Point of Sale Software

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Managing Workflows with our point of sale


I do suggest rather than keeping manual notes on the side that you use the different note-taking ability in our software.

There are several advantages to doing this.

You will become in your organisation better organised

You and everyone else knows where the note is and that anywhere, you do not have to be in the shop have internet, to get that note. It is much harder to lose it. There is an old joke, "I have worked everything out. I know where everything is now where is that piece of paper?"


Create a better and more productivity information flow

Anyone can get on the computer and get that note. If they cannot access it, they know why?


Scan through your documents to find the note you required

Paper everywhere and it's a pain to search



You have a history since everyone has access to that note, everyone can contribute. When it is done, it does not get tossed so you can always get it if required.

If you want to extend the capability, you can integrate our POS Software into either Evernote or OneNote both are free on the basic version. I prefer Evernote. What I like about it then is that I can be anywhere and pull out my mobile, and make a note. 

Our company policy is to store as much as possible digitally, and I suggest that you make it your company policy too.



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Offical benchmarking of businesses


Come this time of year, and suddenly people start talking about benchmarking. Mainly its because one major main user of benchmarking is the large landlords and now is the time of year they start looking.

The problem is that most industry groups and I have noticed banks have long since given up on benchmarking. Every business is so different so the scores vary significantly so they have given up as it is not worth the work as the results are often way off. For example, a few days ago, one of my competitors released some benchmarking figures in an industry that we know very well. As many commented, those figures do not look right at all. As several noted, It is not even consistent internally. If you look at the number of sales and the basket value, it does not match the sales dollar figures result. However, this is often a typical problem in benchmarking and definitions used. What you need to take each figure by itself and not worry about how it matches with the totals.

So you take the number of sales and compare it to yours. 

You take the basket size and compare it to yours.

You take the basket value and compare it to yours.

And you do not worry that when you multiply it out that it does not add up, there is probably a good reason, but it is not worth working out.

So when one of my clients called me to ask what benchmarking do we support and what do we recommend as his landlord was asking. We told him that the system we recommend is the ATO Small business benchmarks. It is an official standard and is easy to use. It is free, is backed by a massive data pool with over 1.4 million business in Australia. In contrast, I have seen commercial benchmarks based on only 30 businesses. 

The method that the ATO use is public and well known to anyone with an accounting or bookkeeping background. Once your books are completed, it does not take an accountant long to produce them. If you follow the ATO explanation here, you can do it yourself.

The main problems with the ATO benchmarking are that it is extremely limited the measurements on offer, so you could not use it much for point of sale management. You are not going to get the figures. I talked about above the basket sizes, basket value, number of sales, etc. The other point is the information is about two years behind so we are in 2019/20 year and the ATO figures are mainly from 2016/17 with a large chunk, unspecified from 2017/18. Still, it is free, and it is official, so for many larger landlords, it is acceptable.  If it is not enough, well at least you have a start and learnt something so you will be able to make a better decision on the something better.  

I hope this helps.





Let's say you are a landlord and own a shop. What you want is a long-term tenant! 

Now say a pet shop that does an $800,000/year turnover in that shop

So you, the landlord, would select the category "Pets and pet supply retailing" in the benchmarking section here  


Look at the turnover range and see that the average such shop is about 6% to 8% rent. So you would think they would be prepared to pay $800,000 (turnover) x (6 to 8% average rent) / 52 (weeks a year) = somewhere between $923 to $1230/week

Now if you, the landlord, want $1,500/week, then this pet shop probably cannot do it, but if you, the landlord, like $1,100/week, it might be affordable for this pet shop. 


Now if you had a large hairdressing salon there with $800,000 turnover a year


well, if you do the calculation, these people are prepared to pay between $1,400 and $2,300 for the right place, so your $1,500 is affordable if they want it.


Shopping centre owners will move people around to maximise the return by putting people prepared to pay more in better positions. 


Dry cleaning is considered agency-type work, and the ATO think sales to be commission.  So if you are on 15% and doing $200,000, the sales would be $200,000 x 15% = $30,000 a year. 

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Monitoring employee time and attendance


Our point of sale system comes with an incredibly advanced employee time and attendance, labour tracking, rostering, and data collection included free. This helps you control labour costs, minimise compliance risk, and improve workforce productivity. You can use biometrics which makes it easier and provides more verification.

