito in Chrome and in Edge InPrivate. This is because your account and previous search history may affect your searches. Now in the private mode check the major search engine - Google. Google dominates search in Australia with a 95% market share.

For these do a search for your business name, address, and any common search terms customers might use to find you. For example, "lotto  Richmond" or "stationery near me."

Focus on the first page of the results. Anything on page 1 is what most people will see. Page 2 and beyond generally get little attention.

Now do not do this search with an ad blocker in place as you want to see both organic results and paid ads. A competitor buying ads in your name is something to watch out for.  This happened to us when our biggest competitor made what I consider a dishonest ad that pretended to be us and gave their telephone number as our number in the hope that our customers would ring them. 

I would suggest also after looking in Google that you look up the search engine Bing - it holds most of the remaining 5% of the market.

What To Watch For

  • Incorrect business information - If an old address, phone number, or other outdated info shows up, take steps to update or remove it.

  • Negative reviews - Even if you can't remove them, you can respond professionally with your side of the story.

  • Competitor ads - Consider complaining if a competitor buys ads on your brand name. Google and Bing in my experience will put a stop to it in some circumstances.

  • What people are getting - This is the information that the public looking for your products is getting. You can only address it if you know what it is. 

  • Local SEO optimization - I will discuss this in detail soon, but just get a feel of what people in your local feeder area are finding out about you. 

Reputation management

  • Responding to negative feedback - Answering by responding with your point of view politely can help. Offer online to fix the problem eg "Hey Frank, I am extremely sorry to hear about this poor experience. We would like to be able to help you with this........." 

  • Encourage positive reviews - Ask good customers to write a nice review of your business.

  • Claim business listings - Register your Google My Business and Bing Places profiles, this is free and lets Google and Bing know you exist.

  • Report issues - Use Google and Bing tools to report inaccurate, outdated, or harmful content related to your business.

Checking your online identity regularly is key for today's retailers. 

Monitor search engine results to know what customers see and take action to improve it. A small time investment here can pay off in spades through better connections with customers.


This is a huge topic with much importance to retail in 2024. If you feel the need please call me and I can help answer your questions. If I cannot help, I can certainly put you in touch with people who may be able to help.

Tip: Use a AI-Generated Face to Protect Your Privacy


As a business owner, you likely want to participate in online conversations. However, you often want to protect your privacy and anonymity. The problem is that many sites expect you to provide your profile photo. Then, with modern search methods, it will only take a few seconds for someone to find you using search engines' face detection once they have your profile image.

So, what many people do today is use a synthetic profile picture. This face allows them to participate online anonymously with a plausible face that often has features similar to theirs while keeping their real identity private. Today, these faces look convincing but don't belong to any actual person. I used it to join an online Zoom conference where I knew an old girlfriend might come, and I did not want to take a chance that she would talk to me. 

How to get one

There are many such services. The one I recommend is here.

I put my face in there, and out come many that look like what I want. Then, I pick one to use.

Selecting a profile picture


An AI-generated face lets you seamlessly blend into online communities related to your business without sacrificing your privacy. Be present online while staying anonymous.

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Put on your receipt a quote


A woman reading a quote

Ring in the New Year with Inspiring Receipt Quotes

Adding an uplifting New Year's quote or message to your retail receipts is a creative way to spread cheer and goodwill this holiday season. Implementing this quick marketing tactic can help reinforce your brand image as one that cares about connecting with customers meaningfully.

Why Add a New Year’s Quote or Message?

  • Spreads festive cheer and positive vibes during the holiday season

  • Shows customers you appreciate their business and wish them well

  • Sparks conversation about hopes and dreams for the new year

  • Differentiates you from competitors

  • Strengthens your reputation as a thoughtful, caring brand

How to Choose a Quote or Message

When selecting a New Year’s quote or message for your receipts:

  • Do not worry about the length unless it is too long.

  • Quotes that are hopeful, inspiring and forward-thinking work well.

