Does your retail store need an ecommerce website? Consider this!


One of the key business rules today is that in the brick and mortar physical world, a shop with a bad website it is better off then a shop with *NO* website. This is because no-one today uses the yellow pages to find you, if they want a product a service say Indian Coffee(KAAPI), a greeting card, perfume or a dog wash, they google it. For example, if they live in a suburb of St Kilda, and they want Indian coffee, they google "Indian coffee St Kilda". If you do not have a website, you are going to be low down in the google list. So they are not going to ring you, they are not going to come to you, they are going to ignore you because they do not know you exist. Test your self with a few products and see how you go.

Even if you hate the internet, no website equals missed opportunities. For a modern physical shop, a website is imperative today.

You can blend the online and physical brick and mortar shop together and see how you can get some of this growing e-commerce traffic.