One report that has proven very useful here is the  Attendance for a Given Period. What it allows you to do is instantly see who was at work on a certain day.


Where it has proven invaluable is for government regulatory compliance.  This is often now a requirement within your business, for you to be able to find out who and when your staff were at work. 

Check it out!

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Staff performance metrics


Recently we upgraded in our point of sale software the staff performance metrics, so I suggest that you take another look at it.

You will find it in register reports

Now pick in the staff section the following report


Now what I suggest you do is print the report out for a year to get a feel of what it can do for you. What you will see is a detailed listing of what each of your employees has done for your business. Most important check the profit figures out. If you export it into the Ad-hoc reports, you can also use it to track average transaction value, profit and average basket size for each person. This will help you to identify ways to increase these measures. 

If you use this report daily, weekly or monthly sales targets. You can use this report for goal setting and budgeting as you can track everyone individual performance.

Also, another use is that as the report would be in real-time, you can evaluate who is busiest and so you can adjust your staffing levels accordingly.

Enjoy and see how you go!


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Compare yourself


One successful and popular method of improving a business is called kaizen. It originated in Japan, and the word translates to mean change (kai) for good (zen). It works by using an approach of continuous, incremental improvement. 

The idea of kaizen is that you work on making small improvements. Every day you fine-tune your processes and practice. What you are working for is continuous improvement and that over time, all of these incremental changes will add up, and make a significant positive impact on your business.


Now people often tell me that for some reason their retail shop cannot do what someone else in a similar retail shop is doing. For some reason, they are different. Okay, what about doing what you have done in the past with just a little better. That person you were had with similar resources to you now, a similar shop and customers? Ask yourself, what did your past self do better? What about competing with that person? Interested, if so, you are looking at kaizen.

What you do is use your historical reports in stock, sales trends, promotions and customer sales and now compare it to what you are doing now?

It is easy to do look at the calendar last year and find a date comparable to yesterday and now check your performance compared to their performance.

Now look at their tomorrow and see what they did then and how your shop looks for your tomorrow? It will be a massive benefit to you to try to predict what items will sell well and which probably won’t. What you are trying to do is your stock, get your prices right and guide your promotions (Father's Day coming). This can add up to running a profitable and successful small business.

Here is a start

Go to Register reports



Now select "Top N Stock Sales for a Given Period"



Now the following popped up.

Put in *their* tomorrow


A report for the top sellers for today comes up.

Now, these need to be checked that you have enough stock because that is what they sold, why not you.

Also while you are at it, one point that comes up a lot in retail is a top seller today will be a good seller tomorrow. Technically its called decay. Typically in retail, what you expect to see is that an item that sells 50 today will sell about 66% of 50 or about 30 tomorrow and day after that 66% of 30 and so on. What you need to do is identify today what is selling well to check you have adequate stock for tomorrow.

Gives there two tips a shot, I am sure you will pick up some business.

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AI for selling more


I was invited today to go to the AI FOR BUSINESS SUMMIT  

We have been into AI for many years.

A while ago, I worked out that almost half the out of stock problem in a typical client of ours can be avoided by the use of our AI ordering system in your POS Software.

This can avoid much of the harmful problem in a business such as people coming and walking out because you do not have the product they wanted. What is even worse is if they get frustrated with you not having the stock they want and going elsewhere.

It does not look good either. What do you think of this shop shelf?

What does it say about the business to its clients? Using masking tape can help label and segment products effectively, making them more visually appealing and easier for customers to find.

The problem is that 

To be successful today, retailers must keep in tune with their shop's unique preferences and behaviour. However, there are too many stock items and too many marketing seasons to do it accurately and manually. The best way to do it is with AI. These tools are generally too expensive for small to medium-sized retailers unless they have our point-of-sale system because we have embedded it into our software and give it out included. Others I notice charge for AI or do not have it.

I think it's a great system (maybe because I designed it), but I assure you we made it so that it is both simple and reasonably intuitive to use. It does not require much training either to handle. It is less work than manual stock ordering.

An example

Let say you have a basket for tape. You cannot order limitless quantities of tapes.

This is how the tape is set up

Now what happens is the computer tracks the stock on hand, estimates the stock level required for these goods in the period, if it thinks that the stock on hand is too low it can send an order to a supplier with the speed and accuracy that no-one can match.