  • Avoid anything controversial or divisive

  • Consider tying it back to your brand values or industry

Great options include:

  • Famous New Year's quotes by people

  • Upbeat messages about new beginnings and fresh starts

  • New Year's resolutions that relate to your products or services e.g. lotteries

  • Quotes about gratitude, optimism, or customer appreciation

Where to Display the Quote or Message

The receipt is the most direct place to put your New Year’s quote or message. But you can also display it:

  • On your storefront window or door

  • On your website or social media pages

  • On signage in your retail space

  • In email newsletters or print ads

Examples of a New Year’s Quote to Consider

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." - Oprah Winfrey

"The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.” ―Josiyah Martin

"New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.” —Alex Morritt

I remember a time when a store slapped a Gandhi quote on my receipt. It sparked a discussion on the movie which a few in the queue participated. Nowadays, what about dropping some Oppenheimer or Barbie wisdom?

Need some inspiration? Check this site for quotes you can use. 

Spread Positivity in the New Year

Add a message to your receipts for this New Year to spark customer joy and appreciation. This simple marketing tactic can help set the right tone as consumers embark on a new year.



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Unveiling of Hidden Product Downsizing (Shrinkflation)


I spoke briefly a few days ago of shrinkflation, the practice of suppliers today of hiding increases in retail prices by secretly reducing what you get. It generated some discussion, so I decided today to show examples of how it is done so you know the problem when your customers ask you about it.

What is shrinkflation, and how does it affect retailers?

Shrinkflation refers to the deceptive practice of companies secretly reducing the amount of a product while keeping the same price or even raising it. This allows suppliers to increase profits without customers realizing it's a price hike.

As a small retailer, shrinkflation can impact you and your customers in a few key ways:

Reduced trust. When customers notice items they regularly purchase have gotten smaller or contain less quantity, it erodes trust in brands. This could cause them to be hesitant to buy from your store in the future.

Higher costs. If your suppliers engage in shrinkflation, you pay the same or more for products containing less. This cuts into your margins without you even knowing.

Difficulty managing inventory. It's harder to accurately track inventory levels and order appropriate quantities when changing product sizes without notice. This can lead to stock-outs.

Disgruntled customers. People notice when their money isn't going as far at the grocery store or other retailers. Shrinkflation leads to complaints you have to field from customers who feel they are getting a raw deal.

It messes up your pricing. If you are not careful, your pricing can be wrong. I have seen examples of retailers reducing the price of the old product, which has more in it, as they think the new product is better. It is not it is just secretly smaller.

Some examples of shrinkflation


The older bottle had ten more pills, about a 9% price increase. What is interesting here is that the new bottle with less in it is a bigger bottle.


The new bottle has about 5% less product, and the packaging has been redesigned, too, as in the above example.


This one is quite tricky, see it you can pick it up.

The tube size of the older one is smaller than the hole of the newer one. It probably will look the same size, but there is less paper.


This is just a price rise by reducing the product supplied.

This one is actually a significant price rise of 25%.


My last example shows, over time, just how significant these secret changes can be 


Measured up, this is about an 80% price increase.


To protect your business and customers from the impacts of shrinkflation, you need to carefully monitor unit sizes and quantities of the products you re-order.

You can find many more examples if you want to investigate further here, were people are encouraged to report such practices.



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12 Important Factors to Consider When Choosing an Internet Service Provider for Your Small Business


Choosing an internet supplier

A reliable, high-speed internet connection is no longer a luxury for small businesses today - it is an absolute necessity. It is the primary mechanism for most people in business to communicate today. 

1. Internet Speeds

For a modern business today, you do not want a download of anything less than 25 Mbps. However, faster speeds will allow your business to function much more efficiently. I find that 50-100 Mbps is adequate for most small businesses, that want to do some advanced functions like Zoom conferencing. 

2. Reliability 

This is the most important in business. 

A consistent, reliable connection is crucial. The best thing to do is ask locals, while in your shop, who you use and how you find them. When I moved into my office, I first contacted the people nearby and asked them about their experience with their internet supplier. They were all quite pleased to help me. 

I suggest that you look at their Google reviews online. They are only relevant if it has a few; one or two reviews tell you nothing. For rating, you want something about 4.2; anything much over that sounds suspiciously like they are buying good reviews. Pay particular attention to the recent reviews; you are not interested in ancient history. 

