National newsagent March 2010

There was an article in this month National Newsagent on page 38 Complying with XChangeIT, which I really objected. So, I spoke to the editor of the magazine Carolyn Doherty, a writer whose ability I greatly admire.

I did not like the comments on XchangeIT and the other problem was the comparison listed of POS Solutions.

The new XchangeIT is a great step forward and we as a company have been right behind it from the start. Recently, we just finished a campaign to get people to use it correctly. Monthly we run training courses on how to maximise the use of XchangeIT. As computerised magazine control can make a dramatic difference, so it is one of our most popular courses. However, as so often when we go two-steps forward we often go a step back. There are some issues with XchangeIT that need to be addressed such as it loss of files and the question of why are the magazine publishers are still not getting the information in real time? In response, Carolyn told me that she intends to write a follow-up article.

The other issue was the comparison figures for POS Solutions. She offered to allow me to publish in the next month's edition our figures. I declined for reasons I suspect most readers, here would know which she understood. What I stated to her was that I would appreciate the following statement to be issued in response to the next edition.

In accordance to company policy, I will not comment on the figure for any other systems quoted, but I can assure you the figure for POS Solutions is far below what we have.

I also challenge this comment "verified by data from competitors", to the best of my knowledge, no-one has asked us to verify anything.