It is easy to set up, and use for details click here.

With our AI software, you can control your stock with relative ease.

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Plan for EFTPOS outages


A few days ago EFTPOS went down, almost every point of sale software support bay like ours was hit by our clients ringing up asking what is happening. Yesterday Westpac went down in many places because every other EFTPOS provider was working we go even more calls what is happening. Unfortunately, there is little we can do once the EFTPOS goes down.

The reality is that a retailer cannot assume that their EFTPOS will suffer an outage every so often.

Note in England; they have a pretty good fix that seems to work well to stop these outages, they fine banks for outages.

What can be done when it is happening?

What I do suggest you do first is check whether it is your POS system or whether its a bank problem. Some banks, e.g. tyro have a status page here that tell you whether it is their bank's error. Also if you want you can subscribe so at least you will get a warning if a tyro scheduled maintenance is coming up.

Now also test, whether a payment can be accepted by another channel e.g. sometimes people's credit accounts, do not work but their debit accounts do work.  

What can be done before it happens?

You may be able to do something before it goes down so contact your EFTPOS provider and check with them if something can be done.

For example, many EFTPOS providers can supply you with a unit that has an Electronic Fall Back (EFB) mode. If so, this will allow you with some limitation and conditions to continue to process EFTPOS even when their network is unavailable.

Some EFTPOS units do allow a backup internet so you can switch either to a 3G mobile network as a back-up and/or can use WIFI. So if your internet goes down, the unit can switch to another internet provider. Just make sure it switches back with the outage is over.

Note WIFI is not generally considered secure so you may want to discuss this option with the bank in detail.

Hope this helps.



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Cause marketing


Cause Marketing is simple to set up with our point of sale system and something you might want to try. What you are trying to do is leverage a charity to help your business. I do suggest though if you are trying to do something like this that you do mean it, people are not fools. If they talk to you, it will not take long for them to see through you if it is false. Besides, it will mean something more to you if it is real. 

I would suggest that the best and easiest way to do this is to piggyback on a charity collection day. This has the additional advantage in that it is temporary on a set day only as this makes going to take several shots to get it bedded down in your shop and the last thing you want in your shop is a long time commitment just yet. 

Now pick a charity local has the advantage of bringing in, locals, if you think of yourself as a local, it is a big plus. On the other hand, a large national charity would probably supply you with better signage and mainstream advertising.

Make sure what you pick is a remarkably uncontroversial choice, eg heart, cancer or children suicide, etc. Try and selection one applicable to your business or person if possible. For example, we had a terrible night when my wife, who is a teacher got an email about 11 pm from one of her students that he was going to commit suicide. It took a dozen telephone calls to the police and the school and many hours till the student was tracked down and questioned by the police. After that, I assure you, I meant it when I said it was an issue that needed to be addressed by the community. 

Here is an example that might surprise you how many people can be turned off by a charity, for example, this was a result of a study done by the research firm Roy Morgan on people views on the environment.

Now if in your shop you pushed the environment issue, you would have about 62% in favour and about 25% of the population in Australia in 2016 against you.  I am sure the figure today would be more negative.  Plus about 68% would think your product is overpriced. These are not good figures to cause marketing. I do believe that business is not an appropriate forum to push politics.

Now the next point you need to decide is how you are going to do it. 

What I suggest and what works out well in practice is you offer to give an amount for a purchase of a product, eg $1 goes to charity for every purchase of this soap. A bonus here is if people do not like the charity they could buy a different soap in your shop and not have any issues. Some people put a cap on the total amount say only on the first 300 sales this money gets paid, but I would suggest not doing this. 

Here are some more advantages

  • Most consumers have a more positive image of a company then supports a charity
  • Studies show that people tend to go ahead more with the proposed purchase by as much as a third if a charity they approve of is involved that is partly why companies like Amazon do it
  • Customers faced by two alternatives which one has a charity they agree will pick the company or product that supports their charity. Studies have shown up to 26% more purchases.
  •  It helps people to become more aware of your shop and build a good image in the community.
  • A bonus with cause marketing is that you can advertise before and the event how it went by showing your certificate etc.
  • These donations are tax deductible 

Try it and see what happens.