Google ratings

3. Data limits

Today, you can get unlimited for as much as plans with limited data. If you think you do not need much, you can get away with much less. Be careful, though many have been burnt with not buying enough and getting big bills from the internet provider when they exceeded the limit. I like the Optus plan here, as you do not get charged more if you go over. You just go slow.

4. Price and Fees

Well, we all have budgets. No one bank is unlimited. Buy what you think you can afford.

5. Customer Service

Find out if they offer telephone support, and if so, what are the hours. Most restrict the hours. Also, some only give telephone support if they cannot work it out with email or chat first.

6. Technical Support

Check what is covered in their technical support; some internet providers, for example, only support modems you purchased from them. This is no minor matter as a large percentage of support calls for the internet, in my experience, have to do with modems. 

7. Local availability

It is great if they have an office or shop near you. I had a client that had problems with his internet. The internet support team could not help them with their modem. As their internet supplier was an Optus reseller, we told them to go to the local Optus shop to check it out. The Optus team established it was a faulty modem, sold them a new modem and then checked their internet provider's SIM, and they were up and running almost immediately. 

8. Scalability

Your business requirements go up and down, so it is best to pick an internet provider with many plans. That way, you can change your plan as your business requirements change. I have a client who, over the school holiday whom I talked about above, whose son helps out over the holidays. When the son is there, he increases his plan.

9. Connection Type

I could write a whole blog post on the main two connection types used by my clients, the 5G network and the NBN (National Broadband Network). Both are two very different technologies. The 5G is wireless, while NBN mostly relies on fixed, wired connections. I suggest for reliability going for the NBN.

Note in some areas, NBN is also wireless, so check first.

10. Contract Terms

Beware of lengthy contracts. The problem is that some come with termination fees. A month-to-month or annual contract offers more flexibility.

11. Bundled Services

Many ISPs offer bundled deals with phone, TV, web hosting, email accounts, VoIP and other services. While not always necessary for business, bundles can save you significant costs if you need those services. One of my clients gets two free virtual phone numbers. He uses one to monitor how his advertising goes since the only time that number is used is when he advertises.

12. Compare online plans

One site I recommend you start looking for an internet provider is here. 

This will give you a good start.


The odds are the internet provider you will be using for a long time is more than just comparing speeds and prices; you need one that is right for you.

A reliable, high-speed internet is too important to avoid getting wrong!

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How Promoting Your Best Workers Backfires


promoting people


Promotions are often used today to retain top staff. However, new research indicates that promotions may increase employee turnover, at least in the short term. Something that I think many of you will find interesting and give you something to think about. Check it out here.

According to a recent study, employees who are promoted are 29% more likely to quit their jobs in the first month after the promotion compared to if they had not been promoted (18% quit rate). The increase in turnover is even higher for low-skilled workers after being promoted.

Why Promotions Lead to More Turnover

There are a few key reasons why promotions can increase turnover:

Increased Visibility

  • A promotion comes with a new job title and responsibilities, which makes workers more visible and attractive to other potential employers. A card manager in a shop is more desirable to another retailer.

Transition Difficulties

  • Moving into a management role requires a different skill set than individual work. This transition can be challenging and, if expectations aren't met, can cause frustration and prompt employees to look elsewhere.

Newness Wears Off

  • At first, a promotion is exciting. But as the novelty wears off, some workers realize the new role isn't the right fit. This disappointment can motivate them to quit.

Long-Term Benefits of Promotions

However, promotions aren't all bad in terms of retention. After an initial spike, turnover rates for promoted employees decrease.

  • Once settled into their new roles, promoted workers become more committed to the organization long-term.

  • You can reap the benefits of upskilling and promoting top talent with proper support during transitions.

Key Takeaways

  • Promotions lead to increased turnover in the short-term as workers may be given the job and only later when they settle in the title. 
  • Transition support is crucial to curb turnover and boost long-term commitment.
  • You should weigh potential retention risks before promoting.


While promotions have traditionally been seen as a reward and retention strategy, companies need to be aware of potential unintended turnover consequences. With preparation for transitions and honest conversations about expectations, organisations can still leverage promotions to engage employees and develop skills.


