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Barcode now has its 50th Birthday!


Can you imagine a world where every purchase involves manually entering the department and the price of every item at the checkout? Such a scenario might appear to have been lifted from a 1980s video game, but it was a fact for retailers then. Then came the barcode.

Fifty years ago today, on June 26, 1974, the first commercial barcode scanning was done on a Wrigley's chewing gum pack. Those stripes may seem simple, but they revolutionised how we shop!

After the barcodes were released, we released the first magazine barcoded return system here. At first, because it was so new, we had to manually put on a barcode sticker as many magazines did not have barcodes.

I am in the middle, boy. I was proud that day as no-one had ever done anything like this before, and next to me was Joe, the programmer who did most of the analysis for the returns. We had a deal between us; I handled the newsagency stuff and the data handling, and he dealt with the magazines. It was in DOS. The result is that we saved our clients a lot of time and money.

How the Barcode Changed Retail (and Saved Money!)

Before barcodes, cashiers rang up sales by manually entering in price and department codes. This process was slow and error-prone, frustrating customers and costing retailers money. The barcode, however, changed everything. Here's how:

  • Faster Checkouts and Happy Customers: A simple scan eliminates the need for manual code entry, resulting in shorter queues, happier customers, and improved staff productivity.
  • Reduced Errors and Happy Staff: Barcodes are much more accurate than manual code entry, leading to fewer mistakes and happier staff (no more hunting for the correct code!).
  • Improved Inventory Management and Reduced Costs: Barcodes allow retailers to track stock levels more efficiently. This means there's less chance of running out of popular items, less money tied up in unnecessary stock, and better-informed ordering decisions—all contributing to significant cost savings.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Beyond speed, barcodes enable features like price verification at checkout, reducing customer confusion.

The Barcode and Modern POS Systems: A Powerful Partnership

The barcode laid the foundation for modern POS systems like the ones we offer at POS Solutions. Here's how they work together to streamline your operations further:

  • Product Data at Your Fingertips: When you scan a barcode, the POS system instantly retrieves the product information, including its name, price, and the applicable GST Code.
  • Automatic Inventory Updates: Each scan automatically updates your inventory levels in real time, ensuring you always have accurate stock data and can make informed decisions about reordering.
  • Sales Tracking and Informed Decisions: POS systems use barcode data to track sales trends and identify popular items. This information helps you decide stock levels, promotions, and future ordering.
  • Seamless Integration for a Smooth Experience: Modern POS systems seamlessly integrate with barcode scanners, creating a smooth and efficient checkout experience for you and your customers.

Next Step of the Retail Industry

The introduction of a barcode, no doubt, has been a breakthrough, but the technology is still developing. We at POS Solutions are very optimistic about the future of retail efficiency, involving the following, which we are introducing:

common 1D & 2D barcode formats

  • 2D Barcodes: These data-rich barcodes can hold more information than traditional barcodes, potentially including product descriptions, origin details, and even expiry dates.
  • QR Codes: These square-shaped codes can be scanned using smartphones, opening up new possibilities for customer engagement and product information access.
  • RFID Tags: These tiny radio frequency chips offer even greater tracking capabilities and can be used for tasks like automated inventory management.

These advancements can inspire, but the barcode is essential in the retail ecosystem. Remarkably, this solution made the most significant difference in modern retail.

Ready to leverage the power of barcodes and modern POS systems for a more efficient and profitable future? Contact POS Solutions today to learn more about our innovative solutions!

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Should you use long range retail scanners?


scanning with long-range scanners

Boost Checkout Speed & Customer Satisfaction: Long-Range Scanners

In today's high-speed retail world, conventional checkout processes are often slowed by the need to scan cumbersome items. That is where long-range retail scanners are the unique advantage for a small, physical business hoping to fire up its tasks and further develop client experience.

Why Long-Range Scanners Matter

Imagine a scenario where your cashier no longer needs to leave the register to scan items and struggle with heavy, cumbersome products. We say that the cost of one worker's comp case would be more than pay for a long-range scanner.  Long-range scanners eliminate these pain points, offering several key advantages:

Increased Efficiency

By extending the scanning range, these scanners allow for quicker and more seamless checkout processes. No more awkward reaching or handling customers' mobile devices – point and scan from a distance.

Improve checkout speed

We all know that a long wait can be a deterrent for shoppers. So, we have found that long-range scanners have helped speed up transactions and reduce queue times, improving customer satisfaction.


Whether dealing with large appliances, bulky furniture, or items tucked away on high shelves, long-range scanners have you covered. Their extended reach ensures no barcode is left unscanned.

Determining Your Scanner Requirements

Before investing in long-range scanners, assessing your specific needs is crucial. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Location Assessment: Measure the distance from your checkout counter to the farthest potential barcode location. Add some extra to this measurement to account to give you some leeway and for future growth.

  2. Environmental Factors: Evaluate your retail environment. Will the scanners be used indoors or outdoors? Are there obstacles like shelves or displays that could obstruct the scanning path? What are the lighting conditions like?

  3. Barcode Types: You need to check what types of barcodes you have in your shop. Most will be 1D barcodes, but we are seeing more 2D codes coming in. I am sure you will see many more 2D barcodes in 10 years. Many of our clients using scales, need 2D barcodes now.

  4. Scanner Technology: There are several popular scanner systems now, and in my experience, there is often little between them. We do tend to get a longer life out of the laser scanners, so all equal, I would go with a laser.