If you want to read more about it, click a case study here.


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End of financial year 2018/9


This is the last workday so as busy for us business owners now it normally is at the best of times to stay on top of things, we all have now the last minute stress of making things happen.

From a computer point of view, make sure that you prepare to make an end of year backup and a spot to put it so it can be safe for at least the next five years. 

Now I will leave you while you make sure you have your payroll reconciled, superannuation payments prepared, stock count and all your accounts are up to date.




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EOFY last chance


As the end of the financial year approaches, many of you, as are most people now, considering their plans for any last minute changes this year and what they are going to do next year. 


There are several considerations that you should be aware of approaching 30 June date.


Currently, the new EFTPOS rates are starting to roll up, and they all seem to be up.  If you intend to stick with your present provider, I suggest you find out now what the new rates will be. If you want a comparison, Assembly thought Westpac (which if you are with Westpac is an extremely inviting option) and Tyro EFTPOS both of which we interface into now have good deals. These rates, I think they are going to look in retrospect a lot better when you are in 2019/20. If you want to know more, let us know ASAP as we are looking at ten days left.


Also, the government accelerated investment allowance for 2018/9 ends then too if you are looking at upgrading your computer and/or software requirements well again it is only ten days left.


PS If you are starting to budget for the next year, check out your new insurance rates, I got a shock when ours came in. 



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Creditor contracts


This function in your point of sale is convenient and can save you a lot of time, so it is worth studying. What is most commonly used by our clients is to manage their business supply relationships.

Go into creditors and select the Creditor contacts.


Creditor contacts menu


Now call up a creditor and enter in your contacts for that organisation here. Often we have heaps.


Select one and add a few contacts to this supplier, you can enter as many as you like.


Creditor contact notes


Now the immediate advantage that you have is that it is a very handy spot to find the contacts details where ever you are. Just go to the computer and call them up.


But there is much more. Notice the three tabs on the top.


If you click the Office links, you will find there some standard communication methods, eg faxes, email etc.  


Creditor contact links


Select one, and you will find that your proposed communication is half written.  This can save a lot of time.

Now if you want more communication letters or emails, you can create them in the Templates, and you have a lot of flexibility as you have pages of document codes below



Creditor contact details

so you can create detailed and personalised notes to these contacts.

Try it, and it will save you a lot of time.

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Webinar on the end of year reporting 2019


The End of the financial year is an essential time for businesses. We all need to complete the bookkeeping for our tax returns and plan for the new fiscal year. Putting the hard work now can help you get your business organised and prepare for the year ahead.


As a minimum, I would suggest you need to get the following in order 

Sales reports
Stock Valuation
Customers Outstanding
Subagents Outstanding (if applicable)

Creditors Outstanding (if you do it from the point of sale software)


You need to go over these now as you need to see what can be written off in the debts and stock if you wish to claim a tax deduction for this year.  Otherwise what will happen is these losses may end out in next year's financials.


 Click here for a webinar on End of Financial year reporting from your point of sale software. It discusses in detail these reports

Although not required from our software, I do recommend that you do make a special End of Year Backup to store in case you need to refer to it. The 30/June this year is a Sunday. You may also want to check out the ATO Record keeping evaluation tool

Also, note that your stocktake needs to be done very soon, which we will have a webinar on very soon.

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Stocktake time coming up


It is now time to start planning for the stocktake. 

For most of you, it is an ATO requirement for most organisations, as it states here {ATO link removed}


"If your business buys or sells stock, you usually need to do a stocktake to value your stock at the end of each income year if:

  • your business turnover is $10 million or more
  • your business turnover is less than $10 million and the difference between your stock level at the beginning and end of the year is more than $5,000 (you can make a reasonable estimate to determine this)."

Plus doing a stocktake has several commercial advantages.

Now here are some tips to help you plan the stocktake.

) Try and reduce the count. Why have the added cost of counting? Can you get rid of stock?  For example, return as much of your inventory that is unsellable to your suppliers if you can, then you do not need to count it on the stocktake. 

Make an EOFY sale. Everyone else does why not you? 

) Make sure that your point-of-sale software is up to date with the stock listing, the last thing you want to do during the stocktake is entering in products.

) Plan an actual date for the stocktake. Some of my clients do a significant part of their stocktake outside, so you may need to look at the weather. Plus you may want to break it up in stages to reduce on any one day the workload.