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Tips on how to control Credit Limits in your POS software


As a retailer, managing credit limits for individual customers is vital for reducing the risks of non-payment. You can easily control these limits with the correct settings in your point-of-sale (POS) software.

Why credit limits matter

Credit limits help prevent customers from overspending and building up large debts that may not be paid back. It puts limits on just how much money you risk on any customer. For businesses, unpaid debts can seriously impact cash flow and profits. Setting appropriate limits based on customers' payment history and general financial circumstances helps mitigate these risks.

Having control over limits within the POS also allows businesses to adjust amounts as needed dynamically. For example, a limit may be lowered if a regular customer has recently been slow to pay. Or it could be raised for long-term customers with an excellent repayment track record as you feel you can trust them more.

How your POS software can help

Our point-of-sale system gives you extensive controls on handling and managing these credit limits.

To find it in your system, click on the main menu to customer > customer maintenance.

Now call up a customer, and click Other Details. (See green arrow below)

Now you can see trading terms and a question about what to do if a credit limit is exceeded to either stop the account or warn you if it's exceeded.

Now, what figures do you use? Well, I am not aware of any no precise method of allocating these credit limits. A simple policy that works well in retail is

1) Allocate customers into one of the three categories of credit risk (good, average, other) based on past paying history and gut feeling. Some, like the government, can be very difficult to determine here as they are almost always but not always secure, but they generally take a long time to pay.

2) Divide them up into sizable and small. A potentially large customer may need a decent credit limit to trade with you. Consider reducing the trading days for the credit limit.

3) Divide them up into low and high-profit customers, e.g. a customer who buys agency items generally because the margins are so small, you may not be prepared to give a credit limit at all.

This gives you twelve groups to make theoretical dollar limits.

Now go through and set up your limits considering their trading history.

Generally, unless you have a particularly pressing reason to change it, I suggest you hold to your limits.

Comprehensive reporting

We have a report showing customers who are currently at or over their limits which helps you prioritise which accounts require review and attention.

Putting limits on work

One newsagent shared her experience with using credit limits with me recently: "Being able to set spending caps for each customer in my POS has saved me so many headaches. I got tired of always having to chase some people for payments. Now, the system warns me before limits are exceeded and also reminds slow payers to clear their balances. It's given me much better control over cash flow and credit risks."

Overall, you will find the number of unpaid invoices will go way down once implemented, as most people will pay on time if you don’t let their balance get too high or drag out too long.

Periodic Review
A well-organized organisation should do a periodic review of all clients generally every year. I am not aware of any company that waits two or more years longer to review their clients.

Another tip I can give you.

It is better not to share your credit limit amount with your clients. Once they know this limit, many clients will hold off on payments until the credit limit is reached. Another problem is there is no way in advance to know how a client will respond to your assigned credit limit. Some get offended if they feel it's too low.

In summary

With our POS system, retail businesses can benefit from managing credit limits granted to customers. This protects both you and your customers from unwanted disputes. Take the time to ensure your system has robust credit limit controls to streamline operations and boost your bottom line.


At the point of sale


Here is some of the terminology used in POS Systems today.

POS Systems

Point of Sale

For merchants, efficiently managing transactions is pivotal. The point of sale (POS), is generally the front counter but not always and is generally a store's most influential real estate. It's here that customer interactions and sales are done.

What is a POS System?

Behind every POS lies an integrated system that keeps sales running smoothly. Comprised of hardware and software components, it digitally transforms the transactional experience. This is what we do! 

POS Hardware

Devices like computers, barcode scanners and printers facilitate front-facing jobs. Reliable, user-friendly technology is critical.

POS Software

In retail, this is divided into two categories:

Front Counter The front-end program powering devices at the POS itself. This does the sales processing.

Back Office Running remotely, back-office software compiles invaluable analytics and reports. Inventory levels and staff scheduling tools likewise enhance operations examples might be:

1) Detailed Sales Reporting Dissecting data reveals top products, periods and more to maximise profits.

