How many times have we heard the comment "We know what we are doing and its perfectly okay," just before it happens? I am sure of the people over a 1000 kilometres south of the cyclone in Northern New South Wales said that too before the floods came down.
Well, Cyclone Debbie has been an education. Just before the Cyclone hit, we rang up every client we had in Northern Queensland from Townsville to Rockhampton to make sure that they had an offsite backup. To our horror, we discovered that almost none of these sites had an emergency backup, and practically all of these people had no idea how to make such a backup. We had to talk them through it.
Then the floods started and the telephone cut out, and we could not warn people and of those, a few went down with no backup. One told me, he is a country newsagency, has over a $100,000 of debts and no records as to who owes what. The odds are that those that do owe them do not have much of a record either now.
How this for a heading "BUSINESS LOSS DUE TO NO BACKUP." There will be many such stories, I am sure.
There is any number of disasters that can happen with computers, flood, theft, fire, ransomware, etc. The only solution is to have a backup off-site.
This was totally unnecessary, as we have a cloud backup solution that is completely free for our clients.