) Make logical divisions for each section of the shop. This is particularly true if you have specialised stock that requires expertise to count. 

Now go over the shop and make some order, so all the stock is tidy and in place.  

) Make a policy on how you will be handling damaged stock? You will almost certainly find it on stocktake day, what are you going to do with it then? 

) Make a convention which should be followed religiously on how the count will be done, e.g. commonly it is top to bottom and left to right. Now make sure everyone supports this order. Interesting, a study has shown that counting from right to left is more accurate than counting from left to right but slower. 

) Lean the stocktake procedures in advance, even if you have done it a few times, the odds are you need a refresher course. Do a test run to get a feel of what is involved before the day? If you do not then on the day, you could have extra staff all waiting while you work it out. We will be releasing webinars on this very soon.

To help you we have updated the help documents in posBrowser's help files so press F1 while in the register and check them out.

There are four documents there; I suggest you look at:

Stocktake = Standard stock take doc using Posbrowser on its own to run the stocktake.

Stocktake with a PTD = Stocktaking with the help of a PDT

Stocktake with the stock management system = Stocktaking using the mobile PDA browser program.

3rd Party Stocktake guide = A guide on how to upload stocktake data to and from another program.



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Free, put your Business on Google Maps


Google map of POS Solutions

Imagine that someone now wants some goods that you supply, e.g. flowers; what most people do now in a strange area is pull out their phone and do a Google search for “flowers near me" and then look at the map to review what is close to them. Now, they might be less than a block away from you, but if it is not on the map, the odds are they will be directed to someone else, a competitor, just down the road. This is the reality of today's retail world. Large numbers of your potential customers are using Google to find businesses like yours, and if you want to reach them, you need to be on Google Maps.

Mind you, they may know the area, it's just they do not know you. For example, say someone was looking for someone who does what I do. They may put "POS System near me" or Point of sale near me."

It is not hard to get yourself on Google, although it can be frustrating if something goes wrong, as I know from personal experience.

Here is a step-by-step list of how to put your business on Google Maps.

Also, if you are already listed on Google Maps, I would suggest that you check that your products and services are listed in Google Maps. For example, a florist in the above example might also sell chocolates. If so, should they register themselves as selling chocolates in Google Maps, too?




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End of the financial year 2019


The end of the financial year is just coming. We know that this will be for all of us is a very busy time.

Here are some steps from your point of sale software required.

Contact your accountant and get a list of documents that they require. Although our software does not require any additional handling for the end of the financial year, I would suggest as a minimum you need to prepare the following documents

Sales reports
Stock Valuation
Customers Outstanding
Creditors Outstanding
Subagents Outstanding

To do this I would suggest that 

  1. Review your bad debts and credit the accounts that you deem to be bad debts to zero. Otherwise, you may find yourself having to pay income tax and GST on these debts.
  2. Looking at the creditors listing, crediting out what is not going to be paid.
  3. Review your stock. Consider writing off old stock.
  4. Take an end of year backup of your information and file it away somewhere. Remember you will need to keep this for seven years at least after you lodge your return. Please do not use any EL Cheapo USB sticks

To help you we are doing some webinars on these subjects



  1. Stocktake 
  2. Sales reports 
  3. Stock Valuation 
  4. Customers Outstanding 
  5. Creditors Outstanding 
  6. Subagents Outstanding

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Security of your information


This is the image many people have of how people are stealing money out of their point of sale software. There is much truth to this but as an example a few days ago showed with one of my clients the main problem is that it is not high tech people the big problem but that people are not taking security seriously enough.

We are sure that someone that worked in the shop and had access to a generally locked cabinet full of smokes took quite a bit of stock over some time and then tried to cover it up by changing the stock figures in the computer. What they did was take one or a couple of cartoons each time, and it quickly adds up.

When we asked our client who knew the passwords in the POS system that allow the stock levels to be changed, we discovered that at least ten people did or could have known them.  When we asked them who had or could have had the key to the cabinet again, we discovered that most of these people could have.

Okay not taking passwords seriously in the computer is in inexcusable. All passwords for financial information should be changed at least once a year, we recommend at the start of every year. It costs nothing to change a password.