2) Inventory Management\ Automated stock tracking prevents stockouts while streamlining replenishment.

3) Loyalty programs Transaction histories fuel loyalty schemes and targeted promotions.

Hope this is of help.

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Consider selling more Party Supplies in your shop in 2023


Here is a marketing tip some of you will find helpful.

I searched here for party supplies vs Mother's Day in Australia on Google Trends for the past five years. If you look at the Google Trends graph, demand for party supplies over the past five years is constant throughout the year. This makes sense as people celebrate birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and other events that require party supplies year-round. The demand does not significantly fluctuate seasonally.

Party supplies vs Mothers Day

Now look at the quantity. It dwarfs an important marketing season like Mother's Day. It is about six times as much.

Here is a report by IMARC Group, the global party supplies market size reached US$ 13.2 Billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 21.1 Billion by 2028, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6% during 2023-2028.

This is good growth, and it is interesting that this report states that Australians will cut down spending soon, but not for their kids and probably not for this in general.

Why not handle this to increase party supplies sales in your shop?

Here are nine reasons to consider bringing more of such festive goods into your product mix:

1. Constant demand

As a retail store owner, you can capitalise on the constant demand for party supplies. Since it is consistent, it is much easier to service. Unlike many marketing holidays, these items do not rapidly lose value if you do not sell them immediately. You could sell a banner for a five-year-old birthday all year round.

2. High-Profit Margins

Products like balloons, streamers and paper banners have high markups. These high margins make party supplies a profitable department for shop owners to carry.

Simply put, party supplies offer significant profit potential.

3. Impulse Purchases

Impulse buying is a crucial driver of extra-party retail sales. When customers come in to pick up birthday cards or other such items, they will get inspired by these products in your store. This leads to unplanned purchases - grabbing armfuls of decorations, plates and party favours to build out the entire celebration.

4. Last-Minute Needs

Party supply buyers often purchase items right before an event occurs. Having an assortment of supplies readily in-store meets this demand for last-minute purchases - something online shops cannot do.

5. See and touch products

Customers like to see and touch such party products before buying. They want to assess party supplies up close. Often they need to feel the size and measure of a plastic tablecloth, see the metallic sheen on a banner, and see the difference in the balloons.

6. Diversify Offerings

Bringing in party supplies allows you to diversify your overall product mix. People who do not come will be attracted, expanding your customer reach. Party supply customers may discover your other offerings too.

7. Flexible Placement

Party supplies require minimal space and storage. You can creatively tuck select party items into previously dead areas of your shop.

Take advantage of these underutilised areas.

8. Upselling Opportunities

For party supplies, people like bundles. The cost of these items is rarely that high, so people tend to over-buy.

9. New Customer Growth

If your party supplies work for regular celebrations, you will find many niche party supplies that ethnic groups, e.g. Indian, Chinese, etc, need.

If your shop gets to be considered a destination for such goods, there is room to grow.


10. Your software does it now

Bonus point. 

Your POS Software is working now in shops that sell such items so you have the technology now free. 


The party supplies market provides compelling reasons for retailers to do more here. Demand is constant, margins are high, and impulse purchases are standard. Shoppers also like seeing and touching party supplies in-store, making them much more attractive than online stores.

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Protect your sensitive information with this solution.



We suggest this for those considering the security of their confidential information.

Run a computer that is completely isolated from your network. This prevents anyone on your work network from being able to access your computer. This approach is commonly used today for managing sensitive documents. Examples would be accounting, salary information and online banking. Large organisations use this approach because it's impossible to be sure what anyone on the network has access to.

I use this isolated approach at home to protect other computers from viruses my kids inadvertently get. This makes it almost impossible for a virus to spread to other home computers as they are not connected to the same network.

A laptop is a good option for an isolated computer. In the morning, you connect it to the internet at work and use it for private or sensitive work. At the end of the day, unplug the computer and take it home.

If you need to transfer information between your Point of Sale (POS) system and your isolated computer, I recommend you use a USB stick rather than the network. This will reduce your sensitive data risk.

While using an isolated computer can help mitigate online threats and safeguard your identity and data, remember that no security measure is foolproof.

