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Knowing Your Customers: Trying to Unlocking Sales


What shoppers are interested in?


Do you ever wish you could read your customers' minds? Knowing what they like and what they're interested in would help you sell them exactly what they want! Well, one of my clients asked me this. What could I say so? I said, "Well, that we all do."

Do not think that because you like it, your customers do. I had a client who had a clothing store. His daughter told them that she knew what young girls wanted. So, based on her recommendation, they brought some stuff, and their customers did not like those items.

Still, I can tell you that some tools are available to help you discover more. There's no magic trick; there are several ways modern retailers can find out what makes their customers excited. Big businesses spend a lot of money on research, but smaller retailers have a secret weapon—they can talk directly to their customers!

Let's Get Chatty

The best way to find out what interests your customers is to ask! It's often as easy as talking to them. You can start with "Got any fun plans for the weekend?" or "What do you like to do in your spare time?" You'd be surprised at what people share!

Run informal focus groups.

When a few people come in to buy a product in a group, and you are helping them, ask them what they are looking for, what they want from the product, etc. Once they have brought it up, maybe ask them a few open-ended questions like: “What do you like and dislike about the products?” "What other similar products have you seen?" "What factors influence your purchase decisions?" Details here.

The Digital Detective

The internet now is a treasure trove of information about your customers. Here's where to look:

Social Media

Why not check some of your customer's Facebook pages? See what they share, like, and comment on. Look at the groups they're in and the events they RSVP to. Do a little 'detective' work on their profiles. Of course, be respectful of privacy, but public posts often give you great clues about their interests.

Google Trends

This fantastic (and free!) tool tells you what people are searching for. You can even narrow it down to your local area. Search for products you sell and see what else pops up. Are they searching for recipes? Maybe you've got a bunch of foodies coming into your store. Check here for some details on how to do it.

POS Systems sales reports

See if any patterns emerge. Do you sell heaps of gardening stuff in spring? Maybe your customers are green thumbs! What sells well before the Grand Final? What happens about Easter? Details here.


The simple fact is that most ideas do not work. You need a thick skin. You will fail many times more than you succeed. Not every idea will be a winner. That's okay! Do not reinforce a defeat. Stop and go elsewhere. Look at the ideas that work and then look for ideas around the concept that works. I had a client who did well-selling phone cases. They then looked for other products they could sell to the customers who were buying these cases and decided to increase their range to include some mobile accessories; what went well were the charging cables.

The trick is to try different things and pay attention to what gets customers buzzing.

Success! How Do You Know It's Working?

If it's not measured, how do you know what is happening? There are a few ways to tell your customer sleuthing is paying off:

Happy Customers = More Sales

If people buy it, you promote the right stuff!

Loyal Friends

Customers feel special when you stock what they love. They'll keep coming back.

Buzz and Excitement

A great sign is if your products produce this buzz and excitement.

Wrapping It Up

Understanding your customers doesn't have to be complicated. Use a mix of these ideas, and don't forget to have fun along the way. The more you know what makes your customers tick, the better you can give them what they want.


Its funny I never thought of looking at people's facebook page, its a good idea

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Your Sustainability Dilemma: Customers Say vs What They Buy


What people are buying

A supplier to newsagencies approached us about a range of sustainable products they are releasing, eco-friendly greeting cards.. This brought up the Sustainability Dilemma: what "Customers Say vs. What They Buy." Do customers want these cards? 

This is a frequent problem in retail, where people express their wants but act differently. A famous example of this is studied extensively in marketing textbooks, in the 1950s when Ford introduced the Ford Edsel. This is widely regarded as one of the biggest marketing failures in history. One factor in this failure was Ford's decision to listen to the public's feedback and create a car based on this. However, when presented to the public, the car was a flop. What the public had said did not align with their actual desires.

Now, as a retailer, you understand that consumer demand is critical. Yet, often, you need some intelligence. The fact that customers frequently support strongly eco-friendly products does not mean they buy them.

Here is a study that shows what happened when consumers and senior retail executives were surveyed on sustainable products. Two-thirds of consumers said that they would pay more for sustainable products. However, most retailers stated consumers do not pay more for sustainable products. The retailers based their claim on what they said the public was doing. Read the report here.

So Are Customers Truly Ready to Pay More for Sustainable Products?

Let's explore what it means for your business.

The Conflicting Picture

  • The Vocal Demand: Surveys consistently indicate that consumers care about sustainability. They say they are willing to pay more for products that align with their values.
  • The Reality: Retailers see that old habits and price sensitivity often reign supreme in the market. Sustainable options get much interest but rarely make it to the sale.

Understanding the Disconnect

Here's what might contribute to this gap between what the public says and their actions:

  • The Cost Barrier: Even well-intentioned consumers balk at significant premiums for eco-friendly alternatives.
  • Trust: People have been burnt before eco-friendly and need convincing that your product is eco-friendly.
  • Established brands: People like the products they buy now.
  • Change: Sustainable products are often different, and people often do not want to change.

What This Dilemma Means for Retailers

  • Missed Opportunities: If you rely solely on people's comments, you will probably overestimate the immediate market for sustainable goods.
  • Long Game: Consumer behaviour rarely moves quickly. You must educate, show value, and build long-term relationships with eco-conscious shoppers. This is not always possible in a shop.

Tackling the Challenge

  • Start with Data: Use your sales figures to understand which sustainable options resonate with customers. Don't guess! Please use your sales reports. Facts do not lie.
  • Transparency Wins: Build trust by being transparent about specific sustainable aspects of your products. Be prepared to have info to back it up.

The takeaway: Customer opinions about sustainability matter, but they don't predict sales on their own

. Innovative retailers keep a pulse on the public conversation while making strategic, data-driven decisions on where and how to invest, e.g. small test displays of sustainable products first.

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