Common card category system for all card companies


Hallmark just won the newsagent supplier of the year award. It stunned me, as I would have thought that it would be to a supplier that supplies all newsagents like ACP or News corp rather then one like Hallmark that only supplies about half. Those that do use Hallmark must have really voted for them.

So I took the opportunity while congratulating Ron Thorpe, who is the National Business Development Manager for Hallmark Cards in Australia, to ask about a setting up a category system for cards that our users could use. Similar to what magazine companies do now for their products with MPA.

He firstly thanked me for my best wishes.

Then he told me "The Australian Greeting Card Association at my instigation is currently working to develop a common category system for all member companies to adopt. It should be finalized within the next 60 days"

Now 60 days means the 13th August 2007.

So on the 13th August 2007, we can expect a public category system for cards that will be beholden on all the major card suppliers and most the minor ones. If 50% happens by then, I am sure after so many years of requesting it we all will be happier.