Weather does Affect Retail Sales And What You Can Do About It


This recent cold weather sweeping across parts of Australia is a perfect example of how the weather can impact retail sales. As someone who has analysed sales data for many retail clients, I've seen firsthand how changes in temperature and rain can affect product sales. It is not rocket science. Different weather conditions change what people buy.

Matching Products to the Weather

Savvy retailers can use weather fluctuations to boost sales by matching products to the weather.

Want a list? Our software can tell you what sold well on a hot, cold, wet, or whatever day in your shop. 

Go to Register Reports.

Top selling items menu

Now select "Top N Stock Sales for a Given Period."


Top selling items

Put in a date of a hot day and see what you get. Do a few. Now put in a cold day and so on.

Or you can use basic logic when a heat wave is predicted, you can:

> Create a prominent display of cold drinks, popsicles, summer clothes, hats, sunglasses, etc.

> Make sure drink refrigerators are fully stocked.

Likewise, when cold temperatures are coming, they can put in the front:

> Scarves

> Gloves

> Hot drinks

When it is raining

> Umbrellas

> Raincoats and ponchos

A Week-by-Week Strategy

Retailers can easily implement a weather-based sales strategy using these steps:

Categorize products based on weather conditions (hot, cold, rainy, etc.) using past sales data and experience. You can give in categories in your POS Software. 

Hot products might be 

> Water and beverages

> Sunscreen and skincare

> Frozen treats 

> Sun hats

Check the 7-day forecast each week in your area and note any abnormal hot, cold, or rainy days coming up.

Prepare for the forecast by displaying weather-appropriate products prominently. Stock up on hot or cold weather inventory as needed.

Move the appropriate products to the front as the weather conditions change.

Matching your product selection and inventory to upcoming weather gives you sales windows where you can boost conversions. With some preparation, weather fluctuations don't have to hurt your sales.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I'm always happy to help retailers strategise using weather and sales data.

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