DDO not DD2

In the newsagency industry we are settling on the Xchangeit invoice file formats as the standard.

Last month we have been working with a newsagency supplier who was trying to provide electronically invoices to their clients. This is something that will save our clients many hours of work so of course we helped them. We supplied them with the specifications of the DDO and discussed it with them in some details. Later we tested it with them and it was fine. Almost immediately after that invoices were being sent electronically and everything is fine.

Today the supplier rings up. Some of their clients cannot import the invoice file but some can. Do we know what is happening?

Soon we find the problem. The supplier is no longer supplying DDO files but the newer invoice DD2 file formats. Now suddenly some of their clients with older software, say those without software maintenance, cannot accept the newer file formats.

So we told them go back to the older DDO file format and no matter what anyone tells them do not use the later DD2 because not everyone can import the DD2 version of the invoice. The problem was solved.

The reason I wrote this is to reminder everyone that DDO file formats is the standard invoicing in newsagencies. If it works don’t mess with it.

Now the change is done back to DDO the benefits will soon pass on to other newsagents who are not are clients too.