Set Your POS System security settings.


Security is a very important topic at the moment. Australia has had seven (7) significant breaches in a month. 

So please see our latest newsletter for information on how best to maintain security in your software.

The reality is that almost all security hacks today result from someone doing the wrong thing

Now your computer and its POS System can be set to allow security settings based on an employee's role in the business. This approach gives you control over who has access to your information. We suggest that you put this in place if it is not in place.

As it is often so easy for unauthorised people to get your passwords in a business environment, we suggest that your passwords be regularly changed. Industry-standard is at least once a year.

At the very least, please ensure someone needs your password to log onto your computer. That simple procedure will stop most computer data breaches, and it is so simple to put a password on your computers. Consider this your first and most powerful line of defence. If a hacker can get through this, they can get into your system.

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