Dynamic Ink

An automatic update has been released to our clients that allows for EDI ordering from Dynamic Ink.

What is happening now is Dynamic is emailing a DD2 file immediately after they are receiving the order via EDI.

Therefore the full processing method for a Dynamic Ink invoice is now as follows for our clients

1. Create the order in the Stock Ordering Program
2. Tick the EDI Order box, select the EDI Account and then click process
3. Go to the EDI Document and send the purchase order.

When the stock arrives,

4. In the Stock Ordering document go to the Load Existing Order tab
5. Filter by Processed
6. The orders you have sent should have a status sent.
7. You should select the one you have received and click on the button Set Converted

This will Mark the order as “Converted” (fully processed”) and they will no longer appear in the list and when you go to send your EDI orders. Up until then the orders are available for resending if need be.

8. You should then process the DD2 file in Stock Received from Dynamic in order to invoice the stock.

This all should save a lot of time.