Goods arriving before the electronic invoices

Today we had a few people ringing up why do they did not get their GG invoices funny enough even when they got the invoices. It took us most of the day before we figured out what was happening.

Xchangeit emailed us and a few others this morning that GG server was down this morning at 3:00am and the problem was being addressed. Since it only went to a restricted group and since it did state plainly the problem was being fixed, we assumed that it would not be known in Newsagency land so why broadcast it? Well this restricted email got out. Many people who read it did not read the whole email from Xchangeit and soon they started emailing other people that today’s GG invoices were not coming though even though they had. Those people they emailed got it second hand and many did not check their Xchangeit first so they rang. Soon the support lines here were flooded.

Although I been assured that this was a once-off-problem caused by GG moving offices, I think this example shows the present system is not satisfactory. There are just too many cases where the physical items are coming before the Xchangeit invoices. Xchangeit invoices need to be at our client’s site at least 24 hours before the goods physically arrive. This would give our clients a chance to process and be ready for the items when they came. It would also mean there would not be panic if they were sent late.

Anyway I have been told there are plans to set up a quality system to check on suppliers in the new version of Xchangeit. What I am going to complete in parallel system into our system too. The information is already there in our system what we needs is a report. This would give me the accurate data I need to explain the problem to Xchangeit rather then this anecdotal one.

The report would look something like this

Supplier Late invoices Late/Ontime_%