Point of Sale Software

Here are some Articles from the Blog Subject - Pricing strategy -

Master retail pricing in your shop


Master retail pricing in your shop

Bad pricing can be a death sentence in retail. It would be best to have the right pricing strategy to operate in this ultra-competitive landscape. Here is the game-changing solution to help you achieve that.

The Pricing Predicament: Challenges Galore

  • Customers question your prices, leaving you scrambling for justifications.
  • Suppliers are inquiring about your price, and you're unsure how to respond transparently.
  • Endless hours spent analyzing historical pricing data to determine what works for you.

We've developed a cutting-edge solution that puts you back in control of your pricing strategy.

Introducing the Game-Changing Pricing Tool

Our innovative Point of Sale (POS) software boasts a revolutionary "Price Change" feature that revolutionizes pricing management. With just a click, you gain access to:

  • A comprehensive pricing history for every product
  • Effortless cost and retail price comparison (displayed in red and blue)
  • Historical data to inform your pricing strategy

This will set you apart from the competition.

How to use this price-changing tool

Price changes history


You will find a Price Change screen in green above in the stock item. 

Now when you click that, you get another screen with the cost price shown in red and see the blue arrow, you have your retail price. 

Now, you have a complete history of the costs and retail prices and can sort by date. This can help you determine your retail pricing strategy and the right product price.

With just this click, you gain access to:

  • A comprehensive pricing history for every product
  • Effortless cost and retail price comparison (displayed in red and blue)
  • Historical data to inform your pricing strategy

In my experience, the process is quick to do. Also, what I find very useful is assessing the price vs. sales. There is no point selling too cheap if you can get more.

Elevate Your Retail Success to New Heights

Don't let pricing hold your business back any longer. Take control of your pricing strategy today and unlock a new level of retail success. Your business's future is in your hands.

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Why use Price off rather then a discount percentage?


Studies have shown that if you reduce a price, you are better off using a price-off amount rather than a percentage-off. So **price-off discounts beat percentage discounts for driving sales in retail.** I know this may seem counterintuitive, but stick with me here. I'll explain why opting for a concrete dollar over a vague percentage is the more intelligent move for your brick-and-mortar shop.

First off, percentage discounts don't speak to customers. Sure, 10% off sounds impressive in theory. But without a calculator, how many folks can instantly compute the actual savings in their heads? Not many! And even if they can do the math, that extra mental effort creates a barrier. 

Consider this: Instead of announcing a price reduction of 10% on a $10 item, you are better off announcing a price reduction of $1. 

In both cases, the price was reduced from $10.00 to $9.00, but the $1 is real, and 10% is not. 

Now we're talking. **Customers get that - no fuzzy math is required.** A concrete dollar amount is both real and motivating. It's an instant win rather than a puzzle to solve. With a set dollar amount, the deal clicks. No, memorizing the original price, no multiplying - just a straightforward new lower price. 

Okay, you're convinced that price-off discounts are the way to go. But how do you set them up in your point-of-sale system? Don't sweat it - it's a piece of cake:

1. Tap the "Discounts" icon on the main screen (see red arrow in diagram above).
2. Select the "Price-Off" option.
3. Punch in the dollar amount, like $7.
4. Choose which products get the savings. 
5. Hit "Save" and you're done!

Your customers can get communicated, math-free discounts. 

Here is how you can do this at the point of sale. See the diagram above where the red arrow points. This discount can be set up to be preset, so it is one button handling.

Note that if you mucked it up by changing the prices and want to start again, press the F7 button.

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