A few people on Friday asked us about setting up a rewards program using our software in their store. We are trying to help as much as we can.
I would suggest to everyone if you are interested in setting up a rewards program to do the following steps.
1) If you are a member of a group contact them first. Most of these groups have a marketing officer who can help you. If they do not they can certainly put you on to someone who can. These people have been around, and they know a lot of people.
2) Your software provider can advise you on what your software can do. You have already paid for your software so you may as well get as much out of it as you can. They should also be able to put you on to people that use their software that have set up such programs.
3) There are professional organisations that can advise you. The two that I recommend are:
News to Business. These people have been involved in small business loyalty marketing for fifteen years. I have been to some of their lectures, and I know many other people who have too and nobody ever said that they did not learn much for them.. He also has some free videos on his site that should give you some good ideas.
If you are in WA, I recommend Jurek Leon, he talks often on the business shows on TV, he presents to newsagent groups, Lotterywest and shopping centres. He has a free newsletter which are well worth subscribing. I read it every month.
Both of these people have a track record of success in this field over many years.