Good preparation is the key. Stocktaking is a length and often expensive operation. So now the stocktake season is upon us again. It is time to prepare.
We have now updated help documents available in posBrowser's help files. To get them press F1 in the register.
There are various Stocktaking methods
Pick the one that is best for you.
Stocktake = Standard stocktake doc using Posbrowser on its own to run the stocktake.
Stocktake with a PTD = Stocktaking with the help of a PDT
Stocktake with the stock management system = Stocktaking using the mobile PDA browser program.
3rd Party Stocktake guide = This is a guide on uploading stocktake data to and from another program. This is if you use a specific stocktake software
We recommend doing the stocktake while the shop is trading as there is no reason to shut the shop from trading.
I suggest that you have a quick read of the steps required, and then watch this Stocktake training video
If you have any questions let me know.