The AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair 2024: My Perspective


AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair 2024
Yesterday, I attended the AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair 2024. This premier wholesale event is a must-visit for retailers looking to source giftware products, including Australian-made products, and stay ahead of industry trends. Let me share my personal experience and insights from this year's show.

A Bustling Marketplace of Ideas

The Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre was abuzz with activity as I entered the fair. There was so much to see, the exhibitors showcasing their wares; it soon became clear that the four hours I allocated wouldn't be enough to see everything. So I did the best I could.

I was pleased to meet many of my POS software users. They told me they were actively spending at the show, with many expressing satisfaction with the show. 


This year's AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair 2024 strongly emphasised Australian-made products. Not much was, I think, Australian-made; there were many products with an Australian theme.

Standout Categories

A few product categories caught my eye, which could be valuable for you:

Costume Jewellery

These items have very good margins. Not that expensive to get into either. 

Health and Wellbeing

With consumers increasingly focused on self-care, this category has shown strong growth for years. There is a growing market for wellness-minded customers.


Surprisingly, high-end socks were a big trend. While it might seem odd, there's a market for premium foot comfort. What do you think? Are fancy socks the next big thing in gifting? Everyone needs socks.

Mixed Feelings on Toys and Games

The children's section left me a bit underwhelmed, not that much there. Many retailers I spoke with mentioned they do better with major brands like Disney regarding toys. It's something to consider when managing your gift shop inventory.

Pricing Concerns

My biggest takeaway? Many items seemed overpriced for the average gift shop. While the fair offers an excellent opportunity to discover unique products and meet smaller suppliers, savvy retailers might consider diversifying their sourcing strategies to balance their inventory by buying directly through the Internet.

The POS Perspective

As someone in the point-of-sale industry for gift retailers, I couldn't help but notice how so many products were set up for POS Software. With a diverse range of products, from small trinkets to larger homewares, a versatile retail POS software system is essential for smooth operations and effective small business inventory management.

Is It Worth Attending?

Despite some reservations, I believe the AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair 2024 is valuable for retailers. Here's why:

  • Thousands of unique products under one roof
  • Chance to discover fresh, trendy items
  • Networking opportunities with suppliers
  • Insight into upcoming industry trends


The AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair 2024 offers many opportunities for brick-and-mortar retailers. While it's vital to approach pricing critically, the event provides an unparalleled chance to refresh your product lines, connect with the industry, and explore new retail POS software solutions to streamline your operations.

Have you attended the fair? I'd love to hear about your experiences and the gems you've discovered. Comment below, and let's chat about your retail trade show tips!

Here are some pictures I took of what I thought was interesting.




Plush toys

Male souvenirs

body care

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