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Here are some Articles from the Blog Subject - Supplier Files -

New Christmas Catalogues available


Supplier down catalogues


We are busy to help you get ready for the holiday rush. To help you prepare, many of your suppliers have sent us their latest Christmas catalogues electronically. We've compiled them into our system for you to import easily.

New Catalogues Added to Our Retailer Portal

We've recently added the following new catalogues this week in what we consider the most advanced catalogue format, CSZ format, a format specially designed for this function. 

  • GNS Christmas Promo 2023
  • Group News Suppliers Diary Promo 2024
  • Waterlyn File Oct 23
  • Henderson Greetings Oct 23
  • Spirit Cards
  • Simpsons Full Stock File Oct 2023

Browse 1000s of Catalogues

In addition to these latest catalogues, we have 1000s more available covering all categories - toys, apparel, electronics, decor, and more here.

Useful Browsing Features:

  • Search by supplier
  • Search for products

Get a Head Start on Holiday Orders

Let us know if you need help accessing or using our supplier catalogues. Happy browsing!

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The problem with magazine supply


There seems to be a fair amount of interest recently with the problem of magazine returns at least there has been with our clients about how bad the current situation is coupled with dissatisfaction with XChangeIT, which was promised to be the solution or the partial solution for the problem.

Much although not all are in my view unfair. XChangeIT in my view was oversold by people who had a vested interest like ANF and the magazine companies as they own part of it pushed the product, although, frankly, they had little idea of what it could do. Probably the best thing to happen to XChangeIT was hiring a consultant Kim Prince who I personally worked closely with which got some realism going. I was quite sorry to see him go which I thought was a big blow to XChangeIT.

There are big problems have nothing to do with XChangeIT or the lack of use of the sales' data.

The first point is that the magazine distributor do not see the situation the same as a newsagent. What a magazine distributor needs you to do is sell is as many magazines as possible. If they gave you two, and you sold two, that worried them as maybe if they gave you three, you could have sold another one. What they consider a perfect score is that you return one of each magazine issued. That shows them that you sold as many as you could. They also want to see that with your subagent supplies which causes problems to delivery newsagents who supply subagents because to be able to do this, the delivery newsagents need to bump up his returns from each subagent.

Now what that means when I load up AD-HOC reporting in posbrowser for a year supply say of GG, check out what one extra in sales would do, I get this by quantity.

Received 33484
Sold 16060
Oversupply = (33484-16060)/16060 = 108.5%

Ideally, what they would like you to get is 24140, sold plus one extra per issue.
Oversupply here = (24140-16060)/16060= 50.3%

Based on this we can tell that they have plenty of room for improvement but the reality is that about half the oversupply is inevitable.


The next problem is that magazine distributors generally charge storage, freight and handling expenses, charges and fees to magazine companies. That is how they get paid.

They as such I would say they have here a vested interest in pushing magazines distribution not sales. If say they calculate they need 20,000 copies and in the warehouse, they have 15,000. Someone has to be cutbacks. If alternately in the warehouse they have 25,000 copies, well they need to move them out of the warehouse which means you get too many magazines.

The last problem is the reality that it is very hard to predict sales. Even with the best-effort try calculating the number of magazines will sell this week in your shop. Here are some magazines to try your luck within one shop.



With the number of titles you get, it is impossible to determine plus as one analysist told me if a royal Prince gets the flu, and a popular magazine has an article on flu; you can get a sales bump. Who knows when this Prince will get the flu and if it will be told to Australian consumers?

There is little that can be done about all of this.

Simson cards 2008


We had a conference today with them over the data files.

Unfortunately there have been problems with earlier copies sent for example the formats are wrong and many values in the files are wrong.

Now we have just finished processing the latest copy of Simson cards. The file is huge even after we culled thousands from the original list.

If you have imported Simson file recently, you will need to do it again.

For this and other supplier files please visit here

For posbrowser, please use standard import.