It's crucial to remain vigilant and cautious when using any computer online because no security measure can guarantee 100%.

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Don't Lose any Business this April


We are open sign

April is always a problem for retailers as it has a few holidays that confuse the public on whether you are open. So Australian retailers must communicate their operating hours on those days to their customers.

The first one is Good Friday, April 7th, 2023. Tell people with in-store signage now if your business is open on Good Friday. This will help ensure that they don't go elsewhere.

Easter Monday, April 10th, 2023, is another one.

Finally, there is ANZAC Day on April 25th, 2023. If you are open on that day, consider putting a picture prominently in your shop of one of your ancestors in military uniform. It will make a talking point.

Also, consider promoting some goods for these holidays; the lead-in to Easter is generally a good shopping day.

Consider how it hurts if you lose business when you are open and the customer goes elsewhere because they thought you were closed.

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How to Use Amazon to boost your Business Growth


How to Increase Your Small Shop's Sales


As a retailer, you always look for new ways to stay ahead of the competition and increase your sales. The Movers and Shakers and Best Seller pages on Amazon can help achieve this goal. It can show you what is selling now based on Amazon information.

Understanding the Differences Between the Movers and Shakers and Best Seller Pages

Despite their similarities, the Movers and Shakers page and the Best Seller page are two different Amazon rankings.

The Best Seller page shows the products sold the most in the last month.

best sellers on Amazon

Here I can see the toys that are taking off now.


This shows you what sold the best in each category over the last month. It can help you spot medium-term market trends as you can see which products consistently perform well.

The Movers and Shakers page displays what increased over the previous 24 hours.


Amazon movers and shakers


This page is a valuable tool for locating products whose popularity is rising. You can stay ahead of the curve and spot emerging industry trends if you pay close attention to this page. It is extremely good for the holiday season when products rapidly increase in sales.

If the same product is on both pages, this shows what is really hot now!

You can then click on the product to get information about the product. What I do suggest is that you look at the reviews too. It is an excellent way of finding out hidden bombs in the product. If the reviews are overwhelmingly negative, I would not recommend you handle it, no matter how popular it is. Once word gets around how bad it is, you will look bad if you sell it. You will also pick up information from the reviews that you can use to help advise people that come into your shop.

Use both pages to improve your inventory. It can also show you its pricing strategy. This information can help you make better decisions about your merchandise and pricing if you know these differences. I suggest regularly watching these pages as you can make better decisions about which products to sell and how much to charge for them.


Unless you are a large retailer, you need something like this to tell you what is selling now. A sales representative can be helpful, but they are looking at their employer's interest rather than yours.

Regularly monitoring these pages allows you to stay ahead of the competition and spot emerging industry trends.

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Analyzing and Reduce your Customer Churn


I understand how frustrating it can be to lose a customer. Even though it may appear to be a defeat, it does not have to be the end of the road. Keep your cool.

Retailers can use a variety of tactics to regain lost customers and maintain a strong relationship with them. Our POS Software does provide you with tools to help.


If you can communicate with them, you can do something. You can provide the customer with a solution or compensation, follow up, demonstrating your dedication to them. It is also great to request feedback from them. Remember that sometimes the causes of the loss are beyond your control. Also, remember that former customers often make up reasons for a decision after doing it. Maybe they want to keep you in the good books with them, or they want to hurt you, or perhaps they want a better price. The list is endless.

Even if you aren't directly to blame for mistakes, you should take responsibility for them. Please show that you value their business. You must provide a solution. As Mahatma Gandhi, who was a very wise man, said.

Customer churn

Offer a good deal to try to get them back. Something is better than nothing.

Loyalty program

First, measuring and tracking customer loss is essential. You may only know that a customer has left your business if you do it.

Here a loyalty program can be a big help in this situation. It gives retailers tracking and measures customer loss. This makes it easier to understand how it affects their business and spot patterns or trends. It is also a great way to communicate with a lost customer, besides maintaining a solid relationship by regularly following up. And it is free in your POS System; you have a retail CRM in your POS Software right now?


