A busy weekend update happening


GNS Import File Update

GNS Wholesale

We've just released an urgent update to our POS system to address the recent GNS import file format change. GNS wholesale made this change without warning, and as a result, many of our clients suddenly couldn't process GNS invoices.

To address this issue, we engaged in urgent discussions with GNS. We agreed that the fastest solution was to update our system to accommodate their new file format. We did this and started to distribute this update yesterday.

Action Items:

  1. Update your POS system immediately
  2. Test a GNS invoice import to verify functionality
  3. Contact us if:
    • You encounter any issues during the update or testing
    • You're not currently processing invoices

Cyclone Alfred: Shops being closed down 

Cyclone Alfred

We've sent detailed help sheets to all our customers in NSW and Queensland who may be affected by Cyclone Alfred.

The cyclone's path is unpredictable, with some saying it could affect regions as far south as Newcastle.

Today, we're getting many calls from retailers worried about how to respond as authorities close down shops. Our support team is ready to help you prepare your retail operations.

Critical Preparedness Steps:

Your store may experience disruptions from power surges and electrical problems, even if it's not in the direct impact zone. To minimise risks:

  1. Back up all POS data immediately
  2. Secure vulnerable hardware with a UPS or surge protector.
  3. Prepare a manual sales recording system

Ongoing Support

Our support team is available 24/7 during this weather event. On Saturday morning, we will have extra staff on hand to manage the expected increased call volume on our 24/7 support line.

Stay safe.

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