Windows 10 updates now are causing serious problems

For the last few days, people have been complaining of the size of the latest window updates coming down also many have once its loaded been having problems with Windows 10 updates as it knocking out receipt and barcode printer. So our support bay been busy fixing up printer problems over the past week. One point that I do wish is that Microsoft stop releasing updates over the week-end; it really hit hard our after hour and weekend support staff.

Not what is really annoying is that much of what is new in the latest update will be I am sure of minor use to most of my clients. Still once you load the update you may want to try Cortana, which is Microsoft digital personal assistant, although I think its too new to be much use in a commercial setting. Still she is a lot of fun, ask her to tell you a joke, what weather is like, who is going to win the grand final, etc.