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Battery care for your POS Equipment




During stocktake time, people start recycling old POS equipment. Often, no one has given much thought to the batteries that keep some of your POS equipment going, such as the portable data terminals (PDTs). They came from storage, and a few people had problems. The problems were not big, but if the stocktake was planned for last Sunday and the PDT could not be fixed until Monday, you can see the situation these people faced. We specifically told people to check their equipment first. Some did not. 

Let's chat about battery care - it's not as dull as it sounds, I promise!

Lithium-ion batteries are today's unsung heroes. They are everywhere: in phones, laptops, PDTs, and more. But like any piece of equipment, they need a bit of TLC.

Proper battery care can result in significant cost savings. We need to maximise battery life and reduce unnecessary battery replacements.

POS battery care

1. Store Smart, Stay Safe

Where you keep your batteries matters. They don't like it too hot or too cold. An excellent spot that is cool and dry is just right. Please keep them away from anything that might catch fire. Improper battery care can be a fire hazard; if it's next to something that burns, you may have a problem.

2. Charge with Care

Unplugging is underrated. Once your PDT is fully charged, disconnect the charger. If connected, it can cause problems.

3. Cool It Down

After a busy day of scanning and tapping, your PDT will feel the heat. Let it cool off before charging. 

4. Watch for Warning Signs

Your battery might be trying to tell you something. Keep an eye (and nose) out for these red flags:

  • Strange smells
  • Colour changes
  • Excessive heat
  • Shape changes
  • Leaks
  • Odd noises

If you spot any of these, it's time to retire that battery. Better safe than sorry!

POS system battery care

While maintaining your batteries is not difficult, it does require some TLC.

These simple steps will help you keep POS systems working and reduce the need for replacements.

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More Battery Life on your POS Devices


POS device charging

Are you tired of your POS devices dying halfway through a busy shift? As a point-of-sale (POS) software company, we know that having reliable batteries is important. In this guide, we'll share real-world examples to help you make your battery last longer.

Common Battery Myths

These misconceptions can drain your battery power faster than you think – let's set the record straight!

  • Myth 1: Ignore those manufacturers battery limits

    • Reality: Battery makers set those charge and discharge limits for a reason – to make your battery last longer! Pushing those boundaries may shorten its lifespan. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for best results.
  • Myth 2: Charge It While You Use It for a Faster Top-Up

    • Reality: This might shave off a few minutes, but it's not worth the risk. So do not do it. Devices produce heat, and so does charging the battery and together, they make more heat. Think of charging like a relaxing break – your device will thank you!
  • Myth 3: Off-Brand Chargers? Sure, Why Not?

    • Reality: Official chargers are made and tested for your device – so they're designed for your device. Off-brands might work, but they could damage your devices. If you must use an off-brand, run it on a slow charge. 
  • Myth 4: Slow and Steady Harms the Battery

    • Reality: Nope! Slow charging is kinder to your battery, putting less stress on it. A slow charge setting is the way to go if you charge overnight.
  • Myth 5: Leave It Plugged In, It's Fine!

    • Reality: Big no-no! This isn't just about wasting energy. Power surges occur anytime, and the longer it is plugged into your device, the more likely a surge can hit your device. Charge up when needed, then unplug for a longer-lasting battery. 
  • Myth 6: All batteries degrade and are soon useless

    • Reality: Yes, all batteries do degrade, but generally, it's only a few percent a year. At a 2 to 3% loss a year, a battery in 10 years still, in theory, holds about 78% of its charge. That is often more than you need in one session. We have sold units that are 20 years old and still going fine.
  • Myth 7: Drain It, Then Charge It to the Max

    * **Reality:** That worked for old-school batteries, but today's prefer a little snack-like top-ups. With modern batteries full draining and recharging can stress them out and shorten their life.


The Environment Matters: Heat, Cold, and Shelf Life

  • Feeling the Heat (and Cold): Extreme temperatures are your battery's foes! Heat speeds up degradation, while cold zaps capacity. Store your devices in cool spaces, and don't let them bake in hot cars.

  • Batteries Have a Good Shelf Life: Good news! Modern batteries hold their charge well. Charge them up and have them ready to go. You do not need to scramble at the last minute. After extended use, I put them aside overnight to let them cool down, Charge them the next day, and then store them until needed.


Look after your batteries and they will keep your devices going a long time.

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