Point of Sale Software

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Your Support Call Rating for us


Our Support call ratings

Customer support can make or break a business, and the numbers back it up: consumers say that the quality of customer service influences their choice of and loyalty to a company. I know from personal experience that I do not deal any more with Citibank because of one lousy loan officer. I can go to plenty of other banks. In today’s competitive market, exceptional support isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity. That's where support call ratings come into play.

Those that collect them consider them a report card for their customer service team. If you look at them, it shows how well you are solving problems. The reality is:

  • Happy customers come back: When people have a good experience, they're more likely to return.
  • Word-of-mouth magic: Satisfied customers are your best advertisers.
  • Continuous improvement: Ratings help you spot areas where you can do better so we can improve customer service

The Nuts and Bolts of Support Call Ratings

So, how does this rating system work? It's pretty straightforward:

  1. After a support call, we send the caller an email to say that the support call is considered done and to please rate their experience and give their comments.
  2. The ratings we use range from 1 to 10 stars.
  3. The data is collected.
  4. We analyse your feedback.

When rating a support call, customers often consider:

  • How quickly their issue was resolved
  • The friendliness of our support person
  • The support person's knowledge and expertise

One point I have noticed, if a customer today is upset with you, they will leave negative feedback.

Customer support ratings, last Quarter

We're keen to share some great news with you! Last quarter, our support team has truly outdone themselves:

  • Nearly perfect scores: We've achieved 10 out of 10 ratings, with just one 9 out of 10.
  • Glowing feedback: Our customers have left some ripper comments that warm our hearts.

Here's a snippet of what our happy customers are saying:

"Great service"

"How easy it was to get help"

"What great knowledge Peter has!! And as usual always a pleasure"

We are absolutely thrilled with these results and would like to acknowledge our exceptional team for their effort and dedication. It is indeed a proof of their dedication to guarantee the top support of all our satisfied consumers.

We're Here for You

If you ever have a problem or think we could do better, let us know. We're all ears!

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We're Thrilled to Announce Our Latest NPS Score of 66!


NPS is commonly called the ultimate question in business, and I am sure that you have come across this question. You can read about it here in the Wikipedia.

The NPS question

It is a straightforward, objective, and powerful tool to measure a business client's satisfaction. It gives a widely used number; since it is widely used, the results can be benchmarked. That is why we have used it for many years.

NPS survey

We recently conducted a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey of our customers, and we are excited to share that our latest Net Promoter Score (NPS) is 66 !

POS Solutions NPS score

This puts us in the “excellent” range for Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty. As a point of sale (POS) software to retail, this score reflects very positively on our products and customer service.

How Our Score Compares to the Industry

An NPS above 50 is considered excellent for most industries. However, POS software companies like ours tend to score much lower, as it is generally about 9 for Internet, Software & Services, so for POS software specifically, a score of 66 is fantastic. It indicates we have very happy customers.

The Score Shows Our Progress

Just as important to us is tracking our progress over time. We’re proud that our NPS has increased steadily from 40 in 2018 to last year 57, almost three times what an average IT company got then to now in the 2023 year 66. This upward trajectory demonstrates that our efforts to improve the customer experience are working.

Our Key Takeaways

Scoring a 66 NPS as a small POS software provider is an accomplishment our team is proud of. The score demonstrates we deliver an excellent customer experience. 

PS I recommend that you conduct an NPS survey to find your score in your business. In retail in Australia, you want to get 31.

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