Point of Sale Software

Here are some Articles from the Blog Subject - Cash Registers -

Finding the Right Cash Box for Your Business


Sturdy cash box

As a brick-and-mortar retailer, managing the cash in your registers is vital to your business operations. An efficient and secure cash management system helps you stay organised and minimize loss due to mishandling or theft. This is great in the shop, but now and then, you need to use a cash box to store money outside the shop. But with so many options on the market, how do you pick the best one?

From my experience, when evaluating a cash box for your retail business, keep these features in mind:

Secure Yet Accessible Storage

It would be best to have a box that keeps money locked up, deters theft, and allows you to access the money easily for making change. Ensure you have a cash box with separate compartments for bills and coins and good-quality spring-loaded cash clips to keep currency neatly stacked.


It is a pain to use a key to open and close them. We suggest having a latch and a lock.  Many, in my experience, have weak locks. Get a decent lock.

Sized for Your Needs

Consider the volume of cash you need to handle. The compartments should be roomy enough to accommodate multiple stacks of bills and rolls of coins without overflowing. 

Make sure that the cash box can handle Australian notes. Chinese and US cash boxes often cannot. Here is a dead giveaway: look at the image above. It has US notes. I bet there will be a problem.

Make sure you have enough room in the cash box to handle change.

Portability and Protection

Since you'll move the box around for collecting cash deposits, find one lightweight yet sturdy. I would suggest looking at fireproof and waterproof options, which offer extra security to shield your money.

Can it be secured to a table? One client drilled a hole into the cash box and used a bike lock to secure it to the stand.


The reality is that most of these cash bo9xes will not last five minutes against a determined person, but still try not to make it too easy for them.

I prefer metal cash boxes. Unfortunately, it sometimes makes the cash box too heavy, so be aware.

Integrate Seamlessly With Your POS

Our POS Systems can, with a laptop or computer, use a cash box, so no worries there.


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How to create a register shortcut key


Say you have a spare spot (See the orange button above) and you want to set up a register shortcut key for a department so you can press a button to quickly process a department sale. It is even faster with touch but that is another point.

Well, it is easy and quick to do.  

1.       From the Main Menu, go to Cash Register and then Register Setup.

2.       Click on the Quick Links tab.

3.       On the layout on the left, click where you want the shortcut to go. You should see the green plus symbol on that square now.

4.       In the department list on the right, click the department you wish to add to that location.

5.       Click on the Insert at Location button.

6.       Click the Save button.

Now the changes should be there.

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Cash register look


This is our cash register. If you look at the screen, not the girl, it is from a publicity shot that we did what you will see is buttons all over the screen. Also, every one of them is user-definable. What this means is that you can change them, or move them to match exactly what you want it to look like.


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Integrating video surveillance and the POS system


The best and most important area in the shop to install security cameras is at the point of sale as that is where the cash is located, so that is where most fraud takes place.

Integrating your video surveillance with the POS system makes a lot of sense. This example shows a skimmer being installed by some shop thieves. Your staff may not be involved in the fraud at the point of sale. This fraud took three (3) seconds. Nothing would show here on the computer if the cameras had never been installed on the tills, it would never have been found.


This is a bit exceptional; as most of the fraud involves actual transactions. Typically a brother of a staff member buys a $30 book, and it gets rung up as a $5 remainder book. 

With a camera, you have a video record of each transaction, the customer and the operator. So you can provide evidence that can be used to confirm the point of sale software. This is always a problem if the matter requires verification. For this, you need video e.g. you often hear this remark in court "The computer said that I did it, but many could have done it.." or "I gave you a $50 and you gave me a $20, okay the computer said $20, but I gave you a $50."   

The computer can and does give you alerts e.g. high dollar amount and other dubious transactions which can alert you to possible fraud. At the very least, it can enable you to identify common mistakes or misunderstandings that can be corrected with additional training.

Also just the fact it is there has been shown to reduce theft.

If your system is not integrated then the archived video needs to be searched by date and time, which is slower and a pain.

PS if you want to extend what the cameras can do e.g. facial recognition analytics to identify known individuals; counting analytics to ensure that occupancy limitations are not exceeded or demographic analysis we could do that too.

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Zip Intergration with PosBrowser


PosBrowser has launched a new facility for you and your clients. We now offer a Zip Pay payment type directly built into the PosBrowser register.  This week we were joined by Andreas Collier from Zip pay to discuss and demonstrate how easy it is to setup and use as well as answering a bunch of question you may be interested in hearing. 
Watch the video and see what you think. 
Also as a special offer to PosBrowser user, Andreas will personally handle the process of getting your ZIP PAY account activated and the details you will need for integrating ZIP with PosBrowser.   Just contact him via email andreas.collier@zip.co 

If you find this video helpful or you have any question please reply in the comments. Also check out our blog often to see what the next webinar is going to cover in our weekly sessions or make a suggestion for a topic you'd like to hear more about. 



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Cash Registers point of sale



What they do is they walk out and abandon their purchases.

Here is a cheap and effective way to make more tills. With our system, you can have several tills on one computer. So all you need is another till on your existing system. It is also great as you make one person responsible for one till so making it better for reconciliation.

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