Compare your self to big business this week…

As I stated, Harvey Norman are doing a great service to the community by releasing their retail sales figures every week. They are giving us indication weekly of what is happening out there to big business. It saids much of the newsagency industry no such benchmarking figures are available. I can remember in an ANF conference almost 10 years ago we were told that this would be done imminently.

Still even if this newsagency benchmarking was done you would still like to know where your business is compared others.

Last week’s figures from Harvey Norman were terrible; I estimate that they went down in retail sales 13%. This week they have dropped slightly another 1% down.

For you to do a comparison with Harvey Norman is easy, do a totals report in your cash register system for 28 days to 23 November 2008 and the 25 November 2007. Then divide the 2007 figure into the 2008 figure to see where you stand compared with them. They are 3.10% down.