Do you have the stock for Valentine's Day, only nine days left?

It is a short holiday, and if you do not have the right stock, you will miss out.

If you look at google trends and put in Valentine's Day, for Australia over the past five years, you will see this graph.

Although interest is going up and it's very high. Overall I calculate it is about 10% of Christmas. You can see what I was talking about as it only has a narrow marketing window, interest starts now and reaches a peak on Valentine's Day and afterwards collapses. So you need to spot on the stock you require, and if you have done nothing, you need to move now.

If you want to look more detail, please click here.

What you will find is that interest is high across Australia.

Click on last 30 days, and now look at related queries, what is interesting is that it's mainly women that are looking for gift ideas for him and are open to ideas, guys know what you buy, flowers, chocolates, romantic dinners, cards, etc.

Now the next point is to see in your shop, your existing stock how does it go for Valentine's Day do you have this stock?

At the point of sale software

The report I recommend you look at is the Top N stock report which gives you among many other details the top-selling items.

Go to Register Reports marked in green.

Select stock and now you will see two reports, click the one on green first. The purple you should hold in memory as you may need it before placing an order.

Now select last year, for this date until Valentine's day (see yellow arrow)

In blue, you will see I selected 40 items, what I am looking for here is the top 40 items, which for most people should be plenty. In purple, you can see I selected by item sold, but of course, you have many more options there which you may want to experiment with as well.

Now you will get a report with your current stock on hand figures to see how your shop looks stock wise for Valentine's day. You also have supplier's details too which you can investigate with the Top N stock report by suppliers that I spoke about above.

Another idea to consider is I did this report for last year. It's a good idea to do it for other years as well.