Well, this can be painful. Openness is of the utmost importance. What is the point of lying to yourself? It happened. What have you learnt from this experience? What can you do to stop it from happening again? Was it because of a negative encounter with your product or service? Or were they able to find a better deal somewhere else? Determine the most efficient strategy is comprehending your churn's underlying cause.

Make use of the experience to enhance the customer experience as a whole. Look for areas where you can make adjustments to stop similar problems from happening again.

Summing up

Although losing a customer can be disheartening for any business, it does not mean the end of the road. You can often regain many lost customers if you use the right strategies. Communication is essential for retaining customers.

Retailers can understand the impact of customer loss and identify it by measuring them through a loyalty program.

To show that you value their business, these essential steps include:

  • Following up with lost customers.

  • Checking in with them.

  • Providing solutions or compensation.

  • Taking responsibility for mistakes.

Additionally, customer feedback can help determine the churn's root cause. This allows you to make necessary adjustments.

Losing a customer is not fatal; it's a chance to learn and develop.

Note that the picture of Gandhi above was given to me by one of my bosses when I started going on my own. He was also a wise bloke who kept a copy before his desk.


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Some Easy Ways to Lower Your Shop's Electricity Costs


Some Easy Ways to Lower Your Shop's Electricity Costs

This article explains how to lower your shop's energy costs while running a business, so save money using less electricity. POS Systems can use lots of power. 

The problem

We all use computers, refrigerators, air conditioners, and other appliances at work. Electricity is one of the most important aspects of running a business. If you want to save money, you'll want to make sure you use as little electricity as possible. There are many other ways to use less energy, which can help you save money on your electricity bill. 

A Case Study

A client of mine informed me that he received an unexpectedly high power bill. It was so much more than they thought it should be; it just seemed wrong. They had been no changes that they could see, so why was it up compared to other bills? 

The utility company stated they could not see anything wrong, so it might be a defective appliance, such as a faulty water heater. Good luck acting on that.

Tip 1-Monitor your electricity bill

Monitoring your electric bill is so important. You should immediately contact your utility provider if you notice anything unusual.

Your accounting program should show whether this is happening. Try looking at the electricity account using budgets and/or comparisons.

This issue demonstrates that you can only fix it if you understand what is happening.

Measuring How Much Electricity You Use

Some meters can tell you how much electricity your home or business uses. 

Tip 2: Electrical meter, a paid solution

An electrical store will have many meters from which you can select. Tell them what you need, and they can help you choose the best type. 

Tip 3: Powerpal, a free Solution

Lowering your shop's electricity consumption

I don't know your state's regulations, but the powerpal a free app for measuring electricity from the Victorian government. To make it work, you need an attachment, which the government provides for free in this country. Here is the link I used to get it for free.

They installed it for me for free. I was taught how to use it after the installer set it up. 

I like this one because, unlike most electrical meters, it can be difficult to plug into the power socket of many of the air conditioners, lights, and other appliances to measure the electricity, but they are easy to turn off. They have a graph that reflects the change almost immediately when an appliance is turned off. So you temporarily turn off your refrigerator, and the chart will reflect the decreased power consumption and cost. Then it connects to my phone via Bluetooth and gives me an always-updated feed of information about my place's power consumption.

I also like the app's graph feature that shows the power consumption in real-time.

Now, if the bill seems off, you can check where the electricity is being used by turning off devices from the fuse box. After that, look into that area. You should be able to locate the issue in no more than fifteen minutes. It can be used in the shop as well as in your home. You can also use it to see where and how much money you spend.

Tip #4: Energy audit

You can also use an electrical meter to conduct an energy audit. It took me about 15 minutes to count all the electricity used in my business. That will give you a baseline figure for how much energy you use and a clear direction for saving energy at work. 

Tip #5: Common sense

Make use of common sense because many people overspend on energy costs. For instance, when it was cold, a girl at one of our clients' establishments turned on the heater, and then she got hot, so she turned up the air conditioning. 

Wasted money here as a result.

Tip 6: Talk to your energy provider.

Talking to my energy provider was helpful. My provider was honest and helpful. Changing your plan to meet your needs is an excellent first step.