Changing keys is more difficult, plus unlike passwords, they do cost money. Still, a shop should have a strict policy with its keys. Keys should not be allowed to be taken off the premises. They should only be given to a trusted employee, and when not in use, they should be in a safe place e.g. your safe or a locked cabinet. If they have to be on a cabinet, they should be on chains while they are there.

I do believe that vigilance is essential and will often, as this example shows reduce the chance that things will be stolen.

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Emergency and Instant language translations for business


We went to see a Chinese person whose English was reasonable. However when we started on their business requirements, it quickly became apparent that his English skills were excellent for coffee and tea and general discussion, but as the conversation moved into some extremely technical details for their accounting and computer requirements, he could understand but speaking he had a lot of difficulties. So how do we communicate? 

If this happens to you too, here is a tip.

What we did, whenever the conversation got unclear was went to google translate on their computer here. 


Google translate

Then he typed into the computer when communication started to break down his questions in the Chinese section, and out popped out immediately an English translation that I could read. Although I am sure that the translation was not brilliant, we were able to move on with our discussions. 

If you find yourself in this situation, then this is something you may want to try too.

Since this sometimes happens, partly, for this reason, I have a Google Home unit on my desk at work, among its many other functions it that it has an interpreter function.

I say to it "Be my (insert language) interpreter.”

It knows a lot of languages. I find that its interpreter mode gives me a fast and effective translation. All I do is raise the volume, and then the unit will translate for us the conversation if I speak in English it will translate to that language, and if they talk in that language, it will translate what they said into English. Again it may not be brilliant, but it is fast and quick and helps me out fairly often.

If you want to know more here is a youtube video well worth looking into too.

This might all help you are work too.

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Your EFTPOS soft costs



Soft costs in EFTPOS and credit cards are extra costs that you have but are taken into account formally.  But I do suggest that you run through them as they do add up.

Examples would be

Incorrect keying in of information

A sale of $23.44 is incorrectly processed at $13.44, well that is a $10 cost. If your business made 10 of these a month, your soft cost here is $100/month

Time is taken to key in the transactions

If a transaction takes a staff member 10 seconds to do and you did 2,000 transactions a month, well your soft cost here is 5.5 hours, say staff time is  $33/hour, this item is about $150/month


If it takes you an hour a week to reconcile your point of sale software to the bank records well there are here another 4 hours.

There are many others that you can add, I am sure to the list.

Typically on a non-integrated, I would expect that these costs to a merchant are about $400/month, on an integrated EFTPOS system about $200/month.



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Grow your store with our powerful POS Reporting


All major retailers, when you meet them one report that you see that they use all the time is a comparison report of what they did in the last previous period, to the same period last year. So what they will show you now is a report that shows the year 2018 Q1 compared to 2019 Q1 and a column of percentage changes. Then the question they will discuss what was different, why did these figures change?

We have written a report almost exactly the same as one produced by a major retailer to give our clients this report. It is called the dissection comparison report.

What it does is compares by several measurements of the sales of stock items in different period.

Go to 

Main Menu > Cash Register > Register Reports > under the Select Report tab, expand the Stock folder > select the report “Dissection Family Class Period Sales Comparison”.

Now you will see this screen.


What I suggest you measure the first three months of this year with the first three months of last year to see how your sales are changing over time. The two measures that I recommend that you check are the quantity and profit percentage changes. There are many other key performance indicators (KPIs) listed too there, which can make interesting reading. From this, you can determine whether the problem is prices, your margins, your sales quantities etc. If you want you can check your figures to the in the Australian Bureau of statistics but do not use the seasonally adjusted figures as you have the actual figures here.


Now once you have bedded down that part of the report, check out the More Criteria tab marked with a green arrow. There is a lot more there.


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Password Day


World password day

This is one of these fun holidays celebrated on the First Thursday in May every year.

It was created to awareness of how important it is to take care of your passwords. In my experience, all data breaches, that I have seen and I have seen quite a lot has been caused by bad password security.  

For example, we had someone who had their passwords on a sheet of paper that was stuck on the wall near the computer and anyone who came into the office could read it.

If you want to know some figures on what a data breach could cost you, click here.

Change passwords. 

Do not use the same passwords for all your sites.

Try and make each of your passwords as long and unique as possible.

If this is too hard, have you considered using a password manager? 



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