Supplier files

A few days, a newsagent supplier Brown Trout gave us their supplier file. They had tested it and it was fine. We also did our tests and it was fine. Then we put it up on the net in a CSZ format.

We use CSZ files as they are most advanced system available for data exchange. They are designed to be used by any supplier for example Browntrout and Hallmark to send catalogue files to newsagents.

Shortly after a client rings up there is a problem. We test it again and it is fine. Thinking maybe something was wrong with the file our client had we sent them another copy. It worked. Soon another client rings up with the same problem. We sent them the same file out and it did not work. What was going on?

We tested it in our office and discovered that on some machines it worked and some it did not. It became one of those problems that had us all tearing our hair out to what is happening.

It took about two days for our programmer to find a fix. It is a dirty fix but it works. We never did figure out exactly what caused the error but I suspect that possibly, a Microsoft automatic update caused this hiccup.

Yesterday we sent a special automatic fix to all our sites and it is working again.

For this and other supplier files please visit here

For posbrowser, please use standard import.