Australian Women's Weekly 90th anniversary


90th-anniversary magazine issue

This September marks a significant milestone for one of Australia's most iconic magazines. The Australian Women's Weekly is turning 90! As trusted sellers of this historic Aussie publication for nearly a century. 

As many newsagents and magazine sellers are my clients, the sales and reception of these anniversary issues are of great interest. Celebrating this heritage and leveraging this magazine's enduring popularity is a unique opportunity. I hope this helps them fully capitalise on this milestone moment for one of Australia's most celebrated publications.

Iconic Australian women's magazine Provides a Special Opportunity.

With The Australian Women's Weekly's 90th-anniversary commemorative issues hitting stands soon, newsagents can leverage their customers' interest to glimpse into nine decades of groundbreaking Australian women's stories.

These collectible editions are a chance to:

  • Highlight The Woman's Weekly's impressive reputation
  • Create captivating magazine displays and promotions to attract buyer attention
  • Why not leverage Maggie Tabberer's lasting star power? This legendary model-turned-TV star graces the retro-inspired September issue cover

Emphasise these issues' exclusive interviews and stories chronicling iconic Australian women throughout history.

Australian Women's Weekly special issue series

Most importantly, it highlights The Weekly's significance as a cultural touchstone which has been resonating with Aussie women since 1933 as its emphasis on thoughtful storytelling has built trust and authority for generations. Newsagents can capitalize on this by positioning the 90th-anniversary issues as a celebration of both:

  • The Weekly's heritage
  • Its ongoing importance as a voice for Australian women

For over 90 years, newsagencies have brought the pages of The Australian Women's Weekly to communities nationwide. This issue will be a piece of history that many customers want to get and even collect. I am sure many will come to the newsagency to get it.

A Milestone for Newsagents and Their Customers

Don't miss out on celebrating this cultural icon's significant birthday! With compelling content and commemorative appeal, The Australian Women's Weekly's 90th-anniversary issues offer newsagents an excellent opportunity to engage buyers.

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