 Weighing the Cost-Benefit Ratio

I would suggest if you need a new barcode scanner, make sure it is long-range as its extra cost is not that much. Its slightly higher cost will more than be made up by the potential time saved and the potential worker comp problems of people having to lift heavy objects. It will also have a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

Implementation and Integration

Proper implementation and integration are crucial once you've selected the suitable long-range scanners for your business. Invest in comprehensive employee training to ensure seamless adoption and optimal scanner usage. Additionally, consider the impact on your inventory management processes and plan for potential integration with other technologies like RFID or computer vision systems.

Future-Proofing Your Investment

A scanner will last a long time and over that time your scanning needs will change. When choosing long-range scanners, consider choices with flexible or stretched-out range capacities to confirm your shop in the future. This will ensure your scanners can adapt to any changes in your retail operations without needing immediate replacements.


In the retail scene today, people need to look for ways of upgrading their systems to improve their client experience. Long-range retail scanners offer a good method to speed up the checkout processes, further develop effectiveness, and make a more helpful shopping experience for your clients. Consider them to develop your retail shop. 

If you want more information, we are here to help.

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The changing world of barcode scanners


One camera for all barcoding needs


Barcode scanners today are incredible in speed and accuracy. On average, we calculate that manually entered data has a 1% error rate. Barcode scanning cuts that down to 1 error in 10 million scans! This translates to massive time and money savings for retailers.

But did you know your old barcode scanner could be costing you customers?  

In this guide, I will discuss the pros and cons of the existing CCD and laser scanners vs. the newer camera scanners, which will soon be available in bulk, so you can make the best choice for your store's needs.

Before I start, I should say that the camera scanners are really CCD scanners on steroids. They are like giving an old CCD scanner a superhero upgrade! They can read virtually any barcode, no matter how blurry or beaten up, and even scan stuff right off a phone.

The Barcode Scanner Basics

Let's start with the two main existing categories:

  • Tried-and-True: Laser and CCD Scanners These have been around for ages, and with good reason. They're specialised tools that excel in certain areas:

    • Laser Scanners

      • Lightning-fast, super accurate, and can handle even crummy barcodes.
      • Many models scan from a distance, which is great for heavy items.
    • CCD Scanners

      • They're more budget-friendly
      • Generally better than laser scanners for close-up scanning of good-quality barcodes.
      • They often have trouble reading damaged labels or wet items like a Coca-Cola bottle directly from the fridge.

Since they're both small, they are great for stores with limited counter space.

Most have trouble reading barcodes on phone screens,

They are designed to work with the basic 1D barcodes. Soon, we are expecting that some products will switch from 1D barcodes to more complex barcodes. When this happens in bulk will be when the problems come. 

  • Camera-Based Scanners 

    • These can read virtually any barcode (1D, 2D, QR codes, etc.) easily 
    • Scanning from phone screens is good.
    • Can be used with self-checkout, mobile coupons, and inventory checks with a simple photo snap.
    • Higher upfront cost
    • Often slower
    • Often have issues in low-light situations
    • Need more training to get used to them.
    • It's still pretty experimental; most shops that use them only use them for some types of scanning.

Scanner Showdown: Which Model is Right for You?

Here is my breakdown to help you decide:

  • Volume is King: If you have a busy store, laser is the fastest.
  • Going Digital: Want customers to use mobile coupons, streamline returns, or consider self-checkout? Camera-based is the only way to unlock these customer-pleasing features.
  • Budget Matters: Tight on budget? CCD is the cheapest way to go. 
  • The future: Camera-based tech, as it keeps evolving, will replace CCD and laser, but not anytime soon. 
  • Omnichannel or Not: Camera scanners can now do everything, while CCD and laser scanners generally cannot. 

The Bottom Line: It's All About Your Needs

Only get camera scanners if you have a need that CCD and lasers cannot do.

Chat with us, your point-of-sale (POS) provider, and we can tailor a solution just for you!

Ready to take your small business to the next level? Ask us for the best scanner options for your shop – your customers (and your bottom line!) will thank you.


The future is in Camera-Based Scanners but not yet

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Choosing the Right Barcode Scanner for Your Business


Choosing the Right Barcode Scanner for Your Business

Shop attendant using a barcode scanner

Today, businesses need to scan barcodes on products and so use barcode scanners. 

The most common barcode scanners in retail today are laser and CCD scanners.

Laser scanners:

Hand held scanners

The most popular are laser scanners as the price for these has dropped


> They are better at reading problematic barcodes, e.g. on a soft drink that can be wet, curved and has glossy surfaces.

> Their range is good, which makes it often easier to scan.

> They scanned barcodes which is excellent in high-volume settings.


> They tend to be more costly, which may be problematic if you have a tight budget.

> They have moving parts that make them prone to damage.

> Although we have never had a problem, lasers are classed as a public safety risk. They could be dangerous if misused; they reflect onto someone's eye.

CCD scanner:


> CCD scanners are generally cheaper than laser scanners

> In close range, they tend to be more accurate

> Since they do not have any moving parts, they typically last longer and are less damage-prone.


> Range, and this is no minor point. CCD scanners can, in many applications, be a pain as you have to get the scanner quite close to read the barcode.

> Difficult-to-read barcodes such as magazines or reflective gifts can be a problem.


The choice between laser and CCD scanners depends on your business's specific needs.

In today's world, the same brand will have different factories for different types, so the brands matter less today. Unlike many, we test our scanners. We have them on many sites, so we know how they fare in the real world. We can help you make a smart investment for your business. Whether you need a laser scanner for its range or a CCD scanner for its accuracy, we've got you covered.

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