Cloud backup automation


Many people today want to backup to the cloud.

The problem is that with the growing amount of information being created now everyday, its getting harder to store an emergency copy of their information. The problem of course is if they lose this information, they have no business.

There are several advantages to using cloud. The one I like most is that it can be done by an automatic “set and forget it” model so resulting in less operational and administrative management for data backup. I no longer have the problem of everyday going home with a tape.

Users of ours have two main alternatives for cloud, and I am not recommending either until our current trials are completed. The first is to use a commercial company like Microsoft onedrive which is $2/month,
There are of course many other excellent providers of cloud backup too that our clients use.

The other solution is to create your own cloud of which several good programs allow you to do. Two that I recommend you look at are.




Both solutions automatically, whenever a file change in your backup directory put a copy of that file in a safe location which can be a wide range of devices.

Now when I come home from work, every evening I have the latest copy plus old copies of my information waiting for me.


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