Do not forget the last minute shopper


This is the Last minute shopper, you know the person that decides to go shopping for Chinese New Year or Valentine's Day in the last few minutes in a mad rush. 

I've been there myself, thrown out of the house and told to come up with a suitable gift for the occasion. 

This is good news for savvy shop manager ready for this last-minute rush. Here are some tips.

1. Put a sign on the window, so this person knows you have something.

2. Make a featured area with items suitable and easy to find outside on a stand. 

If you are not sure what to offer on that day, see what sold well last year on that day, it will give you some ideas.

This is easy in our POS system.

Go to Register reports.


Now select "Top N Stock Sales for a Given Period".

Select the day. 

Outcomes a report with the top sellers for that day 

3. Offer clear gift alternatives, remember often this shopper has little idea of what to buy. 

4. Offer gift wrap

5. Have appropriate greeting cards on offer if possible.

Final note: Much of the stock is lost if you do not sell on the day, so consider doing deals.


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