Tip 7-Talk to other energy providers

Saving money on your business's electricity bill

Some state government comparison sites help you find cheap plans; I have not found them much use in practice. However, you may. There are also some private ones; some that I contacted did come up with helpful information. Before you change, ask your current provider; they may match these quotes.

Tip 8-Your gadgets

Conserve power, and switch off gadgets when they're not used. Computers, monitors, printers, and other devices are included. Scanners, printers, and monitors, as well as the majority of computers, can be turned off at night.  Get your employees used to turning them off before they leave. A simple way to cut back is to turn off as many devices as possible at the end of the day.

My boss scolded me for leaving the photocopier at night. After that, I turned it off every night before I left.

Tip 9: Other Ways to Save Energy

There are many other ways that people can help you save energy, like switching to LED lights which are more energy efficient. 

What about using the sun instead of lighting? Install a blind.

Experts can advise you here.

In conclusion

You can do a lot to save money and help the environment, and the environment by lowering your carbon footprint. 

These hints were helpful, I hope.

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How to Research Up-to-Date Stock Trends for your shops


Current situation

We use proprietary POS system algorithms to determine what's going on with your store. What sells in your store is known to your system. It is a management system. It is aware of when and where your products are sold. How it sells, when it sells, how long it requires to sell, your profit and so forth. This is good and necessary stuff, but it only knows some things. 

Who said what is happening in your shop is happening in the general market? Also market trends that change customer behaviour will affect your product demand. 

What your POS Software knows is what your clients buy from you but not what they buy from other places. It knows what you have but not what is available. Nor how you are doing contrasted with your rivals. 

Why should you keep up with retail stock trends? 

Since customers are a company's lifeblood, retailers must ensure that they meet their customers' needs. They will only be able to compete if they meet the needs of their customers and keep coming up with new products.

An experienced buyer in Coles told me he wanted at least ten new products at any time. How many new products are in your shop now?

Many people rely on customer service representatives for assistance. These representatives sell only what they have and have been instructed to sell. They do not understand your situation. Additionally, they are not held accountable for any incorrect ordering decisions you make. If they sell you hard-to-sell cards, their boss is happy that this rep has moved some unsellable stock.

You need more sources, and a cloud-sourced website is an excellent source to investigate.

Market research

Be aware of your customer's and business needs. There are no shortcuts. Market research is essential before beginning. Research your target audience to comprehend their requirements and preferences better. Take a look at your rivals out there. Check out what they're selling and what you could be doing better selling.

You have a niche, too, so checking what you are doing well is what matters most. Getting better at something you already do well is simple. 

The best-seller list for Amazon Australia

This is a valuable resource for conducting market research. The best-seller list for Amazon Australia can be found here

For example 

Select "Pet Supplies" from the department list

To see all the best-selling items in this category. These are the top-selling things refreshed hourly, so it is current.  Examine the items that pique your interest. 

Reviews from Customers

As a rule, look for items with high ratings and many customer reviews. If there are only a few reviews, it may be very new or suspicious.  I also frequently read the negative rating because they contain helpful information. You can be pretty sure they are legit. 

You will be given a lot to consider by these products. If people say its no good, you may hurt your business if you decide to handle these products.

Price information

Among the data supplied is price information. When you try to get products from your suppliers, this will help. Sadly, many have been known to charge smaller retailers much higher prices than major retailers. If that's the case, you will know which goods you cannot compete. Confronting the reps about this fact can be beneficial. You may also contact the buyer at Amazon to see if they could give you a bulk price. Worst case, if it's a good price, you may want to take it.

Find your relevant categories.

You will presumably find that your interests cross a few Amazon categories, so you might have to glance through several. Looking at products I know and following the logic helps determine where to look. Nothing anyone can do about this as everyone thinks differently, and sometimes you wonder how some people's minds work.

Track results

Regular evaluation of your business is essential to ensuring that you are on the right path to success. It is worth looking at your sales reports to keep track of your choices over time. You have a management system use it.


Inventory management is one of your business's most essential functions. 

You have nothing to lose by giving this a shot. You can pinpoint areas where you can improve.  In business, it is rare for a person to get too much information.

Try it; it is free.

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