News Limited using XChangeIT

From today XchangeIT will be contacting their clients and informing them that they will be sent DD2 files from News Limited.

This week it will be a handful, another batch will be put on next week, and they will be taking it from there.

We have produced an information sheet with information that should be useful to our readers.

We also have put together some FAQ for some questions you may have:

Q: Have News Corp set up the barcodes for their papers properly?
A: No: Check the instructions in the attached document.

If you try to run it without this step, Posbrowser will create new stock items for the publications when you did not have the correct barcodes in their system when they received the DD2 files.

Q: Have they set up their partner code?
A: No: Set this up as described in the document.

You also need to contact XChnageIT to have News Limited supplier set up in your XchangeIT client program?

Now once you start to receive DD2 files, News Limited will be expecting sales data to be returned.

If this is not happening, then some points to check:

1. Make sure sales data is being sent back for the other suppliers.
2. Make sure the option “Do not generate EDI sales data” for their News Limited creditor is not ticked.
3. Make sure they are bringing in the News Limited DD2 files – Sales data will not be generated unless they do this.
4. Make sure the stock items linked to their hot keys are the same items they are receiving in the DD2 files.

Let me know if there are other issues that crop up.