Bulk update stock price levels

There seems to be a fair bit of question now from our clients on how to change in bulk many retail prices by suppliers. I am not sure why as our dollar is not moving much and nothing else seems dramatically different.

Still, it is easy to do.

If you go into stock pricing, you will find a bulk price on the menu item

See where I have clicked on bulk pricing with the red arrow.

Now you have a wide variety of filters there to select which stock items you are changing the prices for, what is often very handy is to use the partial stock name so you can say only items with saying "bed" in the title to be updated.

Now select what you are going to update in this case its retail price, but it could be wholesale costs, business costs, website prices, whatever.

Now select which shop.

Then select how your price is going to be updated by markup, by a percentage increase, absolute number, you can set them all to be the same price, etc

Now, what is the underlying figure to do this calculation for example here I will be setting it from wholesale price?

If you need to update custom price levels and quantity breaks for lots of items, there's a quick way to do it: export your item info, update it in Excel, then import the info back into

I am having trouble to bulk edit price for my products. Due to the exchange rate, I need to add additional 5% to the current pricing. Can anyone let me know how to do that?

If you require more flexibility click the options for more options.

Now let it rip.

If you are importing, I am sure you will find this a handy function.
